Why do most girls have such low sex drives compared to men?

Why do most girls have such low sex drives compared to men?

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cum to big white butts (BWB).

Women face higher marginal costs of sex than men do because they are the ones who get pregnant. So, you would expect men to want more sex.

Girls have way more sex drive than men. You're just an unattractive virgin who browses this site too much.

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if you're not an uggo you can get a girl to fuck you 3 times a day

honestly, if you run your relationship only for sex, you can get that pretty easily as long as you dont mind putting up with drama every once in awhile from it

its like two weeks of constant 3/day sex, and then 4 days to a week of her hating your guys and you breaking contact, then you text her again and go back in for a few weeks, eventually you'll probably get dropped, and after enough women you'll have a reputation (assuming you date around your workplace or go from girl to girl based on her friends, and eventually get involved in someones whole social circle), but you'll get fucking laid

This isn't true, otherwise the dynamic would favour males.

Introduce me to your wife, and I'll show you strong female libido.

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thats one nice ass
sauce it if u have it opie

Something like 73% of women own dildos.

Because there are 4 roasties to every Chad, so women evolved to share.

>tfw chad passing but no sex drive
>never have sex and ultimately run away from women due to sexual disinterest

women are fucking succubi, nothing but sex on their minds

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To actually answer your question, birth control. I got my gf off birth control and now I just finish in her ass or mouth instead and her sex drive is twice as high.

Birth control makes a girl's body think she's pregnant and removes her primal urge to be bred by a strong man.

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What are you talking about retard? It is true, and the dynamic does favor males currently. We're stronger (assuming you're not some soy boy), we have higher brain density at birth, and
lack the bullshit of period/pregnancy. If you think that women have control currently, it's because you give them control you fucking beta cuck.

No. Males want sex more than females.
That's why males compete for it, females wait for it.

Sex is a lot more risky for us than males. Males carry like no risk at all when it comes to sex. Females not only typically sustain some minor physical injury from normal sexual activity but also the painful and extremely resource-intensive act of pregnancy.

Women wait for it because they are biologically programmed to be attracted to the man who dominates other men. Then they spread their legs for the winner.

Traps are the way to go OP. Higher sex drive, more loyal, love anal, can't get pregnant, smarter, more interesting....list continues

Right, unlike men who will have sex with anything they can.

Women will compete plenty if you give them something to compete over. You don't just deserve to have the dynamic equal to satiate your lust for poontang when you don't want to put in the effort.

>Tfw self loathing autists can't grasp the social ques of women and blame them for their incel lifestyle

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It does favour males, only about 20% of them though.

>Men who have sex with any pussy they can get are beta, have some self respect and standards for yourself...

Who said anything about equal?
The point is that men want to have sex more than women. Their sex drives are naturally higher.

Right, because biologically a man has infinite sperm and it doesn't hamper him at all to spread his seed around. However women can only carry one child as a time so they have to be more choosy, which makes it appear that they have a lower sex drive.


not anymore ;_;

>comment originale

A lot of people think it's a meme, but for real, it's the lower testosterone.

Higher amounts of testosterone make you hornier more often, it really is that simple.

user have you ever had sex?

>Not a robot
My gf has a HUGE sex drive, worst thing is shes tiny, I can go maybe 5 times in a full day of just foing at it but shell be up next morning asking for more

Do you really believe something that can orgasm 6 times in a row has low sex drive, thats just a lie user

Leutinizing hormones are the same for both men and women. This hormone controls the production of the "sex" hormones for each gender.

In men is pulses and spikes about every hour. In women it is a slow incline, then decline, correlating to monthly ovulation.

tl;dr: because men are fertile 24/7 with minor variations in fertility level, while women are only at peak fertility for a few days a month, and completely infertile at others.

Find a female who is at that most fertile phase and she will absolutely go bonkers for sex. During the rest of the time though? Probably not. And during that time she has the ability to asses herself as a not sex-craved being, and may develop more resistance to her sex-craved (aka "man-like") state when at peak.

This is true to an extent. I take steroids, and after my gf saw all my gains she was curious. I gave her some anavar, which is the mildest shit available and it more than doubled her testosterone. Still WAY below a typical man, but she wanted sex every couple hours.

Downside is she was more bitchy, which makes sense. Generally the more horny a woman is, the more masculine she will be which includes being argumentative.

Basically you must pick between cute pure girl with low sex drive who horny masculine slut.

Depends on the girl. I used to think I had a high sex drive, but she blew me out of the water.

Because women can get fucked literally whenever they want and so they never have to deal with periods of not getting laid

No, they're not.

In almost all species, females will sneak copulations with lower ranking males behind the "alpha" male's back. This risks both the male and female getting harassed and beaten up bu the "alpha" male though.

Males are wired to cull/dominate beta males and thereby prevent access to females.

When you reduce male-male competition aspect of sexual selection, female-choice selection becomes more prominent (usually happens when territory is plentiful, food is plentiful, etc. so males do not congregate). What we see when female choice becomes more successful is more along the lines of males "showing off" otherwise "useless" features like vibrant colors, dances, or songs. Most of those indicate genetic health more than strength.

read related. men also have some parts that are larger, which are associated with sexual arousal, than female brains. I'm too lazy to find out specifically which part this was again (somewhere in the midbrain or something) . Read about the amygdala if you want to learn more.

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No, what's the problem with it?

This isn't relevant enough. There is no inherent correlation between owning one and using one, UNLESS you conduct a survey for this data.
Please post scientific surveys to back up your claims if you have the balls.

I touch myself about 3-5 times a day. Most girls I know masterbate everyday as well. It's just it's more risky for us plus if we come off as eager, we come off as sluts.

Nah guys do. That's why men are so miserable when they get married, because the sex dries up.

Think "male sees swollen vagina, male breeds with it, male's genes get passed on".
The more often he recognizes swollen genitals, changes in coloration around the genitals, etc. the more likely he is to pass that on.

Women have much more discreet ovulation/fertility now to where there are basically no visual indications that females are currently fertile, besides age. So men's crafted "identify opportunity to mate with fertile female" is generalized to just a vague "sex = sex = have sex good, do sex" at any indication of potential fertility (see: any female of age).

Meanwhile men are always fertile, so there is no advantage in women finding any traits sexually stimulating. You also don't have any traits across species that resemble a swollen vagina, the color change of genitals, etc. to signal male "heat" because there is no male "heat".

instead of figuring out their bodies, they expect men to do all the work. just leads to frustration for themselves

because they cant get alpha dick as often as they would like and its the only thing they get horny for

So then how would you really know? Women especially in committed relationships have high sex drive. Just saying being a basement NEET doesn't exactly give you worldly views.

Wanna know how I know your a virgin?

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Nope, been with my girl for 6 years and I can still have more sex than her.

>Not even anecdotal evidence.

I expected slightly better, chad 2001.

>Women have a lower sex drive than m-


She's probably bored of you and fucking black men on the side... It's pretty obvious you don't excite her much.

OP is wrong but your cuck porn proves nothing

Unlikely considering she initiates more than I do. She's unable to go for as many rounds.

>She's probably bored of you and fucking black men on the side...
[I think we fould the real incel guys]

>cuck posting
you're even more pathetic than the average bot

I could anecdote much further but usually it's a waste of time on this site, autists don't usually pick up what I say and get discouraged by their incel behaviors.

>In almost all species, females will sneak copulations with lower ranking males behind the "alpha" male's back.

Yeah that's why all these women are fucking incel men behind CHAD'S back right? This level of cope is unreal.

Well I would say generally the reason has to do with hormones and periods. Generally a healthy female will have a good sex drive, but the week before her period her hormones could dip and not be in the mood same as the week on her period. Of course, not every girl is the same. Some are horny quite often and have a high sex drive. There hormonoes also may not fluxate much and will be able to all the time keep it up. I think you also just have the natural perverts or nymphomaniacs too. Looking into lesbian relationships this is actually something they have problems with too, so I think the best way to approach this is basing it on the girl. I do hope this helps user.

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Exact opposite for me after 5 years m8, she gets annoyed when I'm not in the mood

>immediately goes to black guys


Thus proving women have higher sex drive

>Mentions cuck

Get a better argument than "No you're a cuck!"
>Save it for the playgrounds

Some women have a high one others don't

bullshit women only throw lots of sex at first to hook you in but they don't actually have the sex drive of a man.

You're the one that brought up nigger dicks, it's kind of cucked to not be able to get your mind off that shit

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>no visiual indicators of fertility in female
no, no ,no you have it wrong. It's not exactly a visual indicator, but make-up ( lipstick, blush, the fucking eye shit), clothing, and platform shoes (any shoes that have a wedge which raises the buttocks) are all sums of sexual arousal (biologically) for men. The reason why i bring this up is because it's very common IRL, most women in workplace and school wear make-up and it's only one factor which contributes to the man's desire to mate.
>Age is indicator of fertility
And the reason why age is so important is due to the development of primary and (importantly) secondary sexual characteristics. Most men should be at least attracted to at least wider hips/ and or large breasts. Puberty is a great indicator when a women is fertile and menopause/ old age is another great way to know where to stop. Pheromones are also a thing that both sexes are receptive to but w/e.

>Chad 2001
Underages not welcome here. MOOOOODS

Lmao u autists love feeling bad about how black men dominate your women. Didn't mean to trigger your safespace detector.

Not underage, just way less autistic than all of you.

Hmm I think that is true with women who only want a man for his wealth or something superficial. Otherwise unless her hormones are imbalanced she should want to have sex with you. Sex isn't all about the fucking, it's about the comfort you get from someone you love. When you are with someone because they mean dearly to you, they will want to sleep with you. Or, if they aren't horny they might just give you head.

Black men have a higher sex drive than white men. And are more fertile.

I am an average male and masturbate 8 times a day to completion.
Women have 1-2 orgasms per week.

>Having this much need to answer and justify yourself to every autist on this board
Real chad talk buddy

>posts about a gf cheating with black men specifically
>thinks he isnt a blatant cuck porn connoisseur

kek keep digging that hole

Lmao the "justification" is called a response faggot. Sort of like this one right now, sorry if it wasn't chad enough for you ;)

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Because women know they don't have to work for sex like men do. All they have to do is a pick a dick and open their legs. It's that easy for them. You don't appreciate things you get easily.

You guys seriously don't grasp social cues enough to see someone trolling you. This is why fucking half this board is into boygirls now. All I had to do was say 2 things I know gets you short bussers riled up and you all got your big boy diapers twisted.

I have the same picture saved I almost forgot about it

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again women do enjoy sex but they don't have the sex drive men have. I think sex is more of a tool to control men. women can make him fall in love with sex and make him easier to control.

Oh I agree with you, I was just saying the sex drive part comes naturally when they actually love and care about you. In every other situation it is used like that. Girlfriend gets mad at you? She will withhold sex as punishment. They still masturbate but just don't let you touch them. Which is why I mention having someone actually love you fixes that issue generally. If only it was that easy to find someone like that, but the ones who do are pretty lucky. It is insane to think someone could withhold intimacy just to win an argument or get what they want from you. Anyone who could do that just doesn't love you and isn't worth trying with.

Oh and wanted to add I am not really sure how much of a sex drive I personally have. If it's based off of how horny I am I usually masturbate at least once a day, so would that equal if I had a girlfriend I would want sex once a day?

Just leaving this here.
Looks familiar?

Attached: Durr twas only a ruse.jpg (349x642, 40K)

it hurts me that this wasn't a webm

White bitches always skanky gat dam

No, they don't. Shut your faggot mouth up. I'll fuck you till you love me homo!

>I was just saying the sex drive part comes naturally when they actually love and care about you.

I am still skeptical because in nature female bonobos control men with sex and they don't sexually please male bonobos enough. Male bonobos are then force in to gay sex from the lack of sex from the opposite gender and because they have a higher sex drive then the females.

>My final reply to you betas

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Yeah but you're the retard one for being so insecure about being a virgin loser. Getting mad about black guys "stealing" "your women". Anyways I have a life to love so cya.

Or you know, you could post statistics to back up your claim. But there aren't any, are there?

Because men are driven to impregnate as many women as possible, while a woman only really needs one mate. That's why harem is the best arrangement.

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that's some good mating

>Guys this is my last reply i swear i have a life
And then this happened

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>gets BTFO for being a retard
>bye guys I have a life
>goes to his cuck archives to "work out the issues"

>Yeah that's why all these women are fucking incel men behind CHAD'S back right? This level of cope is unreal.

No, because humans generally "mate" in a monogamous pattern, not 1 male to many females (inb4 "but chad fucks 100 bitches"; no, you don't live with and have multiple gilfriends in the way species like chimps too where the top males hoards females).

You do still see males and females cheat within monogamous relationships, though, but because there is not a "male ranking" in species like this, you do not have the same situation of a female sneaking copulations with a "subordinate" male to her "mate" (who is every female's mate). You only have her cheating on her singular mate with a random.

Neither situation demonstrates females have a preference for "Chad". Females, when left to their own devices, do not typically select for size/strength. They select for visual factors that may be related to other pre-programmed visual stimuli.

>(inb4 "but chad fucks 100 bitches"; no, you don't live with and have multiple gilfriends in the way species like chimps too where the top males hoards females).
you're delusional that women wouldn't do this if they could

they absolutely would not
women are incredibly jealous and competitive within each other
they would fight viciously with each other to secure rights to chad

No, they're only competitive when there's a risk of not being able to mate with Chad. If he's fucking them all they don't care.

most women don't even want to breed/reproduce
they just want chad to be theirs

Youre actually retarded if you think theres no correlation between buying a dildo something only used for sexual used and not using it. Every girl who buys a dildo is going to use it when a man isnt fucking her

>not even (You)
shit image

>harem is best arrangement
>until the betas get so fed up and kill you

Testosterone increases sex drive.
Birth control pills lower testosterone levels.
More than 50% of women take birth control pills.

Two people were posting under Chad 2001 check the post numbers you retards.

>Anyone can type the name in.


this is not uncommon for chimps. "beta" males will gang up against the leader, forming coalitions, then murder him. they often attack the genitals of the ruling male as well.

I'm pretty sure males just simply like sex more than females.

I mean, is it really that hard to believe? Strip clubs, prostitution (males paying females for sex), pornography (mostly aimed towards males) intercourse not being pleasurable for women ect...

It's no surprise they do not care much for sex.