An hero

hey does anyone have any info about the guy who an heroed a few weeks ago? pic related

Attached: an hero.png (520x418, 231K)

Other urls found in this thread:

talk about being out of the loop, look at the state of the rest of the board and you will find out

You shouldn't have come here. Go back to where you came from, friend. Learn to use the internet while you're away too.

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Reiko being involved is just speculation made by random anons.
He most likely have nothing to do with him

He was some weeb, the rumours of him being somehow involved in this trap discord debacle have no evidence so probably are not true. His MAL is still up.

Lonely robot lured by the false promise of love by being a cute boy and blackmailed into taking hormones. He killed himself as a result

good cover reiko

Hey I didnt bring up Reiko

Even though he admitted that he was one that could not be saved?

Literally everyone after my post did. You know it was going to happen.

I just want to find out who he was. Like, googling teen suicides comes up with a lot of results...

Reiko? Forums/Reiko+gets+exposed/wuwwLjh/

fuck me he's ugly

This could mean anything.

I know you're being ironic, but I think it should still be mentioned that we'd know about Reiko the day after Shuaiby shot himself if Reiko was the cause, because basically all the info we know of Shuaiby is based off of his Discord friends who would know if Shuaiby was a member of a "trap harem". So any Reiko - Shuaiby connection is very likely false.

He shot himself because he didn't want to go to collage or work, and some claim that there was some situation with his mother (some say they had a feud, some say his mother was sick (which makes no sense), etc) but this could be speculation. So he shot himself. There's no definite reason as far as we know. He just didn't want to keep going as the failure son of a mid-high class family.

>I just want to find out who he was.
Why? The guy is dead, you cannot help him anymore.
Apparently he was having problem with his mother or something. I have no clue if he had a shitty family or if he was just depressed to the point that any minor thing would piss him off. People kill themselves when they can't take it anymore, deal with it. He's not the first and not the last. What makes him special is that he did it here on livestream.

A couple of years ago, when toaster Steve attempted suicide on /b/, nobody cared that much. The very next day /b/tards was talking about the death of the faggot guy from Fast and Furious instead.

Did you know Shuaiby?

No. But the things I say in my thread are authentic. Some user had posted 4-5 screencaps of his convos with Shuaiby (pic related is one of them), and from that convo we know that he had very little motivation to work and go to collage, and he wanted to end it.
We also know that he's from a mid-high class family because he lived in a private gated community, and also could fucking impulse-buy a tactical shotgun.
The mother bit isn't authentic as far as I know.

Attached: 1521215973813.jpg (717x843, 51K)

He was an Jow Forums user, and specifically said bye to the community in his final message.

Details pinpointing exactly why he did it are murky, and probably always will be. What we do know is that two months ago he had stolen money from his parents to purchase the gun he used in his suicide, and they were extremely angry over this. He had not been on good terms with them since then, especially his mother. If I remember correctly some days before he said he had gotten into another big fight with his mom over the fact that he did not want to work or go to college. She had apparently told him that he had to do it, or they would throw him out of the house, in reality not seriously, but as encouragement for him to not be a NEET. This incident was probably the final straw for him.

As says, his mother also apparently had an illness, and a cousin had designated him to take care of her. I dont know what relevance this has to the suicide however, or if it was just yet another stress in his life that helped contribute to it.

>As (You) says, his mother also apparently had an illness, and a cousin had designated him to take care of her. I dont know what relevance this has to the suicide however, or if it was just yet another stress in his life that helped contribute to it.
How do you know this though? He said that he didn't want to work or go to collage. Isn't staying home with his mother the best solution?

Also take into account the possibility that he may have been extremely mentally ill. All these things going on in his life may have just been small aggressors pushing him towards this as something he always felt he was going to do, but only sped up the process.

This information apparently came from a relative. That sounds like it would have been the best case scenario if he was that desperate to avoid work or school, but who knows the extent of the relevance this had on the suicide itself. Maybe he didnt want to do that either.

Personally what I draw from all this is that he had far deeper issues than just that.

>The guy is dead, you cannot help him anymore.
Its not too late for others though. Everyone is different, but having some insight into this can certainly be beneficial. Also the fact that the event is over doesnt stop the curiosity surrounding the circumstance. In fact, in some ways it only heightens it, especially as there is still no solid answer.

This. Reiko had nothing to do with it and was probably just getting you all riled up.

why is no one talking about this guys get

I fucking know, right? I can't wait for the Mister Metokur vid on this sad fugly thing.

because you dont do that on r9k? fucking read the rules moron

No shit. The stupidity of Jow Forumsfags and youtube retards who wandered here and actually believe this shit is fucking mindboggling.

Thanks man. It's nice to see some appreciation in this thread.

did you know that forcing messages through the bot is also against the rules?

Talking about this guys what?

you caught me! i forced this original sentence too!!

He really is. Good grief.

Is there any confirmation that this is him?

I'd post it but I don't want to get banned but on his Jewtube he talks about locking boys up and feminizing them. Just like the shit Fagko was talking about and these vids are from some time back.

Here is a discord to talk about the Reiko issue.

thought the reiko thing was a whole bunch of bullshit but now every post that mentions his name directly is being take down

I'm starting to think twice

It's not at all bullshit, the dude is fucked in every meaning of the word and people want to rightfully hurt him. So Mods are in mad damage control.

Fuck Reiko...and fuck everyone else taking part in his sick operation to manipulate mentally sensitive individuals for there own sick amusement.

Is this enough proof that Reiko was involved with it?

Attached: IMG-20180410-WA0003.jpg (1600x1056, 174K)

>who is Jow Forums and what is larping?

Im not from Jow Forums
And Im not larping.

>That legit proof
His faggot orbiters are just going to damage control for him, what they fail to realize is that it's still fucked up he was paying for people to make those trap/hrt threads and doxxing young boys to do what he wanted.

>shilling in a thread
>literally different tripcodes
>proving anything

jesus chrsito

It is possible but it is unlikely someone LARPing as him

Are you the faggot that just kept saying "proof" about anything about the Reiko a lil bit ago?

reiko is false flagging

Him and the others are on damage control trying everything to downplay what they were doing.

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This whole take hrt or i black mail you by sending me pictures thing is makeing me horny got any henti with simular plot lines

Look how unlikely it is

No, it wasn't me. I'm the nigga who says to open your eyes. That guy is unlikely to have anything to do with Shuaiby.
He's claiming things he didn't do it to sound more powerful than how he is.

jesus christ man, show some restraint
now is NOT the time

decent odds these fags have migrated to Jow Forums /s4s/ or/and /trash/ until shit blows over (or have always been there)
Jow Forums in particular has a overwhelming amount of anime avatarfagging

anchors aweigh

didn't vet literally send someone to your local police station? lmfao

this is all just sick why do some people enjoy this kind of stuff

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Nice trip you flaming faggot.

Full story for tards

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Reiko was never mentioned in it until recently. Just autists doing the Jewish thing and making up boogeymen.

Blackknight on IF is that you?

honestly making up a boogeyman to lynch trap ERPers is perfectly reasonable, trap ERPers fully deserve the rope

Mediocre kek

Did he actually get fully doxxed?
I remember helping yesterday as one of the first, but I stopped because it got too un-organised & lost interest.
>Pic related was all his former steam usernames.
I remember we found his Reddit, steam,, discord, Minecraft servers (he is a huge fucking Minecraft nerd) and some claimed to have found his address but most likely just false attention whored trying to get you's due to them never posting proof

Attached: 1523338743825.png (1228x587, 66K)

Former steam AVI's

Attached: 1523339634216.png (1181x541, 692K)

Minecraft faggot from Reddit

Attached: 1523339964559.png (900x356, 29K)

Can you post his steam account?

Old Twitter of his. Throw away

Attached: Screenshot_20180410-130446.jpg (1080x1920, 457K)

Hey look I can pretend to be reiko too. Wow look at this, anything I say is total proof of any actions Haha.

I'm actually a billionaire from Maine

He had it private but I found a pic of it from November 2017

Attached: 2017-10-29(2).jpg (700x1310, 69K)

If you want to look up his account now. Might have changed his steam ID

Attached: Screenshot_20180410-131729.jpg (1080x1920, 431K)

Another user posted Steam, here's the

Attached: reiko.png (697x712, 296K)

While we're posting this shit, should I post his youtube as well?
I live for damage control, keep going.

i wouldn't doubt they're or people like them are in other boards i see the same kind of pro trap everywhere

Woah! This totally debunks the rest of the evidence that correlates. Nothing gets past you doesn't it? You're incredible!

lawfag here anyone got his discord server i could try to get it taken down

Hi Reiko, how are you?

Yea. Someone posted his steam, I was actually the guy who posted the archived version of his public steam & his former steam usernames

Attached: Screenshot_20180410-131708.jpg (1080x1920, 270K)

Don't see how an anonymous post on an Ethiopian Tire Resurfacing forum holds any weight whatsoever. Literally no proof has been posted linking reiko to that kid killing himself.

I love that some are trying to turn this dude's story into some tranny shit to push an agenda. Back when he first killed himself on March 14, one of his discord friends came here and relayed the story about him and none of it had anything to do with this tranny shit.

i mean im a trap and im into being kidnapped

Some people claimed this was his address, but they never actually showed any proof. The idea was, that he once posted in a forums that "you guys can try and swat me if you want, but I live in the middle of nowhere so maybe 2 cops will show" and posted his address, but with the wrong state to try and hide his actual address.

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It actually scares me that some of the gullible retards are able to vote. These are literally the liberals killing America. Idiot's that believe anything they're told because they want to believe.

Even in text form you sound like a brain-dead tranny faggot

I think you're right yeah
Jow Forums for me is just the one to keep an eye on because it's incredibly slow and has noticeably morphed from the usual kind of shit you used to see on /b/ eons ago to a much greater amount of anime thread starter images and avatarfagging over the past couple weeks

the same shit is probably going on in /s4s/ and every gay thread on /a/, it's just that those places are the same with or without outside influence, Jow Forums is slow enough that it can actually change

>one of his discord friends came here and relayed the story about him and none of it had anything to do with this tranny shit.
Don't see how an anonymous post on an Ethiopian Tire Resurfacing forum holds any weight whatsoever.

You're a fucking idiot and you're nowhere near as funny or witty as you think you are.

>thinks hes winning
>nowhere close to doxxing the guy

Oldfag is correct

Posted an original image of the kid?????hmmmm??????

>open developer tools
>edit source
It's legit that easy.

Well desu we in theory already have. Discord keeps logs of everything he says, writes and does, including IP.
If someone could convince discord to co-operate and release all his connected IP's to the police (including Hardware ID so they can make sure it's him), the police could go to the ISP and get his full details, from where they could detain the guy. But there are not really any solid evidence of this. Maybe with discord but not really

This, I hate how Shuaibys name is being dragged through the mud for the sake of an agenda here desu.

His quads

>nowhere close to doxxing the guy
Except he was

Do you have his dox? I kind of want it, since I was quite involved

a good agenda

Just like Jews they fake a boogeyman for their agendas

>when he first killed himself on March 14
wait, he killed himself again? please sauce

>neet cant cope with having to work a day in his single life so kills himself
the complete state of neetcucks

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That's because somebody else has been working on that. If I'm wrong then it's only a matter of time, isn't it? No need to be so defensive if you're so sure. :^)
In fact. I would LOVE to be proven wrong.

Great job sheeple
Remember dont question and the first thing youre told is always right

Well I do agree its a good agenda and I hope that creep gets nailed, but I have not seen any convincing evidence linking him to Shuaiby.