Killing Reiko

Reiko is a dude who forces kids to feminize themselves with estrogen and shit online, pretty sure this is his dox, find more yourself if you give a fuck. He uses r9k to find Victims, so I thought I'd post this here.

-Some faggot from iFunny

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Other urls found in this thread:

>shit like this, ya feel?

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some brave user should go shoot this guy with a shotgun and record it

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Sorry mate, that isn't him.
From the info we have available and verified at the moment, he certainly lives in Rhode Island. Check the image of his steam account in this archive from before it was made private.
This was also confirmed by a leaked discord DM where he discussed his IP-range in RI being banned from a board.
Basically, we don't have much yet. There is a lot of disinfo being spread, and we can't be sure of much of anything yet except that he lives in RI.

the FBI was called earlier today on Reiko.

They should be on their way if they haven't already busted his door down.

It's a /win/, can't find the image of the discord chats confirming what I'm saying but I know I had them.

Hopefully not on the false flag dox OP posted.
Reiko is spreading disinfo as much as he can to try and throw anons off his trail.

is this him?

i'll stop making psyop threads if you can guess his first name

Why did they raid him?
Pics or it didn't happen!
me think ur a shill.

honestly why cant someone just get themselves into the group and figure all this stuff out easily

i mean going in head first would maybe be a good idea and blackmail themselves with blackmail???
not sure about the whole stuff going down anyways, kinda new to it.

I mean his name is literally right there soooo....

Honestly from hearing his voice it sounds like it would match up with this pic.
But that's pseudoscience. Also I don't support doxxing or murder, so saged...
Even if he is a terrible person, he does not deserve to be freaking killed.

I'm in the discord
they are in full panic mode deleting all the chat history and adding dumb shit to rules.

reiko admitted yesterday that underage people send him lewds and he asked that they stop.

Attached: Screenshot_20180410-143528.png (1080x1920, 251K)

thats one shitty wig desu
not relatively close to a real trap

because i can't get out of the group

have we started the fire?


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do you have any more plans while you are in there?

Based double agent poster, keep up the good work

>Reiko is making tranny faggots kill themselves
How is he a problem beyond spamming threads?

wait... thats confusing
how is it hard to leave the group?
are they holding you against your free will or some shit?

They kept poking the beehive it was only a matter of time before they got stung

>is only in the first proxy server

eh they'll get whats comin' to them.
and that is a sever bee sting.

Discord reploed to a tweet abou the discord, so now they're incredibly scared of getting in trouble with the law.

Attached: scared.png (687x552, 40K)

not really, if they didn't block invites I woulda had some made by now.
just gona lay low and watch the shitstorm from front row seats.

share what you have from other servers of theirs if you got them.
I've been in this server since it was created. didn't know it was one of their hideouts.

You clowns are going to get this board deleted again

I have reason to believe that reiko found out whoever was leaking the screenshots and the dox released was theirs, as the screenshots recently stopped coming in.

If we pulled the wig off would he die?

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Forgot to mention that they now have a second server, in case the first get killed.
But Reiko left it already, so I guess he's scared.

is there a tl;dr of the entire discord thing, would honestly be really helpful, I'm not sure there is any way they can hold you against your free will as if you can just do something user and get back at them??

This entire thing is just confusing and somewhat a mess, but I can get bits and pieces out.

Good, it's a worthless shithole.

This is depressing for me

take the pill goy it's just a little pink stone

Well this faggot pedofile is going to be arrested so yes and we stopped trap posting. We did it Jow Forums

vpn cant save you faggot

reiko and haruka haven't posted in a bit it's just faggots right now

I think that server I posted was intentional leak as stated in screenshot.
if they post another backup I'll make sure to save it if I can.

Attached: Screenshot_20180410-155754.jpg (1079x1771, 264K)

Haha, fucking pussy. Oh wait!

it literally said leak when the retard posted so it was prob bait.

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I've known for years they were doing this, it was extremely obvious and pathetic and I've been biting their heads off the whole time. It's hilarious to see people finally come out with proof though.

I hope everyone involved gets fucking cancer.

I live 30 minutes away from this fuck. Trips decide what I do to him.

The fuck, first it's Alaska, then it's Rhode Island, now Illinois? Make up your damn minds. He's still a turbofag though, that much is certain.

And if you're reading this FBI/glow in the darkers leave me alone pls I'm just here for memes and autism

break his hands

is anyone joining the discord to just pose or fuck around?

the whole operation was fucking opaque, you just never looked hard enough

It's always been illinois. The dox matches up to his old forum posts. Do not lidten to Reiko shills.

Stick notes on his windows and torture him mentally.


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You don't know for sure it's him, just report it to the authorities and let them investigate. Vigilantism can result in the wrong people being punished.

Guys, wait, reiko backed up, he doesn't want no trouble anymore, he admitted defeat already.
Please do not do anything drastic.

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he still kinda deserves it though

What does



too bad i'm going to beat the shit out of him now


oregano certified post

italian orgasm

Original post with a herb flavor
Oregano Oregon

Show the messages where they're deleting chat history

this means nothing, he deserves nothing less than jail or death.

honestly this is a mindfuck and a clusterfuck
did reiko do anything or is it just bullshit
this would really clear all of thsi up

new age blox that nobody gets reported for

Ok i actually got the whole conversation now

they deleted the whole channel, it used to be:

Attached: Screenshot_20180410-141030~02.png (1080x1761, 258K)

To hell, Reiko deserves punishment in some way. Give them Jail, and if they avoid a sentence, then the boot must fall to the curb.



>hey guys he said hes sorry its all over ok?