I'm 34

I'm 34.

How do I get 18-25 yr old pussy without coming off creepy?

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I am 28, I get 17-22 pussy exclusively. Only you and toastie-roasties close to the wall find it creepy.

Timestamp bich

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You need to have the positives of someone your age that appeals to the young roasties
a lot of guys in that age group don't have their own house or apartment, having a nice one without any mates is important
Having the bravado and sexual experience that only comes with age is important
A nice car is a waste of money but will put you ahead of others, you don't have to buy them anything but you yourself should have nice things
Be fit/handsome and dress like a Cha-dad
Get a tinder and show off these things

OP is a dude you failed abortion.

Wut da fuck

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I'm not sure why people think this is that creepy. I wouldn't exclusively go after girls that age by any means and I'd only actively pursue one if by chance I happened to meet one who seemed like she was interested in me, but for whatever reason, we treat people in that age more or less like adults, then suggest they shouldn't be sleeping with anyone 5-10+ years older than them. Make up your minds, society.

Money. That's it. Otherwise you'll be considered creepy unless you were a Chad.

If you own a home you can get young pussy at any time you please. Women don't care how old a guy is, your value only goes up the more you age, we're not like women.

Its all the roasties hitting the wall that scream the loudest against guys dating younger girls.

The only thing that matters is legal vs illegal. You need to disregard all gender shame psyop bulllshit. If you think fucking 18 year old girls is OK at 34 (it is) then have at it.

Well be approachable, likable, share more than superficial interests with said person, and make sure you have actual direction in your life.

>Have your shit at least semi-together
>Don't be a sperg
>Go around some 17yo
That's literally it. Women ALWAYS prefer older men. This has been the natural male/female dynamic since the dawn of time. Nothing creepy about it, but be warned. Other men will envy you and roasties will despise you.


Coming off creepy should be the last of your worries. You're 34, stop giving a fuck about what others think of you. Their opinions ultimately don't matter.

Be attractive, be charismatic and be clean. Also not being fat is probably a plus.

Honestly, be attractive. Attractive and money helps. Attractive + money + fame is best.

>just be attractive
>just be charismatic
wow what amazing advice ITT

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I can't even begin to tell you how backwards asking that question here is.

You're doomed

nobody said it was easy, faggot. you have to have something that commpensate for your age

Women desire older men precisely because they're more likely to have money

have your own place and car. I work at restaurant and yearly we get the fresh patch of young naive roasties. they literally think you are so cool.