aren't you worried people will judge you if you date an asian girl? you wouldn't want them to think you're a pathetic loser right?
Aren't you worried people will judge you if you date an asian girl...
Asian is for weak men that can not handle whites yeah kinda
White woman
>doesn't cook or clean
>constantly thinks of Chad
>uses all your money
Asian woman
>keeps an orderly house
>loves you
Yeah whatever, let them call me a beta faggot. Truly I'm the loser here
that's debatable but what about all the people who'll give you dirty looks when you're together? you might get accosted even if you go abroad
But I'm spic, would that be even worse?
i didnt know one man could be so delusional
I am an open devil worshipper. How more disgusting can a person's look get after that?
>people who'll give you dirty looks when you're together?
>occasional dirty look lasting 4/10s a second
>50 years of complaining and hundreds of thousands of dollars down the drain
Really makes me think
>judged if you get a girlfriend
>judged if u don't
lol fuck off queer.
don't spics hate asians or something. most spics i mean
The only ones who judge are white women who get assblasted at the sight of it
>he fell for the white woman meme and now is regretting his choice so he goes to r9k to shit on WMAF
No idea, I don't really know any of the more common conservative spics, all I know is that they're uncomfortable with fags
>I am an open devil worshipper
Who cares about jealous roasties?
>wmaf relationships
>guy is always seen as a pervert and the woman a whore
what do
Asian women are the only ones who ever show any interest in me. I don't really care how people judge me if I find a wife that's Asian
My uncle has a filipino wife and about every year she goes on trips back to her homeland that last over a month. Im sure thats not thousands of dollars down the drain though
Your uncle's a cuck. She probably just wanted him for the green card.
no Asians are cool and I have friends that are Asians.
I am perfectly fine with people thinking that I am a pathetic loser if it means that I get that Asian pussy.
Can I date black women?
filipinos are the asianiest asians in terms of personality.
Depends on the woman. If she chews the guy out who gives you and her a dirty look for WMBF, then very much yes
I'm spic too user and it turns off most Asian women as I am 100% convinced they see us as human versions of speedy Gonzales
That's an idiotic mentality to have and you're weak for actually caring what other people think of you.
I know who I am and I'll do as I please, stay mad.
>being so insecure that you choose not to date a girl because you're afraid people might judge you
Why are you interested in Asians as a spic? I'm curious because latinas kind of look asian anyways but better and with thiccer bodies
You will never know the joy of purging heretics
>you wouldn't want them to think you're a pathetic loser right?
They already think that.
i guess i care too much about the stigma to date anyone.
I truly want to be with Sombra but the area of Libstate I live in has only whites and Asians. God I just want Sombra
different spic here I like Asian girls because they age better and they are better at abstract thought then other races.
Your right
Youre right. Theyre better
what's wrong with that. it just shows she's a family person
>being so insecure
Where do you think you are?
I'm Mexican and I like to take my sexy cute Asian gf with glasses to the Mexican store and see all the jelly ghetto chola bitches give me those bitch faces.. awww yeah.
is not my problem if they cant see the superiority of asian women over white women
>sexy cute Asian gf with glasses
>with glasses
they're staring at you because your gf is disabled
honestly ive yet to meet a yellow fever white dude who isn't a lowlife
Is this a spicanon thread now?
Asian girls with glasses is hot user...
I'm black, I don't know if I ever will get a chance to have an asian gf unless I learn moon runes or shes paid
Although my city is mostly filled with Filipinos
Black people don't use Jow Forums
what's wrong with the filipinos user
i'm a spic and i just think that Asian girls are better then Latinas in Everyway they're cuter nice and they also age better
Nah man we hate Indians
Jealous ugly faggot detected
what! i had no idea. why?
I'd be happy to have a gf, I wouldn't care
I just want a gf with a decent BMI and cute face who is nice to me. You would think with over 7 million people in the world this would be easy to find.
nigga what, the only only asians that look somewhat mexican are Filipinas. its kind of rare to see a cute filipina in the states tho
I have an oneitis for this asian girl in my class in uni. But I'm a poor, manlet, shitskin, beta loser. Why is life so hard?
> 7 million people
Luckily the world is bigger than the population of NYC
>7 million people
True that, there aren't a lot of qt filipinas here in the U.S. But when I was growing up in the Philippines in Paranaque(a city in the Philippines) there were all these cute chinita girls that were pretty eyecatching.
I guess there isnt a whole lot wrong with it. .
A bit unsure, since the only asian I've known was a Chinese edgelord, there aren't many Asians in South Texas.
Daily reminder that all qt asians belong to Mejiiiico
I didn't know there were so many spics on here, especially yellow fever ones
The only girl that I ever went out with was Asian. One time we were walking down the street at night and a whole car full of people started yelling at us and it freaked me out.
The use of a singular verb in place of a normal plural verb. Jesus, is English really this hard for people?
Where do you live that this happens? Were they yelling slurs and stuff?
who cares? do people really even do that?
what did you say?
how do i get a asian gf?
i don't fetishize it like most of the people
If it looks like a duck etc
if you don't fetishsize them then the answer is you get them like how you get other girls
I live in Houston, oddly enough it happened in a extremely safe and affluent area. I couldn't understand what they were yelling but it wasn't friendly. They were shaking their firsts and gesturing too. They gunned the car right past us and it was super loud so I couldn't hear too much.
Oddly enough the whole scenario made me feel like bitch so I took up judo lessons shortly afterwards.
I didn't say anything, I only turned to her and said "Who are those people?" and she just said she didn't know, and we quickly scurried on down the street.
tfw lesbo nails
maybe it wasn't a racial thing man. are you white?
Yes, I am white. Oregono comet
hwhite people
What you guys think of Asian guys with white girls? Does it seem like the asian guy is trying to hard or conpensating? Is the girl seen as weeb trash?
>like how you get other girls
how do i do that
But I'm Asian so it's all good
anythings better than a white bitch. except a black bitch
I could easily knock out anyone on Jow Forums so...
My gf is asian and this is right
super conservative and traditional, wants to get married, wants kids, all that.
She's great, she's adorable, kind, considerate, and a virgin, so she's perfect and I fucking love her.
>I could easily knock out anyone on Jow Forums so...
prove it faggot
Where I live the wealthy successful families are mostly asian, so no, I don't. I'm more likely to be dating down with a white girl to be honest. In fact I'm more likely to be dating equal or above with Nigerian girls than white girls here. (Toronto)
I don't really think anything about it desu. If that's what they're into, more power to them. As long as they don't bitch when I wife up an Asian girl
That doesn't really happen in my country, maybe because we don't have too many Asians. There's maybe negative stereotypes of old guys with Filipinas or Thai girls, but a normal guy dating an Asian girl from here is just as normal as anything else, with the girl's family sometimes seeing it as a move up in society.
Dating an Asian girl actually from East Asia is seen as exotic, with men's reaction being more of a "Good for you", with the positive stereotypes of Asian girls, while women have the same positive stereotypes and add weabooism and koreabooism to the mix, along with a bit of hapa babies fever.
Guy is probably doing it to get a white girl for status, girl does it out of weabooism, but eh, they're not doing anything wrong. It's not a necessarily unhealthy pair, doesn't create bad offsprings, broken families or anything detrimental to society, so good for them if they're happy. I wouldn't care if my sister an Asian guy, as long as he's a decent guy.
Yeah Asian guys sometimes get butthurt. I can kind of understand where they're coming from. But complaining just makes you look like a beta bitch.
What is your country though user?
what are you? also where do punjabis rank in the toronto wealth index
I'm sure every white woman and every Asian woman has the exact same personality, just like in your post, user.
I'm a white emigrant. Not sure about punjabis. Before I met my current gf I found I dated pretty exclusively at a certain wealth/success level and in general I found they were children of immigrants. I didn't encounter many central asians.
France. Asians are like 2% of the population, mostly in Paris. But we've always been weebs, people have a good image of Asians and Asia in general.
how do frogs view vietnam given the history?
>live in bay area
>more asian women than white women
>nobody cares if you date asians
just move to SF anons, no shame and only $1500/month for a shitty room!
Nowadays just an exotic, cheap travel destination, with a hint of nostalgia for the good ol' times of the colonies. Indochina was supposed to be our big colonial project after Algeria, so it still has a lot of place in collective psyche, especially older people that grew up with stories of exploration of Cambodian temples and tiger hunts in the Tonkin.
The Indochina war is overshadowed by the Algeria war is our big colonial conflict, so we kinda forget it, there's no real hostility about it. Dien Bien Phu is remembered, tho, as an aknowledged fuck up on our part.
Most of our Asian community is from Indochina, first loyalists and Catholics that fled with independence, then refugees/boat people. Lots of them in my parish, actually. They generally integrated very well, I don't think I've ever seen any negative sentiment towards them from French people. Other immigrant communities (Arabs, Blacks) dislike them for being too successful, though, and there's tension because of political stuff with other Asian communities, mostly the Chinese, and within the community.
He should be careful, soon she's going to want bring back the family, Filipinos are extremely attached to their family.
>wring an essay on Asian immigrants on /Robot9000/
Other spic here, because they are smarter & less religious