So Jow Forums, this is probably just me being paranoid but
>board is flooded with pictures of Reiko
>look at some of them
>he looks extremely similar to a faggot I used to know online
>only difference is his hair
>I know the guy owns a long-ish black wig though, similar to the hair in the images of Seiko
I dont know if theyre the same guy but this guy I fucking hate him right and he had a huge trap fetish, would crossdress and try to convince others to and did lots of catfishing and blackmailing shit like Reiko does
>are they the same guy?
probably not, but I dont really know what to think. I have a fair amount of info on this guy, including his moms phone number, but i dont really wanna be wrong after doxxing someone. i couldnt care less what happens to him i just wouldnt like to be traced back to it
what do robots?
Reiko shit?
Forgot to mention, the info spread around by doxxers doesnt match this guys info either, but i heard reiko has been spreading misinfo anyway
Post it all original.
You don't care either way, and I doubt helping us would get you in hot water.
Im just worried because Im the only person who hates this guy, we hate each other A LOT and if anything happened to him he would immediately know it was me and could fuck up my whole life with blackmail material he has
Be a hero my boyo
Become an hero and dump the info
Your life is shit anyway why else would you be here?
HERO YOU HERO NOW HERO WOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be the hero /rk9/ deserves
Yeah but I dont really wanna be put in a psych ward because of shit Ive said being taken out of context and sent to my family
Why do you think that would be the case
Didn't somebody just post his info in another thread
Yeah, thats exactly why Im not sure
Everyones done fucked up shit right? well he used to be my quote on quote best friend so I was retarded enough to tell him things that I do that arent so mentally healthy and I know he would tell my family and ruin my life, it just hasnt occurred to him yet. He sent some other person who used to be his friends nudes to her parents or some shit. Hes nasty when he deems you not worthy of being his friend anymore. Hes a retard
I mean how would they trace it back to you if you had nothing to do with it(you feel me)?
Man I'd say just bleed the fucker, seriously.
Yeah it's all fake. Obviously.
Exactly why the bastard needs to be sunk.
Just post the info or stop attention whoring.
Look man this is what it means to live dude. We're all in this trippy fucking game of battleship bro. Reiko's the ship and it's your turn.
Yea alot of it is disinformation... I laugh at how stupid and oblivious anons are
Maybe its just my anxiety then. I think ill wait a while, its only a little nagging feeling it might be him, ill see what else is dug up. im probably completely wrong anyway and biased in my hatred
Alright, alright. Im probably completely wrong, but heres his moms phone number anyway. Dont want to drop much else until Im sure
You've just taken the first step young hero my hats off to you may we sink this ship.
This is dangerous water. But thank you.
Haven't goten a response yet, but will Reiko unironically pay for my hormones?