The mods are making it hard, but I believe we're capable of winning this war against the trap posters, It would be, however, easier to do so if we asked for help, and helped /b/ and Jow Forums
Do we ask /b/ and Jow Forums for help?
Other urls found in this thread:
move move move we need all the soldiers we can get to fuck this reiko guy up
would /b/ help?
I think so. They're facing similar problems.
Of course. It would be a new Axis Powers.
There you go. We need to unite in order to defeat them.
/b/ is where most of these faggots are. Asking for their help wouldn't do anything
What about Jow Forums? The thread would probably get deleted instantly though.
on /b/ s behalf its a rejection dear Jow Forums
I already post here and on pol
alot of us didn't even hear about this till i checked in, just keep posting it in all the trap/faggot threads and more people will hear about it
If you ask for something on /b/, SOMEBODY is going to take interest.
It's /b/ after all.
And besides, /b/ is larger than Jow Forums, /b/ would be a great ally.
tits with timestamp and we will discuss this, we will appeal the request
Thread theme:
We need to do something about Reiko spamming the board now. He found some random guy and is now spamming his info on every thread. He's hoping to get attention off him.
Do it. Hiroshimoot's SJW mods were a mistake, we need a new board with non-retarded mods and we need to take everyone worth a damn with us.
>a thread getting deleted
>on Jow Forums
literally never happens, no matter how off topic it is
As normal as it is, I suggest we make a discord in order to coordinate operations.
Happens all the time actually
already is one
This. A coordinated discord would be very helpful to sort this mess out. If we had a way to filter out trapposters from joining, we could work this shit out much more easily
This seems like it would be an excellent piece of propaganda if you put /b/, Jow Forums, and Jow Forums over the faces, and put some fitting text in the pit
Indeed. I might just do it.
I'd love to see it user.
Godspeed you magnificent bastard.
It's now a trap thread
flooding this thread with 2d traps
We need to have the mods do something and the best way to do it is to completely destroy this board.
/b/ is unpredictable they might spam more traps
If It's /b/ it WILL happen, the only question is how much
/b/ would be a powerful ally indeed. We just need to remain focused on that fucking degenerate reiko