Why aren't there any women with virgin fetishes the same way as men?

Why aren't there any women with virgin fetishes the same way as men?

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For some reason, literally all of civilization, evolution, and society is based around the destruction of beta men. We're just so disgusting, apparently, that all of mankind, since time began, has subconsciously agreed to do everything in its power to kill those who are not Chad.

where can i find more of the brapper in your pic OP ?

Actually there is. They're called Bible believing, God-fearing women.

i have a virgin fetish
taking them away from cute small boys

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nice self defeatism faggot
if only chad was breeding
society wouldnt exist

Is this real or the plot to a doujin

Women don't need to worry about paternity anxiety. Virginity has no value to them in a mate.

it's in a lot of doujins and animes, guys really like that fantasy

I knows guys have it but I find it very hard to believe girls would

I have the fetish fantasy for taking a chad like highschoolers virginity. Or like any young semi attractive male over the age of 17 but under the age of 20. Im very specific about it, desu


of course of course

We exist, but are too pathetic about it and sperg out that it's not fun to talk about with them

Yuka Kuramoti

>virgin fetishes
Oh come on

But I'm genuinely curious about it.

Thank you user, those are some well deserved trips

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at this point i want a virgin so bad i don't think i can date someone who's even held hands with another girl before

Contactfag? I fit that description pretty well, and I'm probably gonna never lose it if I don't at least start actively seeking to lose it

>Why aren't there any women with virgin fetishes the same way as men?

There are. I've talked to them, some have offered to fuck me. And they can be cute, too.

The problem is that a virgin woman is going to be hunted down by guys with virgin fetishes. A virgin guy is still expected to initiate and take the first steps, and if you're an avoidant pussy like myself, you're not going to, hence it's irrelevant if the girl has a virgin fetish.

Oh, also, even bigger problem - women with virgin fetishes are hot for a friendly, naive, decent looking guy who is eager to please them and learn from them and be nice to them, not a resentful misogynistic Elliot Rodger type who will get obsessed and then threaten to kill them when it's only temporary. In other words they still don't want the virgins on this board.

There probably are. I know a 10/10 autistic madonna who is super into men shorter than her.

because women aren't as smart or as loving as men. women shouldn't even be in the dating pool, just let it be all men.

Pretty sure they're out getting BLACKED for jeebus. White christian women think they'll go straight to heaven for having niglets with Tyrone and Jamal

Do any virginophile femanons live near Chicago?

Key/key hole
ect. etc.

What counts as a virgin?

i've done oral, and fingered /got a handjob

you are no longer pure in my eyes

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Why would you want what other women don't

where are more big booty asians this thread sucks

well most men don't actually want virgin girls either. they say they don't know what to do and they're too clingy afterwards or something. that's what i read on the internet. also i never heard of women wanting non-virgins in real life either, maybe this is also something that you only think because of the internet

it's not the fact that he's a virgin, it's why he's a virgin... every man everywhere wants to fuck 24/7 and will do anything to get it so if he has been sexually mature for years and unsuccessful something must be wrong

I really want a virgin bf! because I'm clingy and jealous and also a virgin and wish someone was mine and I was their's and that we'd be each others firsts and onlys forever

i have a huge thing for hikki virgin neets who live with their parents and are socially anxious. too bad i can't meet them because they don't leave their homes and neither do i

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Do you only like that other girls havent touched them or is the inexperience a turn on too

everything, i like when they're insecure about it and nervous around girls too

well that's what the internet's for innit

yeah too bad internet relationships aren't real

you're not wrong there i guess

There are. My current SO found my virginity sexy, but moreso in a femdom way.

Okay, pal.

But has anyone here actually taken a guy's virginity?

How was it?

Excellent post. I don't think all girls with virgin hangups will expect the man to make the first move, but the last part was especially spot on.

Well im not gonna go after the fat gamer kid with a patchy beard and pilonidal cysts

Jew york


user don't do it you should save yourself for marriage

Attraction to virgins being a fetish is like calling impregnation a fetish. Mentally ill people are desperate.

St. Louis, MO unfortunately.

I have, we were both virgins because I did not want a slut for a boyfriend. (Jk I just think virgin boys are the best boys) it was very painful.

>it was very painful.
Was he a big guy?

>and pilonidal cysts
Oddly specific thing to mention. Had to get one removed a while back, the weeks after were not fun.

is this bait? if you're even remotely attractive then you're a lot of guys' fantasy

I don't think so? He's 5.5" which I believe is the average dick size? But I'm 4'11 in height so I'm not sure if my height affects whatever my business is down there

>have bbc
>still virgin

What do

They exist but not in the same numbers

>if you're even remotely attractive
haha why would you expect any girl who posts here to be remotely attractive

So while he might not be from a general perspective it does sound like he was for you.

Well damn have you come to the right fucking place. Take your pick.

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>girls who don't leave their homes
this is literally non-existent. I've done a research, observed the girls I'm suspicious of. Not a single one. Even if she's not leaving her house she has had sex at least once.
I'll add that in most of the cases girls and guys of the same type don't attract each other (same type in terms of socially anxious/high social skills, not in terms of virgin/non-virgin).
I think some virgins still exist in their late 20s, but regardless of being socially anxious/with high social skills.

like any of you can come through my screen right now.

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i mean, why would i expect any girl period to fetishize betas?

Fuck you, I'd do anything just to even have a girl to talk to and convince me that she loves me over the internet even if we never met up a single time in person in our entire lives.

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well i'm sorry i can't give you that, it'd be torture on my end

I knew this feel too, it's just better if he hasn't done anything with anyone

they're not afraid of being compared to previous partners/insecure

t. has never met a fujo

Wouldn't you want some experience though

Considering the guy is the one doing the work during sex

I'll bite, do you have a racial preference? I'm a light spic who has mother with a happy marriage that is worried about me never dating anyone

I ended up marrying my first boyfriend after meeting him 3 years ago. I have never really wanted a man with experience as I've felt that a man who goes around with women without any desire to take the relationship seriously attractive. And the work during sex varies, as I don't know if it counts but he really enjoys oral sex (prob. as it doesn't require any effort on his part)

Super sorry, I myself am also a light spic, and have never had a racial preference, but just got married last month. I guess it's more of a, hey there are women like this who exist, and I also met my husband through Jow Forums.

is this influenced by religion at all?
how would you rate your attractiveness on a 1-10 (5 being average)?
what is the 1-10 attractiveness range of guys you'd date?

honest curiosity

So where the fuck are all these girls who likes virgins in real life

Nope I am not religious at all, nor do I belive in God, tho I suppose I uphold weird religious-ish values on sex and marriage. I would honestly say maybe a 6? I've had other people tell me I'm an 8/9 but I think people tend to be overly flattering. I have Brown hair, dark brown eyes, lighter range skin, normal weight, I don't think I have anything that pushes me onto the more attractive range, just not ugly, not drop dead gorgeous.
I would date men from 1-10, the personality has always been what I find most important because yes, sure "it's a meme to believe that you can stay with someone you find unattractive." But I think I'm crazy with my standards when it comes to personality that I don't have a choice when it comes to looks.

i'm not religious at all but i care a lot about purity. so things like taking nudes or unmarried couples living together is a big no no. i think i'm objectively a 4/10 but i don't know. also the type of boy i like could be considered really ugly by other guys i suppose. i don't have a frame of reference for these things

they don't actually exist

>Well im not gonna go after the fat gamer kid
why not?

why would anyone actually like a virgin?

Cause I did that in high school and that shit wasnt cash

There's women here claiming they do

cool. what you both said about purity or whatever is interesting. i think i believe the same thing, but i cant tell if it's an honest belief or if it's some form of coping mechanism. at least, in the event you're not master baiters, that gives me hope that i'll meet someone like that.

>tfw I'm like a 7/10 maybe 8 on a very good day but I'm a khv because I'm pretty sure I unironically have mild autism, plus some emotional issues.

I'm only 18 so there's still hope

kinda true but you got the church / goverment helping out a bit

if it was caveman times stacey would of got you killed by chad desu

I have a virgin fetish but virgins only want other untainted virgins so I cope by saying virgin men are undesirable and disgusting.

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Honestly I'd prefer an experienced girl so at least someone knows what they're doing but they're generally not fans of virgins for obvious reasons

>finally lost my virginity
>only that one experience
>still a total noob in bed

Do I still fit virgin fetish criteria?

There are girls with virgin fetishes, they just dont wanna bang any absolutely disgusting 200+ pound Jow Forums virgin, they want a cute, shy, virgin boy you nerd

How are virgin men supposed to get laid if women find them undesirable? It's like if you didn't have a curious 14 year old girlfriend in highschool and didn't fuck her while you had the chance, you're fucked.

>It's like if you didn't have a curious 14 year old girlfriend in highschool and didn't fuck her while you had the chance, you're fucked.

You're learning!

why the fuck do you think that is? weak genes need to die off. It's Darwinism retard, you succeeding is holding back human evolution.

you must of went for one of those cunty ones then
the ones that act like there gamer chad or whatever

Is that some condescending comment from a roastie, I sense?

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No, just realism from someone in the same situation

i'm a untainted virgin be gf

No you are now blemished (But maybe another woman will take scraps)

It's an honest belief as I'm a big autist about love, and I know things can't be taken at face value but I am not a baiter (would show proof but I know too many people who lurk.) I just like to let people know that people of all types of personalities exist, and/or talk to sad/lonely people.


watch more porn lad

>holding back human evolution
survival of the fittest is a retarded meme. if only the most intelligent people instead of chad reproduced we would already be chad due to genetic engineering. natural evolution is holding us back you retarded prick.

I'm average height, how tall are you?

First one had scoliosis, was 5'6 120lbs, and was riddled with eczema. He had curly brown hair and awful full body freckles. He did kempo and thought he was hot shit for it. Every time he sat down frosted flakes rained down from his arms

Second one was 300 lbs 5'10. Plumbers crack, very dense chest and back hair, bitch lips, tits and a fat ass. Always smelled weird. Drank mt dew 24/7 and always ate fastfood

I did not date well in highschool and I did not peak until 7 years after high school. I deserve my chad boys

well you could get a actually good non disgusting gamer bf

I lost my virginity to a girl with a virgin fetish, she used to tripfag on Jow Forums years ago too, they're definitely out there.

>and wish someone was mine and I was their's and that we'd be each others firsts and onlys forever
I want this more than anything but I've already fucked up and lost it, much regret, hope you find this someday, user.