disregard drama
post dogs
Disregard drama
>posting dogs
Shit, you serious user?
as much as i want him to be hung, we need a break. Jow Forums's already at work with the shitstorm. i'll post some shibas to make Jow Forums a little more presentable
i don't even like siege.
I never knew exactly what "siege" is but from what I gather it's a book professing some sort of neo-nazi satanist ideology or something to that effect
Sounds pretty subversive to me
I have a surprising lack of 3d dogs, so here
Here u go boys
Take care of him. He is a good dog.
Heres another from me
yeah, it probably is
i'd still rather it though
honestly, doggoposting is a good idea now, mostly because some people wanna be /comfy/ in this new war-torn Jow Forums. do i wanna make posts about how i wanna put an AK to the back of renigger's head, of course, but it's already being done by Jow Forums and the 99% of Jow Forums so have another shiba. i like this one
Does bird allowed
Heres more if my puppy :)
go to reddit, also go play your switch and smoke weed and ignore life, adulting is so hardddd hehe
you need to contribute to it, take a stand you pussy
i'll allow it. better be a good bird
>tfw I want a family just like this cute doggie one
Me like dogs
i am, just slower. i can feel my hart racing from the nicotine and anger so give me a five minute breather and i'll be good to go, sarge.
Booping this here
>tfw i will never be this comfy or happy
look at him go etc
Double dogs
i don't want this thread to die
fuck originality
comfy doggie thred
any of you lads got wolfhounds
Nope sorry :( just small jackterrier mix and the yellow mutt here
what's that one dog that has a really big mane
like a mastiff or something
it's too hot in vegas for one so i have a cat for now. i wan't a doberman or a shiba badly though
Now this is dogposting
i hope you are are having a good time
This original doggo?
that's the one
thanks boyo
disgusting reddit breed
don't insult dogs, no matter the breed
Hope this thread gives some solace to you guys
or what redditard
Finally a chance to post my doggo, I just got him last Friday.
It's okay to be happy sometimes
i know they're meme'd to death, but i like them.
no shit retard
the fact that you said this means you're a stupid hugboxing redditor
oh no! reiko's dog fetish!
Don't be mean, friend.
i dislike that place quite a lot. why do people bring it up so much?
stop being mean :Ccccc muh hugbox
this is definitely me nehw mi gnivird
Are mountains also allowed?
One of the key factors to happiness is avoiding drama
also dogs
im gonna say yes. they look nice
Doggos attack!
that's a pupper, user
dogs are the best species
>mfw the first time I saw a dog I was three days old
>probably spent 1/2 my life in the same house as one
>love them to bits
>haven't been able to have one for a year
>find out there's a dog park near me
>go every day to pet the dogs and get my fix
>know most of their names and even the ones who used to be nervous of me like being petted
Feels really good man. I will always be grateful to my ancestors from millennia ago for breeding dogs.
doggos of all sizes are good, user
>my dog face when drama
my first dog was a husky. I had him from 2 until 5. my asshole dad fed him chicken bones or something and he died. we buried him in the forest. I miss him a lot.
Had to put mine down today. Feelsbadman.
i am sorry for your loss, user. i wish you many other doggos in the future
your dog? tfw no mini schnauzer
I love my doggo.
R8 my dog out of 10
OC is best C
post more dogs fellow anons, i dont have one ;_;
I don't have one either. The last dog I had to take care for was the best guy ever. I miss him so much :'(
Darkest Dungeon made me want to get an Irish wolfhound. Anyone have any experience with em?
His name is Coyote Joe
actually kill yourself you canacerous faggot
fucking canacerous goddamnit
i was so close
rainbow six siege
its a vidya
That's not my picture but i have one that, such a sweet qt dog.
I rolled this one in a roll your dog breed thread some time ago
man, there is a lot of different dog breeds.
Big snow slobs
You are terrible. That is disgusting.
Hairy pupper/10
more dogs please, also report all non-dog posters fellow anons, mods wont look at every post, you have to help
I haven't been hugged by a non family female for something like 8 years now
My friend's dog got hit by a car, been thinking about it all day, this thread will be bittersweet.
>i don't want this thread to die
Me neither, hope this thread reaches bump limit.
That's really sweet, user, warms my heart.
These are some puppers I rescued.
>These are some puppers I rescued.
You did good, real good.
I've been waiting for this moment my whole life.
They were brothers, I kept their other brother and sister. They all looked different even though they all came from the same mom. We gave those guys up for adoption. It was a sad deal.
>pic related is the other brother I kept
It's okay to be smug too.
They're super cute, make sure you train em well so they can be good boys!
Hope those other two find a good home too.
They already did! So happy endings do happen.
>the baby sister we kept as well
My heart hurts, user, thank you.
This was a pretty wholesome post.
Dags? I like dags
Thank you immunity dog, also i love this thread
>tfw love doggos but severely allergic to them
>Ignoring dumbass drama
>when you avoid the drama through doggos
here's my late puppo
rip java, you were a sweet elegant pupperoo and you had the majesty of a mother
Tell us about her so that we can all have Java in our hearts
thanks for making me kek with that pic user
imagine having a life this miserable lol