Hey user, how was your day? Mine was a bit better than yesterday.
Hey user, how was your day? Mine was a bit better than yesterday
they still around?
Hey user, got the same question yesterday. I'm a yuropoor so I'm not sure, but I've been told there are some in canada.
interesting. haven't seen one in forever
Can't say I have ever seen one. Some anons find this photo interesting. That's why I use it. I found it here, on Jow Forums.
yeah, it is lol.
could have sworn zellers turned into sears.
then again, sears is dead
I have no idea about NA market chains. How was your day user?
boring. literally watched tv all day
There's better ways to spend time, but if you enjoyed it, why not... What did you watch?
ah yeah I guess. the news. gotta get ready for work soon
really bad. my grandmother had a stroke and is now in the hospital. gonna visit her tomorrow :(
Shit, that sucks user. take it easy.
Are you preparing for the happening? That's why you watched the news?
Nope. just bored.
Sorry to hear that user. It's nice that you're going to visit her though. That will make her happy.
In that case, I hope you have a nice day at your job user.
thank you, take it easy.
I went to the movies today by myself i saw "A Quiet Place" i was one of the best horror movies I've seen in a while.
hey user, what is it about?
another day where I didn't leave my house. no different from the past 8 days
Hey user, what do you eat then?
A family trying to survive against monsters that are blind but have super hearing. Wirting the plot reminds me of "pitch black"
Sounds good. I like SF and horror movies.