Is there any proof to reiko

i mean coordinated attention whoring trap shilling has evidence, but market manipulation and blackmail culminating in shuaiby seems a bit far-fetched

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Literally no proof besides photoshopped discord screencaps that don't actually show a Discord tag.

Nope. All of them are fake user you can trust me.

I saw the image of the "reiko did nothing wrong" thread and I legit thought it was Rich Evans with a fucking wig.

I was dying from laughter.

evidence of photoshop?
other thread was taken down.

oh reiko how scared are you right now of the wrath of an internet entity

>Fear Le Jow Forums Legion

No but really Reiko's harem is a really chill place and he's a friendly guy. The screenshots are fake and are made by transphobic/homophobic people.

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what happened to reiko's discord

I reported reikos 2 servers to the discord devs and they said they're going to dig through the deleted posts(which stay on the discord side via link for quite a while), if he is innocent good for him, if he breached the TOS they will probably ban him delete everything related to him and depending on the severity of the crimes(pedophilia, black mailing etc) the police(which has already been involved) will be involved even further but this time with actual proof. If you did nothing(reiko) than you have nothing to fear!

Sure thing queer. You're gonna pay your dues.

haha, you sure about that? You know discord keeps a log of EVERYTHING, right? The dude is rightfully fucked.

Whatever, we scared him away.
he learned his place.

goodnight angel

Can I ever get an invite?

too bad this "friendly guy" will get a really bad experience now

this is probably the smartest post on this thread, reiko thinking that deleting everything off discord will save his hide is beyond naive the posts stay available to the developers for months after deletion.

ok reiko

This nigga gonna get what he deserves, I mean what that freak did was fucked on a whole new scale

i believe it. it all kinda clicks for some reason. maybe i'm letting out my inner alex jones, but he had a part in shuaiby's suicide. maybe he wasn't the main reason, but he played a part. i also blame him for the "downfall of Jow Forums" if you wanna call it that. why did 6 million trap threads pop up a day here? if he's guilty i say we make the salem witch trials look like fucking child's play

The reiko witch trials

i say we do it saigon style

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So when is leddit going to leave? They've done their "part" in ridding the board of half its userbase, when can they leave so we can get back to being /comfy/?

but we shifted from bearable trap threads to cancerous pol threads. threads which has barely anything to do with traps are being invaded (r9gay)

blink twice if you're being held against your will mate

sure thing reiko

i'll take natsocs sperging out over "post your boipussy thread 856708547608547698"

also if your're gonna make shuaiby take his life, at least take yours too. out of respect

How delusional are you? Trap threads literally swamped this board up until the raid started.

>make shuaiby take his life
but where are the proofs

Are you fucken blind? Or are you reiko?

Lurk more newfriend, 3 trap threads at a time is better than half the threads turning into leddit cancer.

hi where are the proofs though

On reikos discord before he deleted it

Okay but how can you prove that.

>3 threads a day
>implying it wasn't borderline spam
i also like how you don't have your pretty little name tag.

discord developers are on it, nothing is truly ever erased from discord

Okay so the discord devs have confirmed all this?

yes there is evidence, discord even tweeted about it

The mods have been protecting him since right before this all kicked off
I WAS THERE in the thread that kicked this all off to beign r9k mainstream stuff and they deleted it not to long after.

>that millisecond reply
reiko how fucked and terrified are you right now?

>Implying leddit legion spam isn't worse than "borderline" spam
I just want my comfy threads back and not to have every other thread interupted by faggot discord drama and unironic leddit tier frogposters.

Jow Forums is still scarier than Jow Forums

theres comfy threads everywhere faggot
just not trap spam
go to /lgbt/ if you want that shit

I will also get /b/ involved on this hunt for justice, they'll eat this shit up and love it.

>i have implication of evidence which i have inconveniently not linked