Disregard drama

disregard drama
post dogs

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>posting dogs
Shit, you serious user?

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as much as i want him to be hung, we need a break. Jow Forums's already at work with the shitstorm. i'll post some shibas to make Jow Forums a little more presentable

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i don't even like siege.

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I never knew exactly what "siege" is but from what I gather it's a book professing some sort of neo-nazi satanist ideology or something to that effect
Sounds pretty subversive to me

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I have a surprising lack of 3d dogs, so here

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Here u go boys

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Take care of him. He is a good dog.

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Heres another from me

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yeah, it probably is
i'd still rather it though

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honestly, doggoposting is a good idea now, mostly because some people wanna be /comfy/ in this new war-torn Jow Forums. do i wanna make posts about how i wanna put an AK to the back of renigger's head, of course, but it's already being done by Jow Forums and the 99% of Jow Forums so have another shiba. i like this one

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Does bird allowed

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Heres more if my puppy :)

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go to reddit, also go play your switch and smoke weed and ignore life, adulting is so hardddd hehe
you need to contribute to it, take a stand you pussy

i'll allow it. better be a good bird

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>tfw I want a family just like this cute doggie one

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Me like dogs

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i am, just slower. i can feel my hart racing from the nicotine and anger so give me a five minute breather and i'll be good to go, sarge.

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Booping this here

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>tfw i will never be this comfy or happy

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look at him go etc

Double dogs

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i don't want this thread to die

fuck originality

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comfy doggie thred

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any of you lads got wolfhounds

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Nope sorry :( just small jackterrier mix and the yellow mutt here

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what's that one dog that has a really big mane
like a mastiff or something

it's too hot in vegas for one so i have a cat for now. i wan't a doberman or a shiba badly though

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Now this is dogposting

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i hope you are are having a good time

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This original doggo?

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that's the one
thanks boyo

disgusting reddit breed

don't insult dogs, no matter the breed

Hope this thread gives some solace to you guys

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or what redditard

Finally a chance to post my doggo, I just got him last Friday.

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It's okay to be happy sometimes

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i know they're meme'd to death, but i like them.

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no shit retard

the fact that you said this means you're a stupid hugboxing redditor

oh no! reiko's dog fetish!

Don't be mean, friend.

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i dislike that place quite a lot. why do people bring it up so much?

stop being mean :Ccccc muh hugbox



this is definitely me nehw mi gnivird

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Are mountains also allowed?

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One of the key factors to happiness is avoiding drama
also dogs

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im gonna say yes. they look nice

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Doggos attack!

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that's a pupper, user

dogs are the best species
>mfw the first time I saw a dog I was three days old
>probably spent 1/2 my life in the same house as one
>love them to bits
>haven't been able to have one for a year
>find out there's a dog park near me
>go every day to pet the dogs and get my fix
>know most of their names and even the ones who used to be nervous of me like being petted
Feels really good man. I will always be grateful to my ancestors from millennia ago for breeding dogs.

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doggos of all sizes are good, user

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>my dog face when drama

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my first dog was a husky. I had him from 2 until 5. my asshole dad fed him chicken bones or something and he died. we buried him in the forest. I miss him a lot.

Had to put mine down today. Feelsbadman.

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i am sorry for your loss, user. i wish you many other doggos in the future

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your dog? tfw no mini schnauzer

I love my doggo.
R8 my dog out of 10

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OC is best C

post more dogs fellow anons, i dont have one ;_;

I don't have one either. The last dog I had to take care for was the best guy ever. I miss him so much :'(

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Darkest Dungeon made me want to get an Irish wolfhound. Anyone have any experience with em?

His name is Coyote Joe

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actually kill yourself you canacerous faggot

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fucking canacerous goddamnit
i was so close

rainbow six siege

its a vidya

That's not my picture but i have one that, such a sweet qt dog.

I rolled this one in a roll your dog breed thread some time ago

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man, there is a lot of different dog breeds.

Big snow slobs

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You are terrible. That is disgusting.

Hairy pupper/10

more dogs please, also report all non-dog posters fellow anons, mods wont look at every post, you have to help

I haven't been hugged by a non family female for something like 8 years now

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My friend's dog got hit by a car, been thinking about it all day, this thread will be bittersweet.

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>i don't want this thread to die
Me neither, hope this thread reaches bump limit.

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That's really sweet, user, warms my heart.

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These are some puppers I rescued.

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>These are some puppers I rescued.
You did good, real good.

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I've been waiting for this moment my whole life.

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They were brothers, I kept their other brother and sister. They all looked different even though they all came from the same mom. We gave those guys up for adoption. It was a sad deal.
>pic related is the other brother I kept

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It's okay to be smug too.

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They're super cute, make sure you train em well so they can be good boys!
Hope those other two find a good home too.

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They already did! So happy endings do happen.
>the baby sister we kept as well

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My heart hurts, user, thank you.

This was a pretty wholesome post.

Dags? I like dags

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Thank you immunity dog, also i love this thread

>tfw love doggos but severely allergic to them

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>Ignoring dumbass drama

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>when you avoid the drama through doggos

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here's my late puppo
rip java, you were a sweet elegant pupperoo and you had the majesty of a mother

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Tell us about her so that we can all have Java in our hearts

thanks for making me kek with that pic user

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imagine having a life this miserable lol