How does it feel robots...

How does it feel robots? To have your board back for 5/6 hours only to then fall in the hands of litteral sociopaths from Jow Forums that believe in a trannie conspiracy?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>your board
Nice joke user.

My negro, we have screenshots of them literally conspiring to flood this board with tranny shit. Jow Forumsshit has been here for a while, it's not out of the ordinary.

t. Reiko
Burn in hell, faggot.

See what I mean? This psychopaths see Reiko and his shills everywhere, I'm telling you, they are going mad

Well reiko and his shills have been here spamming the fuck out of the board for several days now, so it's not out of place. Here's a link, catch you up to speed: Forums/Reiko+gets+exposed/wuwwLjh/

why are Jow Forums boomers so fucking retarded

Yeah it's a retarded place to post but the images are all there

Yeah they're also on ifunny
because you're a bunch of dumbshit boomers

Again, my man, I am up to speed, maybe I'm the weird one, but aren't they a bit too fucking on the edge about this guy? As soon as you post something that doesn't say 'murder all traps and fags' they'll blame Reiko.

Possible solution: make it illegal to trannypost outside of /lgbt/.

Don't worry Jow Forums, the TERFs will save you. You'll have you Amazon gf to rescue you and kiss your little greasy heads soon enough.

>tumblr is here to help Jow Forums
great it's like getting brain cancer and ass cancer at the same time

At least we don't have JohnnyNeptune to make fun of us. plus Jow Forums is pretty cool and some of them probably browse Jow Forums before you turned into underage traps

Attached: JEB!.gif (480x270, 1.18M)

I wish both parties would fuck off. I just want my stories and psychology threads to be left alone. Not a single post-worthy thread up right now.

We're all a bit tired of him and his posse, so everyone's a little on edge, but once they get their comeuppance and leave, things will simmer down.

There is/was one and it's been going on for years. You don't know how disgusting this place was.

yes goyim ignore all the evidence... it's all one big coincidence. Reiko is your best friend goys!

Attached: good goy.jpg (382x382, 33K)

I am just glad I do not see tranny posting anymore

Good job, whoever you are. This user appreciates it.

its true though, im glad they are helping
these are the same people that found a flag based on the sky

>a trannie conspiracy
I'll take Jow Forums any day over the faggots. At least its cleaned up the board a bit

Attached: zootycoon.png (771x1291, 397K)

Did anyone else here post tranny shit just to see sparks fly and provoke drama?

Just kill yourself, faggot. Go to /lgbt/ or to tumblr if you wanna keep going with this shit.

i prefer the Jow Forums posters a great deal.

The whole story surrounding reiko is crazy and interesting, literally made a fellow robot blow his head off in a livestream. Fucked up stuff

Except it's real...

who cares if it's true or not, how badly fucked will this guy with a severe mental illness come out of this? Not unscathed.

Good job everyone, another problem solved by the anons the world thanks you

You seem to under the impression that robots don't also have some over lapping opinions with Jow Forums or some robot don't also use Jow Forums

Nothing, really. The racist trans spammer deserves all the heat he gets - this fucking hypocrit. A new troll will come next month to spam with some new shit. Jow Forums will still be Jow Forums. That's all, really.

You realise Tumblr hates TERFs, right? Check any SJW page.

I've been pretty vacant since the reiko shit started. Can you fetch me a link to the part about the user an heroing?

I looked around tumblr.recently and most of the feminist tunblrs up say thry are TERF.

>came back to Jow Forums from /lit/ because /lit/ got taken over by Jow Forums and Peterson posters
>now Jow Forums boomers and redditfags are taking over Jow Forums
Why won't they just leave us alone

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Wait what the fuck they've got some people literally PAID to make those threads?
Jesus fucking christ these autists.

Never underestimate the power of mentally ill NEETs

Got out you gay sympathizer, defending a group of trash who take advantage of people.

Posting in a shill thread, originally.

Wait so the rainbow bandana wearing robot blew his head off because someone manipulated him with the HRT shit?

They killed themselves because they were trans but couldn't get out of the closet without being kicked out by their parents and shunned by their family.
Trannies and fags are the only real robots at this point.