What happend Jow Forums

what happend Jow Forums
what the fuck happend

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Wait where are the reiko threads?

Doxxing is against the rules.

Being raided by pol is too but yeah.

mods are on reikos sides mate

But he's literally scum.

I hate to sound like a newfriend, but who is Reiko and what did she do?

Reiko is responsible for all the trap threads, he and his discord server exploited autists by getting them to send picture of themselves and then forcing them to take HRT or else they would doxx and them and send their pic to family and friends

a tranny who sexually harasses and sometimes assaults underage children, who also raped his dog

Has no one sent out the discord name or server link to hit with spam bots or anything?

Oh shit. Then Reiko deserves to get doxxed.

Everyone realized this isn't something to be worried about because it really isn't

mods are deleting the reiko threads because you fucking autists flooded the board with literally dozens of "who is this, whats happening" threads instead of having one thread for this bullshit. mods are gods

This is what they have been doing

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All this is just an excuse shitposting obsessively for a few days

Trannies lad.

Fag that has a trap harem in discord, he basically kept spamming with his harem trap threads and "how good HRT is". A thread from a week a go told a story about how he got blackmailed into doing HRT by Reiko.

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A allegedly my ass

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>inciting a terroristic threat

Enjoy jail time bucko


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>how he got blackmailed

Meant the guy that made the thread, not Reiko

The mods and Reiko crew happened. Spamming of tranny threads, boipucci, cuck, sissy, passive aggressive roastie-tier r9gay threads.

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You can just Ctrl+Shift+I on discord and you can edit the Html without reason only archive.is post is worth anything it's fine if you hate them but when you can easily edit text in disocrd it kinda makes this shit rather retarded when you can just inspect element on discord and make someone say whatever you like


i fucking hate reiko desu. fucking tranny normies and fucking trap normies, ugh

>what happend Jow Forums
>what the fuck happend

You were born.

ctrl+shift+I and you can edit discord messages with ease

>there is a widespread narrative to discredit an obscure group of autists by almost all of the board
>a group of faggots are shilling their trap threads here and congregating via discord

I mean it's fine if you hate them but shit can be falsified easily on discord with easy a total retard can just ctrl +shift+i and inspect element and make ppl write the marine pasta if they wanted you need archive.is to prove that shit being real or not


So out of discord group which one were you.

You could just as easily inspect anything else using f12. So what are we gonna do, discredit all screnshots as fake?

None cause i'm not on it but it's possible to just do this with ease if a retard like me who doesn't know much about this shit can do it by just typing ctrl +shift+ i and get access to edit shit someone with some modicum of know how can easily fake shit try out yourself if you have a discord.

ifunny.co/fun/p7QR6e3g5?s=cl read that

I bet he bought that account for the cool account number (and he probably couldn't afford the better ones). Shows how very much attention-hungry these discordfags are.

>implying traps were the bigger problem
This board is normie infested. Even most "robots" are failed normies. Jow Forums will never be anything more than a cesspool.

Stop shilling, faggot. This story is too wide-spread to be fake. You're implying there's a board-spread conspiracy to ruin some obscure trap server. Fuck off.
You're obviously in panic. You typed out the same "ctrl+shit+i" bullcrap 4 times now. Save it to the investigators. Tell them how "uh discord can be edited mr officer, dont believe what i wrote here" roflmao

Regardless, Discord has the chat logs despite Reiko and friends purging the channels.

hi reiko trying to make it seem like were the bad ones

Avoid theses fucks at all cost.

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reiko is fucked. plain and simple. prison is gonna be hell for that poor trapfag

>it was all an edit
Lmao that shits server side and Discord is investigating em

This desu. Why would the ENTIRE fucking board plus e-celebs care about some trap discord if there was truly nothing to be had? This guy is fucktarded at covering his ass.

Pic related is what I think happened. Some of it might be off.

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There is absolutely no reason for faggotry on Jow Forums They have their own board. If it is too normie for them they need to petition for their own board. For God's sake we have a /v/, /vg/, /vr/ and a /vp/. I also recommend a similar board for the roasties.

Actual robots should not have to see half the threads about traps, roasties attention whoring and general homo stuff. Flooding this board with pussification is obviously an attack on Jow Forums. If this board's traffic drops dramatically, good.

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That's a question with an open answer.
Indeed, what does one do when they can no longer rely on the information presented by reality?
How does one make sense of a world with photo, video, and audio that can be digitally manipulated and articulated into presenting whatever reality the puppeteer chooses?

Do you exit the system completely? Try to change it from the inside? Destroy it?
Nobody has the answers.

all of his trap fag buddies have deleted their discords. they all guilty and they fucked lol

>people sharing real pictures and information about themselves to strangers
It's hard to believe that this is r9k.

>what happend Jow Forums
>what the fuck happend
The real redpill is that Reiko is a symptom of this society just as we are.
Now we need a cure.

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Did they delete them, or did Discord do it?

And they say that the twisted perception of reality of a robot holds no danger for people around. Look at thr kind of retardation this 20/80 meme has brought upon us all.
I'm starting to think memes are accelerating the downfall of mankind.

>thread where the entire board posts a multitude of screencaps, pictures, and doxes that link up to Reiko's other accounts
>lol no one has the answers

You will be hanged like the rest of them.

Like i said if you want to fuck with them it's fine but it puts shit into doubt when you can easily inspect element the shit out of discord and make anyone say whatever the fuck they want with ease
keep fucking with them if you want i'm just bringing this shit up that any one can easily fakethis shit.


It's to bad you can't delete your account unless discord staff does it for you.

true I apologize.

>literally spamming the same link because he has no other arguments

its reiko in disguise lol

My fucking god. Your articulation & phrasing is so poor and repetitive that I'm thinking you may even be an anti-Reiko guy posing as a Reiko-shill to make Reiko look even worse.

I first had though this shit was for real but then i foudn this shit and started to edit shit on discord if anything discord enabling this feature pretty much guarantees that ppl can do shit and have plausible deniability hence why people realy on archive.is and other progrma to save shit that a screenshot can easily fake with inspect element

Shut the fuck up. If it wasn't for normies creating a bit of conflict, this place would be fucking boring. Don't lie to yourself, you don't actually want an echochamber where you can only hear your voice. You want a safe and anonymous outlet to tell rknormals what you would never dare to tell Brent, Stacy and Chad IRL.

fuck reiko

Jow Forums happened, originally.

Any links to his ama's?

I want the link

>this place would be fucking boring
For you, faggot. Maybe you enjoy getting baited by beta cucks posing as non-KV normies, but I assure you that you're in the minority.

>Don't lie to yourself, you don't actually want an echochamber
Except I use other chans where an "echochamber" is the exact thing I get. Stop armchair psycho-analyzing, faggot.

But what if I want to become a cute tranny!!!!

You don't need some fag on discord to help you do that

You will be trampled like someone who tripped on a Black Friday at Walmart. Don't mess with me. I am to be left strictly alone, under punishment from the Great One.

Your whole pic related reeks with normie stench.

>implying Jow Forums would be coordinated enough to "sage" threads
>implying Shuaiby an heroed because "lack of money" when we know he had disposable income and killed himself because he didn't want to work or go to college

le everything i feel like is true is true on the internet meme

You will be hanged and turned to ashes like the rest of your bretheren.

Pol came here, turns out they are all completely mental and they lost the little reason they had left with reiko's epic troll spam.

You sure it isnt because this guy pushed a kid to kill himself?

and yet you suck nigger cock

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you can leave

My brethren? You speak of yourself. Listen to what I'm saying. Everyone has the capability to lie, cheat or otherwise "warp reality."
The question of what to do and how to quickly detect it is not only an open question, but can make whoever answers it very rich.

>epic troll spam
yeah man radical! the guy totally planned it to be exposed and have himself painted as a sociopathic pedophile along with everyone who helped, cool!

You will be drawn and quartered, faggot.

You will burn in Hell.

Keep fighting the good fight. Trapfags are a blight

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t. Reiko
But I won't burn as good as you when they turn you to kindling, fudgepacker.

We're reclaiming Jow Forums.
Trap, sissy, gay threads belong on They've been going on for far too long and have basics overtaken our board for the past two years.

Gee golly guys i guess that proves it, It was all a reverse psyop.
Wow i sure feel sorry for that reiko guy now, how will i ever do the right thing now.

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>Literally the sixth time he's pushing the "inspect element" bullshit.

Look kiddo, we get it. We know how websites and Discord works. But the evidence is solid. Multiple sources of the same event makes the event authentic, this is a basic rule. So understand this and shut the fuck up.
Reiko got reported to the FBI already, and we know Discord hoards all the data it can get, which FBI can access to since Discord is literally a shill app.
In time there will be an investigation and your sorry ass (and your dickgored friends) will be detained. Either run away now or shut the fuck up.

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>trap threads were a psyop on social rejects.

I called this goddamn shit.

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The same that happens to all boards
>drop the elitism
>get saturated by newfags who have no idea what the board should be like
>newfags turn the board into their own liking killing what it previously was

I'm the one with the napalm. Try it.

You must be extra new here laddie.

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That's him?

penis pump filter cunt

Discord was one of the worst things to happen to Jow Forums.

I think the mods deleted it. He had two last night but was really vauge

I found the link to Reiko's ama. The mods 404ed it at around 150 replies
boards.Jow Forums.org/r9k/thread/44560230/reiko3333-here
He used his trip code as well

Nice damage control faggot.

Hahahahahahaha, no fucking shit?

>all this normie drama shit

fucking hell

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I mean. I have his Doxx but I thought that was common knowledge by now

I don't understand why you believe r9k is a board with any specific userbase. Its a topicless nsfw board with no rules about content except unique posts. People can post about guns, cars, politics or gay shit here if they want, because they can post about anything

Explain. Where did these photos come from? I went to bed at 3 AM.

Is this really Reiko without his wig?

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Jow Forums is raiding trying to get us mad at a non issue
Some nerd took screen shots of the discord of the one tranny/trap thread and doesn't understand irony so he thinks there's a conspiracy to make the freaking frogs gay

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Imagine being such a leddit tier faggot that you take screenshots as absolute evidence rather than actually trying to findreal evidence for your shit.

You forgot the part where this all started on Jow Forums then someone asked Jow Forums to help. It was never a raid, keep trying to spin that lie. This is angry robots lashing out trying to push back.

>wow I'm not even Jow Forums

>it's just a non issue

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