Lether fred

let her, fred!

Attached: kkkk.jpg (948x532, 20K)

Thank you for always being there, by my side. I'm sorry for failing you.


Dear C, T, Y and V
All of you can go fuck yourselves so hard that whatever masturbatory tool you end up using forces its way through your mouth

These initials aren't real

You're really precious to me and things would be different if you gave me a chance.

Do you know who I am? Do you know who I am?


You said you loved me. I've only fell in love with you. I tried others, but I can't get over you. Why did you have to die?!? It's so lonely without you.


Dear femanon

I wish I never met you, I'am a worse person because of you, you really fucked me up good

sincerely, user.

Oh. I need to write another one. Hope that's okay OP.

I really love you. So much. More than I ever thought I was capable of loving someone. Thank you for proving to me that I am still human, and that I can be wrong about my own thoughts about myself. I'm doing my best, every day, because I believe in you, and you believe in me...and I trust your judgment. Thank you, sweetheart. I love you.


Since you are into these threads

Dear M,
I want to make passionate love to you and fuck you silly. Your chokers drive me insane.


Motion Picturesoundtrack and TOp List OF all time!
1. Holy Mountain
superb use of atmosphere and music really fits the scenes imo my friends it is jodorowsky knack for sound
2. bEst soundtrack for a kino
FOr this one i think its a close call between... LE FEU FOILLET being that , well the music is perfect for the movie... absolute kino at the max!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus them 1800s nibbas be like DUMMY LIT when it hit them slo notez

4. Bladerunner
Smooth, Chillin, Relaxin hiphop lowfi ambient chill hiphop 24.7 radio listen
Jazz samples and Vangelic synths place this on the list for a brulliant and comfy experience relaxing smoke in the lounge!

4.2. Lost In Translation
SUperb! Brilliant work, Coppola! tRULY A MOVIE of shoegaze that was never thought possible before the moment it was release..... a great Tragic RomCom MElancholic Release! Very nice Kevin SHeilds... .very nice work.

7. Kraftwerk Orange
Kubrick With Two Bricks....
MAshin Up THem Millicents
Straight Outta NadSat
Beethoven WOuld ave digged his renditions of this im sure, hes laughing about them right now!
and finally moment ouve all been waiting for
Good SOundtrack Award Goes to:
Nick Cage, for his great soundtrack scene of pure individuality with the snake skin jacket! Animal!
Im A fan of the Detailed Moment in Ikiru Where he sings on the swings.... very very touching moment in cinematic performance of a well known japanese FILM dcalled Ikiru, good good.... good good....

Honoruble Mentions goes to : Lost Highway, for cocteu twins and Bowie
Raammsetein are okay i guess

SLim DeEr
I aint got no Fear
Rappers make no contact
them fappers steer clear
of me, and my keg of beer
(Smooth yet subtle remix of a Beat on the background)
(NExt RAppers Verse)

a - - - - -,
i sort of fucked up
but i will make up for it
i have to. need to.
_ _ _ _ _ o

Stop that. I filter you for a damn good reason, now fuck off.

Dear Deandre,

I got a whole lotta money, draco on my hip, can't take nuthin from me.

let her fred!!! GODDAMN

My Whip take up on you back while you crackalack like Miss Homey Black
I fuck Yo gramma in the neck

Dear Chris
you're a twat

Cheers, Dave

I just hope you're aljve and you don't go through with killing youself like you said you are going to. You blocked me and I get it, I cannot be of help with your issues..I'm not sure what's even happening right now. Fuck, I just want you to be safe.

You suck eternally, Taylor

>acknowledging that your threads are fucking worthless and posting anyway.


I miss you.


Chrome MAgs
Another Drag offa this blunt
imma be Outer SPace Wroute
Keepin Smoke Flyin out My Toaster
Jus like how that shit be when i Roast her
Shiiiit PLaya, I got THa mind Of a Thrilla
Mentally charged With enough grind to put u on a chilla
Full of Beer
No clear sea shit
AInt need To Go Start No shit Wont BE no SHit.... damn!

Fred is worth on the Forbes Millionaire List 500