r9k is a bit slower than usual today. let's just have a chat and talk about what's on your mind
R9k is a bit slower than usual today. let's just have a chat and talk about what's on your mind
There were a bunch of bans handed out for the stuff these past 48 hours. That's all.
That's on my mind desu.
just taking refuge from the warzone
No more traps, pretty good.
this to me is glory to my ears. There are dedicated boards to talk about traps like /lgbt/. I dont go into /tv/ asking for artwork critiques, so why do traps come in here and post their trappery.
As far as the OP, I just got my prints in from a few photos and they turned out bretty good. Otherwise its a nice slow day off for me
This week's been slow for me, and it barely started. I need a bit of excitement, you know?
killing time watching some cartoons from my youth, just started re watching some old edd ed n' eddy and recess. damn, those there the days
about fucking time the mods started cleaning up the spam on this board.
got burned by water on my hands weeks ago and it doesnt wanna heal. how fix?
burn it again to teach your hand who is in control
>miss deadline for important exam project
>teacher extends deadline
>miss it again because me and the rest of my group are all unmotivated pieces of shits
Why am i like this
youd think youd use the money you're spending to atleast pass
This is what worries me when I go to Uni. In year 2 there's a group assignment. What if most of the group don't do it? How is that fair if I fail?
I don't like my "friends." They never support me. When I got my first job they shit on it, when I got accepted to my chosen university they shit on it, they never take my aspirations seriously. They've backstabbed me recently (not talking about that) and are generally not good people. Problem is I work with these faggots. How do I distance myself without making it awkward? I'm gonna have to find a new job me thinks
got kicked out of school for the 3rd time today.
ouch when that happens to me i usually just let it go away by itself but i heard aloe vera helps. or you can use a potato skin
There was a big raid a few hours ago of more shitty trap threads and Jow Forumstarding. I came in, saw it and left. I imagine a lot of other robots did the same.
what did you get kicked out for?
most people who are "friends" are like that. you guys probably only talk/hang out together because of convenience. if i were you depending on how much i like the job i wouldn't quit because of them
Been kinda depressed being jobless. Have been searching for 6 months now. I guess it shows some strength of character that I haven't given up searching yet, but also shows some naivety and foolishness
is there a certain type of job hunting you're doing or are you just taking what you can get?
i didnt show up anymore
Today I was having my usual evening walk and I ended up looking into a window where some girl was in her bra. She closed the curtains, probably because she was gonna take it off, but it made me feel really pathetic for some reason. I guess I realized that I'm a lowly existence on this planet, but what's worse is that I probably could have fixed it if I had just started doing the right things at 18 or 20. If I had just, for example, socialized at that young age, picking up hot girls wouldn't be a problem by now. Same goes for drawing, playing guitar, exercising, etc. It just hit me how I fucked up my youth by worrying and taking it for granted. Now I'll never be able to pick up that hot bra girl, play guitar well, fight like a pro, etc.
Aah Christ it's painful to think about.
That's what's on my mind...
I don't even remember today. My life is so monotonous that every day kinda merges into one
>most people who are "friends" are like that. you guys probably only talk/hang out together because of convenience. if i were you depending on how much i like the job i wouldn't quit because of them
No we hang out and go to parties with each other. They were fine before I actually had plans for my life and they had fuck all.
that sucks. the same thing happened to my old penpal. my advice would be to clear up whatever else is preventing you from attending, which of course is easier said than done. is it because of depression issues?
I have a degree in an employable field with a few years if experience. I've been on maybe 15 interviews, but for some reason it just always falls through the cracks and I get nothing. I guess I'm just bad at sealing the deal
huh. i hear about that sometimes but i never actually experienced it first hand. like i heard when people get a gf or a new job their friends tend to feel betrayed. you think that might be what's happening? also how did they backstab you?
This is what I don't want. Recently I have this hunger to do everything in my power to improve my life and become rich.
Literally get rich or die trying vibes. I've lived my whole life worrying about money and I ain't living another 60 more about it. I don't want to get to 40 and regret not doing anything. I know it will eat away at me and I'll never forgive myself. But some people are just happy living normal lives
yeah it is went to thereapist and everything but nothing seems to work
Sometimes I forget what vitamins i took today and start freaking out whether or not to take more or whether I took them at all.
how do you do in the interviews? i had an interview for something super important once and even though everything was perfect on paper the interviewer was really weirded out by my autism
i went to a therapist. i meabt to say shit typo
I have jock itch for the 8th time. I don't know what it is about my folds, but I'm constantly getting it on my groin and butt crack, it makes me feel so dirty.
Get one of those pill boxes which have the days wrote on them
i heard you don't need to take vitamins unless your doctor prescribes them. what vitamins do you take? i have this vitamin c one that tastes just like candy
Going back to being depressed...
I'll graduate from college in 3 months and don't feel prepared at all to start working.
I'm also suffering from a bad case of oneitis right now.
How about you OP?
did they give you pills and everything? they just seem to make things worse for me. my therapist gives me the worst advice too, like every time i have a panic attack i'm supposed to think about "things i like about myself" to calm me down. what did you guys do in therapy?
I'm like 50/50 with the interviews. Some of them I know I screw up on, others I respond so well that you could swear I was a politician. I always try to bring a positive attitude to them, and explain how my past experiences have been good learning experiences and what I have learned from them. I just dont get it.
Yeah I need to keep track, get a journal or anything.
I don't have doctor I just like taking a lot of vitamins to make me feel "optimal" I take multivitamins, krill oil, magnesium, collagen, creatine, etc.
i dropped out of college because everything was getting so bad. i think if i hadn't dropped out i would have graduated by now. it's funny because in school i was always known as the "smart one" and i always placed at the top of my classes. so i'm just riding out the hikki neet life for now.
the same btw my therapist stopped a couple of months ago so i just have a councelor that doesnt do shit. They both said the things your therapist said. I only got light sleeping pills because they think that was the case because i didnt sleep much but im just to stressed out to sleep.
what field are you in? it could be something that has to do more than your degree/ experience
do you actually see any changes with those vitamins? like is your skin better because of the collagen? i think i need to take something because my nails are brittle
i don't like taking pills but you could always ask them to up the dosage if you think it will help you sleep. also have you heard about those weighted blankets? they're supposed to help if you're too anxious to sleep.
The way I got rid of my panic attacks is realising when ever I have them I know they can't hurt me or cause any harm, they just show me up. Then I never had them again.
>what field are you in?
Financial sector. I'm sure that's part of the problem. Some days I wish I went into something more scientific where knowledge and understanding is highly valued
I also was the smart kid, the top grade of my class. But on college my grades have always been average. The bad thing is that I only studied for tests, and now that I'll graduate I feel like i know nothing and am getting dumber by the day. And despite feeling awful all the time I still can't gather motivation to study even in this final stretch.
nah pills dont work will look maybe though because im anxious at sleeping. The main thing a try now is game myself to sleep
I just black out when I have just cant think straight. I try to control it but it fails a lot
Yeah, the vitamins are helping me feel better, the Krill oil for example is helping my joints but mind you, I've been putting retinol (ran out of it the other day), using a cleanser, vitamin C serum, etc on my face and my acne is going away and my skin looks better than it did when I was school 7 years ago. If you a robot (not a female wouldn't want to give you advice but I can't be too sure) then you should invest on things for you face and health, it's worth it. In this regard I'm succeeding but I still have zero social skills whatsoever but it's a small victory.
Well yeah you have to let them come to you and whenever you think one might be coming just say to yourself they can't harm you. It's like being afraid of the dark. You... aren't afraid of the dark are you?
thats were you wrong ma boi
Oh shit me too. I just kinda sighed and forgot again until you mentioned that. tfw you need vitamin supplements or else the lethargy becomes unbearable
Faggot prove me wrong fucking cunt cocksucker
cant sorry I am one fucked up kid
ive just hit a low today been fine for about a month and was really happy yesterday, but now i just kinda want to fade away
I have done everything society has told me to do yet I am still completely alone. By all accounts except that loneliness, I'm a winner. Yet I have no concept of how to speak to people and people refuse to try to understand me, yet if I do the slightest mistake I'm an nonredeemable monster. The very idea of approaching someone scares me, and I beat myself over mistakes I think I made while talking to people for days after I talked to them. I'm already 25 and I'm not getting any younger. I'm scared.
I get those. Make some gravy dip your cock into it and suck yourself off. Makes tummy feel fun
Believe you me, knowledge and understanding are not valued at all in scientific disciplines. It's all politics through and through.
nothing can stop my panic attacks because they're caused by my really bad agoraphobia. i get an instant one whenever i go outside. i passed out from it once because i was too nervous to breathe
don't worry finances is a pretty good career choice considering everyone else with much more useless degrees. what about those online certification things that could help you pad your resume more? though i doubt you need them
i had a perfect gpa when i dropped out. if i had the health to keep studying in school i would've been like you, feeling lost and unprepared. i'd probably not looking for a job after school and still end up a neet. what are you studying? does your college have those building connections/job programs you could go to?
that's great, i'm glad i don't get acne anymore and my skin is okay for the most part except my cheeks are always red. i don't think it's rosacea. also i have keratosis pilaris on my arms and i heard there's no cure for that
yeah, that happens. sometimes i get cautious if i find myself too happy because it hurts more being swung from one extreme to another so suddenly. is there anything that caused it?
Way I got over that is by realising most people aren't as smart as me (un-ironically) saying this, and realise they're worthless. And people who are smarter than me, I either respect them or think they're faggots. But I don't find them intimidating
>nothing can stop my panic attacks because they're caused by my really bad agoraphobia. i get an instant one whenever i go outside. i passed out from it once because i was too nervous to breathe
Heh, think you might be fucked then
You have no clue what you're talking about. It's easy to link your posts together because every one of them is ignorant to the point of abhorrence. Fuck you.
you should have people in your life who you can practice speaking with. it's good that you're talking with us here because most people can relate to that. these people who you have conversations with, are you close enough to them that they know about your worries? if they were your friends or family they could understand right?
kinda hate living desu. wanna ask doc for xans or some shit but I'm scared
i am, but i'm optimistic for now. at least i'm not nervous to the point where talking to people anonymously freaks me out anymore
It's kinda hard to tell what product/vitamin is working because i'm taking so much at once but you should look into Niacinamide and take a multivitamin that has the sufficient amount of B vitamins, or take a "hair, skin, and nails" vitamin. if you could have only buy one. Vitamin B and C are the ones that help you skin the most. My cheeks are no longer red because of these, I think. I don't know about your other condition, on your arms, sorry to hear that, user.
scared of what? are you afraid of being judged or being denied or becoming dependent on them?
Hey faggot, I'm just giving MY advice.
> It's easy to link your posts together because every one of them is ignorant to the point of abhorrence. Fuck you.
And Kek I was hoping someone would notice.
But that also helps my point if you are able to link my points together then you should know I'm only giving my advice, and what worked for me. Of course, depending on if you know everything I posted.
feeling rather greatful that r9k exists
little bit of judgement and dependency. my anxiety and depression are so crippling I can't live normally anymore but I'm afraid medication will make me flip out or something. the post about the guy who killed his mom and friend the other day creeped me out. then there's the fact that it'll mean I finally gave in to the medication meme.
At this point, the best thing that could happen for me it to go to bed and never wake up.
>what about those online certification things that could help you pad your resume more?
I get the best ones on the market. I'm hoping I'm just unlucky right now with my search
I'm finishing medschool. I can't get the thought that the first day after college I'll fuck up really hard and lose my title out of my head.
thanks user, yeah i'll probably need some vitamins at least for my nails. i think they're brittle because i wash my hands too often. and actually now that i think about it maybe my cheeks are red because my skin is really translucent. i can see all my veins very clearly from my upper arms all the way to my finger tips. kind of freaks me out
i'm grateful you exist
yeah i get your dilemma. all those meds made me really stupid and hollow so i gave up on them. do your meds at least help you function?
isn't there at least one thing you can look forward to everyday? but i understand how you feel, when i feel like that i actually i go to bed and sleep
yeah, that's what it sounds like. nowadays job hunting for six months sounds like the norm even if you are in a highly employable field
that's a normal feeling for graduates user. you can't know what will happen until it happens. at least this makes you cautious. do you have a plan?
If I keep feeling this way I'll be dead by the end of the month.
I asked a girl out.
She said yes.
Later she tells me she has a boyfriend, bur still wants to hang out.
I have no idea what her intentions are, but I don't want to fall into orbit around her, but I'd really like to spend time with her.
What the fuck do I do robots?
Tell her straight out that you will not let her use you like a dispensable towel and throw you away once she's done. Then stay away from her forever.
There's nothing. I have nothing that interests me, and I'm just wasting time.
This, but don't say dispensable (I think he spelt that wrong hehe). But don't say tell. Make it dirty to say "bitch, I aint gonna let you use me like a cum rag and throw me away after a few uses." The use of the word cum will get her horny and will want you more. Then you fuck her and then send her the message again. But this time for real and forget the bitch.
I think I have kidney stone, the pain is real.
Stick a finger up your bum. Just an inch. If it is really tight, like tighter than when you did it last week then it means you're still a faggot slurping and drooling for cock
do you really think it's possible to spend time with her without falling into orbit? that's just torture for you, user
can you describe what you're feeling to me?
what do you think could make you happy?
ouch, i heard that's one of the worse pains. where does it hurt and what does it feel like?
>can you describe what you're feeling to me?
Depression has come back because I made the mistake of feeling happy about something and now instead of being a night only ordeal I woke up this morning unable to stop crying for no reason and just feeling like I was going to collapse.
I'll graduate in July, and since here in my country the selective processes to join residency programs don't happen until October, and, the residency starts in March, I'll have a gap in which I could find some work as a general practitioner, or exclusively study to apply for residecy. And this is a huge dilema for me, 'cause on one side I'm really afraid of fucking up, and on the other side I don't want to continue being a burden to my parents.
Everywhere, even my tooth is hurting.
It feels like i took a beating.
>what do you think could make you happy?
Starting to love my life i guess, but I'm doing nothing to achieve that.
Starting to live my life I meant, but loving it is important too and I need that as well.
this doesn't sound like nephrolitiasis
i know that feel all too much. you've come down from it right? what have you done to calm down?
well even if you mess up, your parents will still be there to support you right? i think it'll make them proud to see you even try. also don't worry about messing up before you even do it, i'm sure you know what i mean when i say you'll waste many opportunities like that
that could mean a lot of things, user. what makes you think it's because of kidney stones? does it hurt when you pee?
what would you consider to be living your life? what do you really want?
same here
you all are pals, i don't care at all if you fight with each other so often
you're family
>what would you consider to be living your life? what do you really want?
Getting out of my room, having a social life, actually be happy, and eventually get a job.
But I do jack shit to fix myself because I'm too lazy to do it, or I don't want to. I don't even
know any more. I just fucking hate myself for leeching off my parents who are too fucking
good to me.
i'm in the same position actually so i know how you feel 10000%. why can't you get out of your room? do you have agoraphobia like me? if i had friends i'd like them to help me practice going outside but alas i have none.
I believe FedEx hired me today. I'm glad, it's a job I can actually do. Jobs were I interacted with many people always caused me to meltdown emotionally. I don't know what is wrong with me. At least I can make myself some money. My mom will be happy too.
I don't think so, I think it's more pure fear of interacting with others and making a fool of myself. I have friends which I haven't seen since I dropped out of college
and I'm trying not to break contact with them, but like my previous friendships I don't see these last.
Yeah, since I'm having this thoughts for quite a while I'm starting to sort things out, I'll probably try to find a job where I don't have to handle complex patients and go through with it until I can join the Radiology residency.
Agreed. Here I can get some things out of my chest that I can't in real life.
>interested in a girl
>I'm the only guy she talks to, she's incredibly shy
>talked to her for a few months, haven't asked her out because it could make other stuff in our lives awkward
>planning on asking her soon though
>friends find out
>cannot comprehend why I would care about a girl after 6 months
>think having a relationship is stupid when you can fuck whores
I don't know how things got so bad
I don't even know why I still talk to these people
That's good, user. Don't worry I think I know the same feel. I hated working with a real Chad and always hearing about other co-workers from the same shop and other shops fucking him and even showing me a video of him fucking a girl in the company van. I hated hearing that one of the co-workers wanting to "hit it and quit with me" only I was too autistic to do anything and she ended up fucking a guy much uglier than me. That, and a bunch of other shit I don't want to write about. I hated knowing those people, I always cried on my way home. I don't work there anymore but I want to go back because it was the easiet job ever and decent pay,. I'm a neet now again but I hate not working.