why do girls like apple stuff so much ?
Why do girls like apple stuff so much ?
Apple devices and iOS look nice, are expensive, and are easy to use, which is why normalfags, especially female normalfags, like them.
Because everyone uses them, so they want to use them too.
>People like stuff
Oh gee really? How facinating!!
apple fanboy ?
Because they are expensive and women use them as a symbol of status like jewlery or a car or other accessories. I guarantee you women use phone, texting, web browser and a couple of social media apps. Same apps you could use on a faster android phone for less money, but they don't care about that. They want to show their status even if they are paying $200 for like 2 years for a phone that will be worthless in 2 years.
i agree .such a sad world people are like this.
When it come to phones you really only got 2 options. You either go with apple or Android. I choose apple because it's a fast phone with a stable OS.
also apple is a brand and android is an operating system, there are many different phone brands that use their iteration of it, and it differs alot.
Same reason they waste money on bags, clothes, etc.
Anyone who buys apple products doesn't deserve to breathe.
Women like popular brand names. It shows off status. Why do you think they only date Chads and rich men?
the only good ones are Samsung and Pixel, which cost as much as iPhone anyway
>inb4 chinkshit with PajeetOS
Read the Bible. Women's obsession with apples goes back to the beginning of mankind.
The only reason to use a phone is for phone calls. Degeneracy has really taken off at full speed the past 10 years.
OnePlus bro
Mother fucking this. I like it for texting also, anything else is fucking degenerate. It's almost as if phone posters are an incurable form of cancer
because it's a trend. women follow whatever the jew makes popular. it's the most popular thing so they buy it, giving the jew more power and money.
women are fucking retards that just follow popular trends and are very susceptible to marketing.
enjoy your notch
Simple, when it comes to smartphones there're just 2 options Apple and Samsung (to some degree Pixel might be a third). Anything else is crap.
So the decision is a $1000 iOS or Android facebook/IG shitposting machine, anything else is about the shiny factor and FOTM cases that are available.
>my ex bought the iPhone X just because there was a ohhhh so shiny LV cover for it... Literally no other reason
Seriously, why do people care what they make phone calls on? You can't give a shit about phones and not like cocks.
Nothing dries up pussy faster than getting a green text ;)
>only good ones
Honor, Sony, OnePlus...