nobody cares about reiko
>ignore reiko threads
>don't discordfag
>don't let out personal information
there, fucking done. you should have been doing those things already if you were on r9k, and if you weren't you should leave.
fuck this gay place.
nobody cares about reiko
>ignore reiko threads
>don't discordfag
>don't let out personal information
there, fucking done. you should have been doing those things already if you were on r9k, and if you weren't you should leave.
fuck this gay place.
Other urls found in this thread:
>nobody cares
animefag mad he isnt special and doesnt understand anything
discord themselves tweeted about this situation, fuck off weeb reiko shill
nice damage control reiko you really are a nervous train wreck right now
who even is this faggot? why do you even give a fuck?
fags have their own board so ive been reporting fag threads and these discord fag threads. they're just a cancer and im a chemo.
Off the board, subhuman.
what did they tweet?
anyone have a discord group or telegram or something else to further investigate this?
Mods here on in on it too
>trying to control others and make them ignore the guy who is getting shit on for being a terrible person and a pseudo murderer
maybe you genuinely believe you dont care but others do, you are irrelevant
>fuck this gay place
I agree user it should stop being gay
sage and reminder that none of this is real
the fact that faggots have even got wrapped up in this shit to begin with shows just how far r9k has fucking slid off into the abyss. reiko isn't the only terrible person to ever exist. why should you give a fuck? you still haven't given a decent reason for giving a fuck other than
>lul dox investigate anonymus
So what is he saying?
It makes people feel important
discord already acknowledged that shit is going on
they deleted all their messages in the server, you are a fucking shill, fuck off
reiko got bad when trap posting begun a few years ago, you are a newfaggot
stop posting
link to tweet pls im curious
what can people tell me about this Flandre#0958 guy? he is fucking weird.
oh look reiko reposted that yet again
i'd have completely migrated to 2^3 by now if it alone could sate my mindnumbing information addiction.
fuck this place. it's literally the peak of autism.
Anyone have Sorion's discord tag?
I'm friends with him, he is also friends with Reiko he runs 3 (maybe more) servers. The main one is Trap Regalia.
I wanna dig deeper, we should set up a discord to further discuss this. Use user discords if possible.
Are you sure he didn't make that second thread out of duress?
I made a new discord recently cause of the reiko stuff, add me, ill try to help how I can:
>unironically saying "you are a newfaggot"
>when you are a discordfag
>who gives a shit about discord drama
>and somehow you're not a newfag
go back to b or soc. discord should stay out of r9k. it used to never even exist let alone be half of the fucking threads here. nobody gives a shit about you.
Because of this, right? Wish I did
discord is basically just an evolved IRC, there's nothing wrong with it, plz dont be fag
Reiko is a sexual predator and a menace. We won't rest until he is physically removed.
>nobody gives a shit
t. guy making a thread thinking anyone cares
kc tier
Yep. I guess if Reiko accepted your request you could just ask for it
nobody came to r9k with stupid IRC drama. don't be a discordfag enabler
you act like making a thread and not giving a shit are mutually exclusive, they're not. you're just an autistic retard falling back on your retarded self-defense mechanisms that you fully believe in. take a second to look at how retarded your argument is.
>some user said it
>it must be true