Wait, you're still a virgin user? And you've never even kissed, hugged or held hands with a girl...

Wait, you're still a virgin user? And you've never even kissed, hugged or held hands with a girl? Don't you realize how weird it is to be an adult male and NEVER had any romantic experiences before? Is there something wrong with you?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I've hugged girls it's nothing special

Is there something wrong with you?
No fucking shit. Looks at it this way, I'm doing humanity a favour.

I've hugged, kissed, made out, and eaten girls out. But I still feel like a virgin because I've never had penis and vagina or a gf.

>Wait, you're still a virgin user? And you've never even kissed, hugged or held hands with a girl? Don't you realize how weird it is to be an adult male and NEVER had any romantic experiences before? Is there something wrong with you?


by god that was my 9gag profile pic back in like 2011

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I'm losing my hair. It's a fate worse than being short.

Just go bald, you'll stop worrying about it.

I did. Well, just buzzed down to a one. My scalp is always pasty and goes red easily. Send help.

>being controlled by sexual urges

I wish a girl would take pity on me and relieve my virginity

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It's more being controlled by social expectations. Normies believe they absolutely need validation in that way, and that everyone does, and that's why they lash out at us robots so much.

It's not that weird desu. You're just monopolizing on insecurity.

>not participating in society or playing by its rules
>normalfags get rustled and start attacking possible insecurities
>be buddhist so i couldnt care less

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Yes I am but why exactly are you bending over? Your underwear is showing...

Just lie about it then, there's no way they can magically know unless you tell them you are a virgin.

Sex is in part a validation of your social skills
And I'm socially retarded

what's the sauce on this?
you nigger this is original

>People want used goods these days
Slut needs a slut to validate their sluttiness. Typical.

i swear this fucking guy's a reptillian
probably reporting what surface food is like to all his sewer brethren

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JK Bitch ni Shiboraretai

how is this not original

god i'm jealous of that immunity to bullying

But then again there's more to life and success and happiness than being good socially. In this era social networking ability is the most important skill for a human but for autists, there's still numerous other aspects they can excel in life. I stopped giving a fuck about normalfags and just hike and draw and play vidya, and occasionally work.

Women can absolutely tell.

many original thanks friend

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>tfw no cute anime gf to sniff her butt

Who cares if they can 'tell'? Stop chasing pussy and live life in a fulfilling way.

Because I want to have sex and meaningful relationships

Being controlled by sexual urges is weak as fuck. There's more to life than sticking your dick in a roastie.

Are you offering to help with that? If you would let me into your holes, that would be swell.

Oh user you're so sweet but it wouldn't feel right since we're friends and all :) Plus it feels better with someone you love. So I'll give some golden advice that you may find a girlfriend: Remember to be yourself XD

>first meeting with therapist
>asked to rate sex life out of ten
>"w-well i never had (small voice) s-sex before"
>gives me an incredulous look
>checks papers
>"but you're 19 right?"
>she fills out the rest of the forms while whispering "jesus" and "okay" over and over under her breath
>doesn't make eye contact with me for the rest of the session

i'm gonna be 21 soon, wonder what her reaction would be to hear i'm a khhv even now

Slut. Fucking hate sluts.
Stop feeling inferior to uncontrollable sluts, user. You're better than them.

you should wear a shirt a shirt that says "i'm a 21 year old virgin and its your fault"

she wasn't being mean on purpose, she was just in disbelief. which was strange because it was the first time i encountered someone thinking being a virgin is a big deal in real life.
where can i buy this shirt.

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>could never even imagine to meet a 19 year old virgin
Are therapists who have literally ZERO knowledge about what it could possibly be to live in your situation even helpful?

female therapists, man

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Honestly, no girl would ever want me. I look awful. Becoming aware of how ugly I am made me awkward.

I've decided to give up and buy a sexdoll.

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This shows how fucked up her brain is. She's hardly even human any more. Slut-promoting AIDSmachine. You're even worse for idolising such a manner of existence.
Fortunately, virgins my age are much more common where I live, and saving yourself for the right one is seen as completely reasonable.

The thing about virginity is that, typically, women don't care. Note I'm talking about women, not teen girls, and I say typically because all people are different.
But the big reason why it's bullshit is if it ever comes up then the woman is already thinking of kissing/having sex with you, and that won't be what changes her mind.
Now, what it will do is bring up the question of "why?" in her mind. The good news is that it's INCREDIBLY easy to spin it into a positive.
You can easily say "I was really awkward as a teenager, but I've been self improving for the past few years," or "I've focused on other things and never really been interested in romantic relationships," or "I've wanted someone I liked and didn't want to waste it," or a combination of all three (or you can go into other things that are appropriate). Bing bang boom, you look like a guy who is working on himself and you make her feel better.
Because if you're on a first date, you're not gonna be talking about that kind of stuff unless the date is going well, and you shouldn't be the one to bring it up anyway.

Now, if you start by saying "I'm a kissless virgin because I'm an awkward person and I'm bitter about it and hate women for it," then yeah, she might turn and run. Anything else can be given a positive spin.

Just have sex with an escort

>But the big reason why it's bullshit is if it ever comes up then the woman is already thinking of kissing/having sex with you, and that won't be what changes her mind.

i've heard plenty of stories of women making a hard u-turn when they find out the guy is a virgin

I just said there's ways spinning it as a positive so you can get her right back, and anyway some faggot's half-truth greentext story isn't going to be what happens 100% of the time with all women.

19 is a perfectly normal age to still be a virgin, I was a virgin at 19 and am a chad today 3 years later

One doesn't go from being autist to Chad. You're either lying or failed normalfag all along.