Choose your destiny

Choose your destiny
There are no hidden monkey paws, what you see is what you get

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Greed sounds like the only really good one.

Wrath and kill myself

i feel like i could do a lot of good with greed

Greed is an extremely easy choice. I just want to continue being NEET and alone. Even if it was only 500 thousand monthly, or 10 thousand, that's what I'd choose.

wrath, greed, gluttony, and lust all seem pretty great, but greed is the most useful i think. i'm already cute and nice and likable and healthy and there are way too many evil people on earth to actually go through the effort of learning all their names to kill them

I chose lust.

Greed is lust on crack lol.
Would go with that but then again there's gluttony which'd make me the perfect survivalist if shtf.
Eh, greed it is.

We are cut from the same cloth, user.


Sloth is underrated. I'd choose a comfy Friday/Saturday, spend the first year doing nothing but drinking (since it's implied that your physical condition will reset as well) and then spend the rest of my life doing basically everything possible until I get bored or become insane

Greed hands down. How can any of the other ones compete?

Sloth, for fucking sure.
>cash out all of my savings
>fill up my car's gas tank
>go to bed
>start the loop as soon as I wake up

A thousand lifetimes of getting to do whatever I want for 24 hours, and when I'm done I'll get to carry on the rest of my life like nothing happened.

It's kind of a pain in the ass if you want to visit a far away country for a change. Once you get there your day is almost done so in the end you are kind of stuck in place really.

>not choosing envy and living a happy life forever based on others memories

do you guys really want to die so much that you don't see the potential here

I have a feeling you'd quickly get bored. Even if you're doing different stuff every day you're still confined to roughly the same area geographically if you want to get anything done. Plus if you want to play video games inside the loop you have 24 hours to finish before your progress is reset.

>do you guys really want to die so much that you don't see the potential here


I'd pick envy and be a qt gril

Goodbye GD :3

Sloth would be way more useful if you had infinite 24 hour loops, but they require like a 1 week cooloff period before you can use another one

Then it would just be too overpowered.

Ignore the buttons and live a virtuous life.

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>Pick greed
>Wait 8 years
>Get enough funding in education to completely re-vamp the American education system, alternatively make a bunch of jobs that don't require college education, cheapening the rates of tuiton

>Pick wrath
>Go to twitter
>Don't bother making an account, just start clicking randomly
>Kill a person every 69 days
>Become the next zodiac killer

>Pick Envy
>Swap bodies with trannies
>Make them kill themselves
>Swap bodies between 20 people
>Make them question their sanity

>Pick Gluttony
>Get a bunch of raw steaks
>Take the bus or subway home
>Non-chalantly pull them out and start eating them in the most disgusting way possible

>Pick Lust
>Go to any televised sports game
>Mass televised orgies ensue, effectively ruining them

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Greed hands down, kind of ironically it's the only one that really allows you to do good for both yourself and others.

If I was gonna do wrath, I'd pick a company I hate, tele-kill it's CEO, then when they announce the next CEO, wait one week and do it again. I'd want to know how many times I'd have to do it before nobody was willing to become CEO anymore

Aren't you that Jow Forumsposter who was masturbating to chastity fantasies in one of the Reiko threads last night?

>picking anything other than pride
this is a very lopsided choice

I didn't even think of that, that's fucking smart.
I was thinking the same thing with those shitty day time television hosts or sports television shows.
I mean, just imagine, watching them get increasingly nervous with every passing day as nothing happens.

Original sloth

legit. just choose sloth and live out for millions of "years' and ascend to a gigachad once you decide to end it

With envy do I keep thier memories and knowledge?

If I can keep the memories and skills as I go I need Envy, I want to start instrumentality.
Jump between bodies endlessly and constantly. Over and over again, accumulate skills and talents and memories. Become wise beyond the lifespan of humanity and talented beyond even the greatest genius. Let everyone else stay behind in their bodies. Become a divine force of inspiration that possesses great people and crafts great works before moving on.

wrath of course


eat dirt gain health

then I can predict the future like Groundhog day, while I can get Greed (buying into cryptocurrencies that make 1000% that day) or lust (plus they will like me on an emotional level)
the rest are shite

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Take an extended vacation then? Once your their you can stay there doing whatever you want

Envy easily as long as there isn't a limit of the number of times I can swap bodies:
>use your body swapping powers to escalate in politic or economic hierarchies
>manage to swap bodies with one of the most powerful
>at this point you basically have greed, wrath and lust powers too (fuckton of money and influences that can be used to kill or fuck with anyone you want)
>before you die swap bodies with another powerful person to keep the good life
If there's a limit then I pick greed.

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Greed, so I never have to worry about money again. I could buy whatever the fuck I wanted, live the good life instead of being near homelessness, like I've been for most of my life.

>can't predict the future for only one day


You can only use it once, retard.

was thinking gluttony but with enough money I'll be able to live forever anyway through advances in medicine and shit.

Envy is overpowered
>can kill someone then switch to get away with it
>can live forever so time loops are moot
>can switch with someone rich and take all their money
>can just switch with someone fit
>switch to a 10/10 model
The only thing it can't do is pride but that really is only for ego stroking

Pride is all I've ever wanted

>kill all politicians and law makers
As much as the others are more beneficial, I think this would be way more fun to watch what happens.

Greed sounds pretty good, but you can use Envy to live incredibly long by constantly swapping with someone when you get old/sick.

Sloth, just have the loop going for a few years or even decades and you'd become the king of pretty much anything or even be able to see how much shit you could get away with.

Ask out every girl, prank everyone in your city, git gud at every game, get every response out of other people, do fuckin' everything. Would be great.

No limit was set to how many buttons I can press. I slam red and yellow at the same time and proceed to live a comfy life where I can kill any who oppose or irk me at my discretion.

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so underrated holy fuck

Did you even read it? You can create a world of your design but can enever experience it for yourself. Its like playing a video game or running a simulation. It doesn't affect the real you.

>Even if you're doing different stuff every day you're still confined to roughly the same area geographically if you want to get anything done
If you live in a city you have literally hundreds of thousands of "NPCs" to interact with.

>Plus if you want to play video games inside the loop you have 24 hours to finish before your progress is reset.
If you play a multiplayer game you have an infinite amount of time to git gud, you could also queue up at different times or go to different servers so you're always facing someone new.

Greed is best. $12 million per year is enough to do tons of crazy shit, but I have ideas for making it even more OP

First year
>buy nice house in a really rural area I've gone to a bunch and really like - it's a dying town in Northern Wisconsin with just about 1000 people mostly in poverty
>buy out the supermarket and the single hotel
>start up spaces for various activities (think theater and other stuff) and make the town nicer, along with grants for people who want to start businesses
>promote that town like crazy as a travel destination
>leave in winter because fuck that, travel during winter
>Hire the following at an average of $15K per month for certain tasks (totals about $500K)
>an animator I really like on YouTube who wants to make a TV show along with 4 or 5 people to help him out
>about 15 handpicked (by research quality), cutting-edge biologists to look into curing various disorders and minimizing the effects of age
>a couple programmers to work on various shit I would want
>about 15 AI researchers to look into making human-like AI

Second year on
>NEET it up for a long time
>travel the world when I get too bored
>whenever I see a show or something I really like contact the creator and fund their next project (within reason)
>the programmers, animators, and investments I make in various towns should make me even more money than what I pay
>also hire more and more people each year
>do the first year over with other towns to improve their economies
>influence politics by donating tons to my favorite candidate's campaign
>bribe politicians to make good changes
>hire vetted people from YouTube to make a news site
>buy out dumb news sites, fire them all, make them sign off their right to work in news for 5 years in exchange for severance pay, then shut the site down and redirect to the news site I made

Choose pride and create a window into a universe exactly like ours but any amount of time ahead of that. Boom, you just created foresight into the future and along with it you eliminate sloth (because you can see what certain actions will do) greed (you can use foresight powers to get money through shit like bets) and not to mention get all the sweet bonuses of your own little universes. Pride is the undoubtable best option because it is very OP

wrath honestly seems like so much fucking fun. greed seems the way to go, but wrath is probably the best option. you could literally change the world ENTIRELY.
>pick wrath
>start to kill off all the new political talk show hosts on comedy central every week
>each week it's a different host on a different show (it works well because there's like 5 now)
>start with trevor noah
>don't stop until all the generic leftist bullshit humor is purged from comedy central
>move on to other talk shows like Fallon, Colbert, Kimmel
>off Colbert in the middle of a Trump impersonation
>followup doing the same thing to anybody who impersonates Trump live on TV
>start mass conspiracy

Greed > Lust > Gluttony > Wrath > Envy > Pride . Sloth

>>Pick greed
>>Wait 8 years
>>Get enough funding in education to completely re-vamp the American education system, alternatively make a bunch of jobs that don't require college education, cheapening the rates of tuiton
how does inflation work

I'm kind of content with my life, I guess pick wrath and off myself at some point once I'm not so content with my life

>A bad thing

>picking anything other than Wrath
You all have shit taste.

I would just switch to my ex make her breakup with her bf and come back too me

greed for sure. I hate work and if I get tired of living an easy life I can always just buy a gun and shoot myself.

Pick Wrath and you can blackmail people into giving you everything else. But seeing as how you have to know names and you'd still be vulnerable to dying, I don't think you'd last too long before somebody put an end to you.

>either gluttony or sloth
>these are also the sins i'm most guilty of
anyone else notice this or just me? I get that that's the point but still its neat.

you can only do it one time in your whole life tho

Doesn't say anywhere that I can't press all of them.

But then you get all her memories. You really want to personally experience getting dicked by him every night?

For the average person
Greed > Gluttony > Envy = Lust > Wrath > Pride > Sloth

For me:
Sloth > Greed > Gluttony > Envy > Lust = Pride > Wrath

Wrath would be useful to a lot of edgy fucks but to me it would just be this constant burden. I would go mad with that kinda power. Same with Pride and Lust but to lesser extents. Sloth would be fun as h*ck though and allow me to just play video games for 1000 years and maybe hit on shit loads of women with no long term consequences.

Gluttony doesn't sound too bad either.

>Create god more powerful than me
>have them undo that last bit
>entertain myself for all eternity

sloth so I can live forever

Does Envy have a limit?

Definitely envy.
This user know's the feel. GD needs to go away

either greed or sloth, sloth seems pretty useful in getting through life easily in a non-conspicuous way. but greed is without drawbacks tbf

the problem with sloth is that your perception of time would become warped the longer you'd be in the loop. meaning that if you DID spend a million years in a loop, then the instant you end the loop the rest of your existence would seemingly go by in the blink of an eye

I think it's supposed to be a one time thing, it'd be pretty broken if you could use it as many times as you wanted.

Envy is worded strangely, not sure if it is one time use or not. But if it is infinite use it is basically immortality. wouldpick/10.

Envy please

well that's theoretical, and probably not backed by science as no one has lived for millions of years to say

>choose Pride
>at worst, its exactly the same as my current life, spent entirely on the computer and watching others
>at best, I have an unending amount of content that is perfectly in line with my tastes, an entire world that I can guide to my interests and get to become the literal god of shitposting as I force happenings across my world

Who the fuck wouldn't choose pride? The other choices are such garbage in comparison. I would gladly live in a room by myself if I had to, this is basically just that but much better.

>fly to country
>start loop


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but it has backing, as you get older time flies, as the saying goes. ask any elderly person and they will all say that the time between age 60 and 70 felt 10x shorter than between 20 and 30

Gluttony>greed>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else.

Maybe wrath if you're actually a decent person who could use the power to truly benefit the world. It would have to be selfless, and would absolutely destroy them, as a person. Still, I don't think there's anyone out there, including me, who wouldn't be corrupted.

Sloth is pretty much useless.

All the others violate people's autonomy, and only a piece of shit would pick those.

>Greed get 1mil every month
>Envy Become Billionaire but also get attractive chad body to go with it (or QT girl depending on preference)

Greed is just discount Envy

probably because most of them sit around watching tv for 20 years until they die

and how is that any different from shitposting for 30 years before you kill yourself?

>The only thing it can't do is pride. Just switch into a person thats close to the person you want to kill, then kill them and quickly switch out

Envy is the objectively best choice. You can do

>Wrath (Kill anyone then switch bodies
>Sloth (Dont need time loop because you can just switch bodies when you finished whatever you want to do
>Greed(Take over rich persons bodie EZ)
>Gluttony (Just get a healthy body
>Lust (Take over attractive body sex whenever you want

There is literally no point to it. You can choose greed and pay the women to have sex with you.

>pick sloth
>start loop before any betting event
>loop if you lose bet
>end loop when you win

Anyone who took greed is bretty dumb

One use only, though.

Welp nevermind then I suck cocks

This. I would have so much fun killing shitlibs with Wrath and trying to think of the most hilarious moments to have them drop dead. But realistically I'd probably go with Greed.

>use money to achieve all other abilities as far as materially possible.

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You guys suck
For me its:
Envy >= Wrath > Greed > Rest
Sloth would be nice if you had more than one use, but youre all overrating Greed
Money only goes so far. Also other people are rich, but having some magical power actually gives you an edge

wow, that's actually beautiful

>choose pride
>get pones
win win

Lust or Gluttony.

Which, hey, happens to be my real life flaws as well, great.

Greed by far. I could live like a king and do practically anything I want for the rest of my life. No strings attached, don't have to work for it, it's perfect.

Pride, free sims for life dude

Kill all the corrupt elites and politicians i can think of. Make the hidden elite shit themselves to ever fuck with humanity again.

Day before a big match or election. Use the loop to check out the result. Bet all my money on the winners. Get rich as fuck.

Live a comfortable life.

Swap bodies with Hot women if i want to whore out once a while. Swap bodies with influential people when i feel like fixing society.

Earn money from drinking dangerous liquids and eating dangerous shit.

Create a heaven for all the people i care about and greatest people in history.

Become most famous pornstar and earn shittons of cash by fucking women really well.

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Envy is clearly the best chose. If you pick anything else you're a brainlet.

My mom is dying of cancer.
I'd pick Sloth.
Every day more I get to spend with her is one worth having.

greed or gluttony