For me, it's big uncut cocks

For me, it's big uncut cocks.

Attached: WILLIAM.jpg (3120x4160, 834K)

fun fact, erect they look the same
cut and uncut

For me, its the glory of purging you faggota from this board.

Wrong, cutfags usually have a dry, crusty head.

Post more cocks like this

This is why I will never post my dick. You niggers would repost it like crazy.

Whos dick is that, im female and i wanna ride it

facts were made

Manlet leaf from here. It's why it looks so big compared to the rest of him. Probably lurking.

God...I bet it looks delicious

It looks like a dick. Same as any other one just bigger.

Shame the mods can't appreciate them. This gay conspiracy on Jow Forums is a joke.

Attached: tumblr_mv3wcuVHj51qcq6xno1_1280.jpg (960x1280, 231K)

fits trap shills then race-bait shills now homosexual-shills.

sage and report my friends, we need to purge the filth off this board back to /lgbt/
where they belong.


Never posted it. He's just an anonymous dude.

I dunno all dicks have minor differences and size is definitely one of them, so quit being so humble user, I bet your dick is very nice looking, no homo.

I wish I can produce pre cum like that

That's because you're a homosexual
Unless of course you're a biological female
But if not
Then take it to /lgbt/
get banned
then complain that you need a NSFW /lgbt/
you're doing more harm than good here

that small-ass thumb only makes it look thicker

...wwhat...ok this is a first

you took that from a random thread you found to feel a little better about yourself, because you look like an ugly ogre?

>a first
cutfags vs uncutfags is a battle likely as old as Jow Forums itself

literally what? lmao cutfag here... never had a dry head in my entire life

Old as the internet probably.

i meant this argument
ive heard the weirdest shit already, but this is ... it obviously comes from some insecurity of his. but i was told about this place being full of losers.
my stance:
cut d is less sensitive (which is shitty for the dude) but looks nice.
normal d is sensitive but looks weird to me. limp uncut d looks unsightly.
i'd rather be uncut, but definitely not for the looks.

>that feminine hand

guys why cant i get hard without fapping

because you won't stop fapping

but even if i go a day or two without it doesnt help

your dick is less sensitive and all crusty because its cut and therefore rubs on the inside of your pants etc

are you retarded? you got kiked at birth

i like memes too

it really is much less sensitive
are you a fucking brainlet?
ask men who have been cut as an adult you idiot