Back to Jow Forums Edition
These boys are cute!!!!
First for fuck off and leave us alone.
I live less than one kilometre from the Central Command of the armed forces of my country
I would like to hug a cuteboi before nuclear hellfire rains down on me
lol it's hilarious how I pump and dump fags like you, you're so emotional and easy to manipulate hahahaha
user, you ruined it.
You're right, though.
damn, I completely forgot to keep watch of reply counter to make new tread. fml
[imaginary bf, feely, wishy story goes in here]
someone make me feel less lonely please
I don't care, user, it's pretty fun for me, too.
who tf is Jill, can i get a quick rundown?
Shut up and let me slam your hole
gtfo out of this thread assholes
It's funny. I've just recently noticed that it's only anime boy on boy couples being posted. Why don't you ever post 3d boy on boy?
It wouldn't be because you're trying to make the prospect of being gay as appealing as possible. Would you?
make me you Iittle bitch
Everything I know about her is second hand via one of her exes, but the TL;DR is that she's a tranny with a long string of fucked up relationships with fucked up people, including our boy sly there. I'll see if I can scrounge up a pic of him from somewhere.
Alright, fine, jeez.
It's nice here, though. But I'll behave.
i just do it because they are always anime boys. so i guess its easy to just look for the two anime boys
Hey man interesting thread! Do you mind if I come in and steal your thunder for a bit? This is now a spidey thread. Lets go.
Teach me sempai, I've only pumped and dumped one boy so far
I'm sick of answering this every thread, as robots we understand that 2D>3D. The same applies to straight robots, or at least the true ones.
I'd let spiderman fuck me.
You are of the minority of r9k, yet the board has been absolutely flooded with gay, sissy, cuck, "why not go on HRT?", etc threads for quite a while.
You cry wanting to be respected, "WHO CARES WHAT WE DO IN THE BEDROOM!" Yet spread your degeneracy everywhere, despite being such a small minority of the world.
Homosexuals tend to be more selfish, self focused, pleasure focused, less rational, much more irraitonal and overemotional, hypocritical, petty and manipulative, lust focused people.
They are less ambitious, overall contribute almsot nothing to the progress of civilization in any inventions or STEM related contributions and are overly social, whiny weaklings.
Many become closer to roasties, ESPECIALLY the ones that go on HRT. Literally the opposite of the Robot philosphy
This board will be taken back. It can be, especially with the fact that we have the numbers.
Holy shit you guys are going out of your mind with this. Actually you probably are since you're from pol. None is trying to make the prospect of being gay as appealing as possible. This is a thread for gays. Gays enter this thread. Not random robots that are enticed to be gay yada yada. Just fucking cool your brains you bunch of spastics.
Spiderman will make you feel less lonely! Just post a pic in this thread and see your depression go away
This whole post but serious
They are not us, you idiot. You are not taking the board "back", you are taking it for an outside hostile power.
And I guarantee you I'll contribute more to STEM than you ever will.
Spidey doesnt swing that way (no pun intended) lol.
>thinking that's a good idea
your choice i guess
>she's a tranny
oh so you're one of those people
yeah, please behave would you
woah cool
Faggot here. Why would anyone want to start hrt to become a disgusting tranny. Just shave, lose a bit of weight and start eating healthy, you'll find a bf in no time.
Daily reminder that Silmaryl is an attention whore, with orbiters, and caused the raids on this board from Jow Forums
But I see it's literally only 2d used to advocate for 3d relationships. Wouldn't that be purposefully misleading?
We all know that highly saturated colors are appealing, and specific designs are done to trigger specific emotional responses, so with that in mind you should have equal representation of 2d and 3d.
I won't argue that one is better than the other, but to outright deny that the 2d is forced here is just lying to yourself.
I think I'm doing alright with Multivariable Calculus.
Whats the matter jimbo? Post a spidey and keep r9k tidey
Who said I was from pol? Quit being such a cry baby and contribute to the discussion.
Hey good thinking their friend!! Keeping that one in the photo book
>You cry wanting to be respected
nobody here has said anything like this
>You are of the minority of r9k, yet the board has been absolutely flooded with gay, sissy, cuck, "why not go on HRT?"
haven't you known for a long time now that its a group of like less than a dozen people doing it, reiko being their deity to worship for some effed up reason
>Homosexuals tend to be more selfish, self focused, pleasure focused
that's why were the minority in the fag community
I have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original.
>Multivariable Calculus
Unironically laughing at you right now, anonymous.
I don't use it to advocate for relationships. I know what I want, and I trust others to know what they want, it's not my business.
I just use pics that I like.
Nice fanfiction user, all you gotta do is keep believing it and it'll come true
You guys from pol are honestly fucking retarded beyond human comprehension. I fucking got a migraine trying to understand your convolute, Psy opp, gay agenda, anti 2d fucking mess of an opinion. Why can't you fuck off to your board and be a sperg with people like you?
>Imb4 huehuehue y u mad dis is spider thread now hehehe
This meme is used daily by people who found it on Facebook, you're a filthy fucking normie
Spiderman isn't even in the top 10 cutest anime boys. I can do better than that.
never trust any gays
your a minority on a minority board, on a minority website, you keep believing it, you're only here because like the vampire, you can't stand the light of day, you fucking degenerate, we're not going to forgot about this place, we're here until you're gone.
I've reported your thread, just so you know. And saged!
Thats fair enough, but I still find it odd that it's always anime. Almost as if to purposefully paint gay relationships in an almost unnatural light.
As a faggot myself I find it odd that most people posting images here find the 2d more attractive than the sublime 3d.
its time for you homo degenerates to fuck off back to your containment boards, you are no longer welcome here. gtfo faggots
bad b8 m8 r8 8/88
gays abuse children
kill yourself you utter degenerate
i dont want your normalfag shitfest ruining my board
be gay get AIDS
Same here user, I'm not ready for WW3
>"Homosexuals contribute nothing to STEM"
>He's never heard of programming sock
Lurk more
This is what they march for
It won't get you anywhere, the mods have determined time and time again that we are breaking no rules, sage is not a downvote, and announcing reports actually is against the rules. That about covers it.
There are plenty of examples of the 3d male form that I find sublime, certainly. But upon going to look for an example to attach as a pic related I realised I'd feel incredibly uncomfortable posting a picture of a real person that wasn't myself.
Beyond that, being drawn to anime is far more a phenomenon of the socially inept robot than the homosexual.
fucking homos get off my board you shitstains cancer faggots
sage and report all homo threads fellow robots
I'm fackin' shaking over here, you really think spreging out until a mod shows up does anything? Sreeech all you want, none of it matters as long as the mods allow this thread.
Based Spiderposter
There is a dream of a pure relationship. But they are lies.
Any gay around kids will eventually abuse them
omg for fucks sake can you guys like stop. you have some weird fetish or something like this is retarded
/r9gay/ is but a memory
you're living in the past
you're in /r9pol/
How is posting someone's photo anonymously any different than posting someone's artwork/intellectual property? Certainly any precieved detrimental effects that can apply to posting images of model men doing gay related things is no different than posting someone's easily tracable artwork. The fact that you think it's safe enough to post your own face here in place of some strangers publicly avalible image makes me believe you don't entirely believe your own statement. I do appreciate you playing devils advocate though.
Whether you're a robot or not, if you're gay you'll like the dick and male physique regardless of drawn or not. Therefore it is not so implausible to believe that the reason for the excessive anime posts in /r9gay/ general is to provide visual aid to persuade autists to become gay by creating perceptual links through imagery.
I've been doing this for a while but I still don't have a BF even though I beg in threads frequently. What do?
>Can you guys like stop
The use of "like" there is indicative of your indirect and weak mind. Or your another one of (((his))) crew or a mod hiding.
>even though I beg in threads
well we found your issue
I like how this single case gets reposted over and over like it's a pattern.
Instead the majority of child abuse cases happen inside a heterosexual marriage & household.
>1.Find a cat
>2.Meow at cat
>3.It meows back
Better than online hugs.
Well how else am I supposed to get a BF, baka.
Geez that sentence is actually pretty fucking scary. Hopefully you sociopaths will not spread in another board.
Don't be posting on threads, go out and enjoy yourself, you find a man no problem.
>"lurk more"
They may contribute some, but not much. This shit is obvious, faggot
fuck off and kill yourself you fucking faggot seriously
first of all i have never been in any discords relating to Jow Forums. and i don't plan on going into one especially one connected to r9k. also not a mod
most people dont like it when someone is needy
>bed is too big and empty
>no bf to wrap my arms around and snuggle with until we both fall asleep
>if you're gay you'll like the dick and male physique regardless of drawn or not
So all straight love all types of busy and female body types, no matter how skinny, small, tall, or fat they are? No matter how flappy, innie or outie pussy they have?
And we're not posting pics of ourselves it's against the rules. And posting random real people or random artwork is not the same
Get better taste in waifus first, faggot. Then it's easy. Get into communities and groups, spread your fagness around. Act girly and cute So people fall for you, then tell them you're a boy and see if they accept you or not.
theres a board for degenerates like you, stop shitting up ours senpai
there are numerous cases just like that
every single case is treated as "isolated" by people like you
Ok I'm going to start fresh and pretend nothing in the thread so far matters.
Hey guys, how are you all doing? I'm having some hard time coping with loneliness. U?
>.02% of the population don't contribute a sizeable amount to STEM
Kys newfriend
> Multiple homosexual couples who adopted ki
Cite them.
Enjoy your stay user, its /r9pol/ time now
But I don't want a normie BF.
Trap propaganda? I'm the opposite of cute even though I identify as a submissive.
cop the fuck on, get some exercise and go out for a walk. and stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Around gays never relax
Tfw no ohio bf to motivate and be proud of.
That's why there's a separate thread for it, dumb fuck.
Trannies are not gays. Go to /tttt/ for further insight.
What age are you?
>You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original.
its like a broken disk. your just spouting the same thing over and over again.
im doing ok, also doing p well with coping
>Tfw no ohio bf to motivate and be proud of.
you cant motivate me
This this now a pepe thread.
posting up a rare.
They are not like normal people
Kys newfriend
It's not out of the realm of possibility, sure. So I suppose you have to take me on my word that I have no interest in persuading people, I post for myself and nobody else.
But, as a sign of good faith, enjoy this picture of a real life human male that I think is particularly attractive, with my apologies to the person in question for posting them around.
Is that omar maten? Why are you posting his face? I mean, I could get if your purpose was educational, but it feels like a jew posting a hitler picture
Just getting drunk, wish i could do so more often.
>you cant motivate me
Why not?
Harare have one
I just turned 18 in february.
>Trannies are not gays