its happening, this is our moment
Its happening, this is our moment
hey i'm an istp too
we should hang out and suck each other's dicks
I post this in prety much every MBTI thread i can.
hey, me too. although, can we play some insurgency and watch red dawn instead of sucking each other off? that sounds like more fun
This test is just shit. I share some traits with this but I'm anything but this crap.
0r am l..?
dubs of truth, fucking oregano
This test confuses the shit out of me. I take it one week and get ESTP-T and then the next week I get INTP-T.
Actually the description is quite acurate. I just wish it wasn't portrayed so hippy-like.
Accurate pic is.accurate.
You guys think I use Fe?
Years ago I avoided people and was miserably depressed. Once I began to accept them, and take the risk of people, I began making more connections I noticed most of that came from mirroring, something like a dance. I'm generally happier now, though it wears me out.
I relate to the infj Medguy in last thread, in that I easily notice a face in friends, even ifit appears for a second, that can shake me paranoid: I did something wrong.
Is the ISTP uprising starting soon?
Gas attack in siria, shit sounds good, if lucky there will be some missile attacks
Which type is this again
INFPs are gods.
Do you guys think it's all just for CIA threat assessment matrices?
It seems relatively accurate to me. Is this one better for you?
The best type to be is ISFP, because they're a different type every couple of months. Also it's funny that the type is so maligned when it has the exact same cognitive functions as INTJ which is the most mythologized type.
Introverted feelers are overly selfish.
I wouldn't know, I never had sex
I'm famous among friends and family for my generoaity. And the other two people I've known who are Fi-dom have been complete sweethearts. Maybe you just associate with jerks.
Wow the ENFP from that chart is helpful.
I'm not saying Fi-doms are bad people, I'm just stating that they tend to do "nice" things to make themselves feel better or because they feels its a good thing to do. Fe-doms (like INFJ or ENJF) do nice things to make the receiver feel better.
INFJs are Ni-dom.
Intent doesn't matter. If Fe-doms think they're being altruistic when doing nice things then they lack introspection.
Any ISFPs in here? I can never find any..
Any other MBTI memes like
i dont know what this means but im infp or enfp idk lool. maybe im more extroverted that i think i am. how would I know if socializing give me energy if I never do it cause im an isolated neet? very optimistic, naive, a dreamer, semi delusional. too trusting. not gullible but naturally assume people will be friendly until im proven wrong
evaluate me mr pychologists xD
Obviously Ni is an INFJs top function, but Fe is still very dominant (being their first extroverted function).
Extroverted feelers understand that they are not 100% altruistic. They don't lack introspection, they are just more likely to prioritize others first.
I love seeing this, every time it gets posted.
In general people with a stronger Fe do things with much greater altrism than does the Fi. Yes it does matter the intent. I have an INFP friend that will do nice things for me, but mention in like 10 times after for praise. I have an ENFJ friend who does nice things for me, but never mentions it again. I have other examples too with different Fe and Do types. Yes they both did something nice in the end, but one seems more genuine and more altruistic.
Woah major autocorrect fail, My bad. I meant Fe and Fi types at the end.
Being ISTP, who had sex, once... it was fucking disappointing. Goddamn delayed ejaculation, which never came, during the hour we spent fucking.
I hate condoms, now.
You sound more ENFP to me just from the few things you've described. I think for the most part if you're questioning wether you're introverted or extroverted, you're probably ENFP. Seems INFPs are usually confident that they are more introverted.
comfy MBTI server for shitposting and hanging out if anyone is interested
istp signing in
anyone else borderline sociopath?
Oh, man, how time flies.
full sociopath here, it's the best
Proof MBTI is a self fufilling prophecy?
God It feels good to be superior to you plebs
the homestar runner reference
the time has come lads. ready your bodies for the fires of war and have fun while it lasts.
There have been gas attacks in Syria for years. Shit won't hit the fan til nonbrowns get hurt.
Istp too and are you me?
I blame porn addiction at the time.
You aren't a true istp.
I am, I just lurk until I get my fill of introverted communication long enough until I gather up courage to post and then ghost until I feel the need again
Ja ne
Yo are full of shit user, you and your group
you didn't even join user, come hang out and make some friends you probably don't have anything better to do
How can istps live ghosting everyone around them?
not that user, but if you're using Lain for bad- you are nauseating being
We don't give a shit about people or their feelings.
it's pretty easy, eventually they stop bothering you
INFP here. I wish i had an infp bf or gf
>bf or gf
For what purpose?
to hang out with them and give eachother love
post your projects brothers
easier then you think
Been trying to track down the root of a bunch of problems on my car, thinking its electrical and I know fuck all about electrical shit. Stuck at home for the most part because of it too, pain in the ass.
fark I need work
I have 0 cash for projekt D
I was on highschool
>there was a guy
>he was a fucked up version of me, skeltal body, yellowish skin (not a chink) and manlet
>for some reason he and his fat friend (nigger was a cunt) liked to hang out with me
>years passed and i just ghosted them
>nowadays i havent tried to contact them again
Those were good times
The fuck are you doing on this board?
I'm an I/ENFP too (every test puts me around 60/40 I/E) and you described me perfectly, just want to know what the fuck you're doing here too.
Here she is. Adding a fiberchannel switch soon.
Electrical stuff is a bitch. Took me days to get spark on this motorcycle. Don't know what fixed it.
more like people's personalities become more defined the more they grow up?
I have a porn addiction, can still cum fine during sex with a condom..
me. just took the test.
wait....are ENFP's doms who are secretly subs and want to be submissive? but outwardly they come accross as dominate? oh yeah please dominate me mommyyyyyyy
My car is notorious for electrical problems caused by the BCM which rubs against a plastic edge under the dash and can basically make your car act like its possessed lmao
this would explain a lot
quite comfortably actually
As a teenager I got an assembly line job in a fruit warehouse. There was one guy my age who worked with me. I stood next to him and did my job for 5 hours a day, 6 days a week, 5 months. Not once did I ever learn where he went to school, why he had this job, what he liked to do, I didn't even learn the guy's name. We would show up, do our jobs, clock out, no nonsense.
Great man, I shook his hand on my last day and said "Thanks for not being a pain in my ass." That was the last I've seen him in years
>Killed a rodent when he was nine, pleasantly suprised when he felt nothing.
Lol, something like this happened to me, except ir was a bird who kept swooping in on my cat.
Sup guys, anyone wanna socialize for 5min so I can tell you everything about myself and then get bored of you?