
"Sorry user, I really like you as a friend"

"You deserve much better"

"i'm sure you'l find someone better than myself for you"

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This is going to be me in two days.

If someone says they aren't worth it the. I guess they aren't worth it.

don't forget "you're like a brother to me"

This one is just sad : (

I too hate when females don't feel obligated to be with me even though I held the door open for them a couple times. :(

roastie roastie who be toasty

"You will get the special someone sometime in your life, user! You're so cute and sweet!"

shut the fuck up roastie you fucking bitch fuck im still fucking kissless why do you have to get my fucking hopes up

haha i've never been rejected before

because i never asked anyone out ;_;

Ask me out and I can be your first rejection. I've always wanted to be someone's first.

i-i can't do it. i'm too nervous.

Do your best user and brace for impact

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Don't worry,I'll be gentle. I promise.

Come on, don't be like that, everything has a first time, DO IT

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b-but it's my first time! i don't want it to hurt

I know what I'm doing. I'll be sure your first is your best.

phew o-okay. deep breaths.

anonymous, will you marry me?

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Sorry,im already married to jesus Christ.

>tfw cucked by jesus
okay sorry for bothering you

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We can still be best friends. Maybe even soul mates. You can choose any girl to have your baby but I'll always be by your side and you mine,ok? :)

I had some bitch hit me with,"I don't wanna ruin the friendship we already have"

>you can choose any girl to have your baby
am i being cucked out of having my own baby

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Man that'd the best way to ruin it. But I guys and girls can't really be friends anyways. Not real friends. Every guy wants to be with a girl romantically but if they can't they will stay around just in case she might change her mind. Those are called orbiters.

No I am saying you may have a baby with another girl as long as you love me.

>you may have a baby with another girl
that's biologically impossible, stop making fun of me

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>I see you more as a brother, user

Thanks for that, Natalie. Fucking bitch.

You should really do this at least once, you won't lose much. Usually guys either get rejected by everyone or get accepted by everyone. You should find out what type of guy you are.
Every guy wants to be with a girl romantically
This applies to girls except girls are usually always already into a relationship and are okay with staying just friends with some friend.
Guys also would be okay staying a friend with some girl if they head another gf.

What's happening in 2 days?

>Get rejected
>She says lets be friends

Am I going to regret this or not?

More like we were "bffs" saying "I love you" every day and constantly flirting and she still wouldnt date me. "Youre just not my type user"

I only have been rejected one time on my entire life.
>tfw I didn't felt anything
>mfw I didn't care bout

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I've never been able to work up enough courage to ask a girl out, but there was this situation where I really like this girl my roommate was friends with, and we were hitting it off. My roommate joked that she and I were going to have sex and she laughed and said "No, I'd never have sex with [my name]."

I had to leave the room and go for a walk, I was crying.

Every time a girl told me she wanted to remain friends she never talked to me again, deleted my from fakebook, never looked at me in school again, including this girl

If she didn't spoke to you after that shit, it's cause she didn't care bout you, user, she didn't deserve you.

Wow, that's fucking cold, man. I'm so mad these days I'd probably tell her off in that situation. I had something similar happened to me where one of my friends joked that me and this girl I sat next to in class should "go out" and she said "eww nah I don't really like him like that"

Same actually. She never spoke to me again.

She actually felt bad about it, before I left the room, I could tell that she realized she had said something wrong. I don't think she realized that I actually liked her and thought it was just playful flirting.

You have to tell her "if you love me you'll be with me" and if she refused drop her. You have to be firm with what you want. Do dad's not teach that anymore?

Shit tho that's the worst way to get rejected, in front of your whole class.
Did she apologize after that?

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I've never really talked to a girl, but wouldn't rejection of a confession mean I should cut off and contact and stop talking to her entirely?

Yes, she did when I got back to the room.

If you don't, she will.

OP here, I know that feel, once when I was younger a girl said: "thats disgusting" when someone said something about her being attracted to me. I hated her anyway, she was a complete bitch.

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Dude, all that shit happened for a shitty joke of your roommate.
Dude, that's the stupidest shit that a girl could say to someone who's asking her out, that shit happened to me, and after that she didn't spoke to me ever again.
No one can have a real friendship with a girl.

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Thats what i had to do

But wtf goes on in the mind of a roastie? Why wouldnt she just date me?

I see we have Stacey larping as a kissless man again. Try harder Stacey. Some day you will succeed in tricking us.

Probably father issues and being afraid of commitment. That's all it boils down too if she is saying she loves you and shit like that.

>sitting in lunch with this girl I really fucking like
>Known her for years and met her on the rifle team at my school
>Last few weeks of school we get alittle bit closer than usual
>Decide to swoop I'm and take her
>Not sure what to say
>Horny adolescent mind gets the brilliant idea of saying some ultra cheesy commander Shepard shit
>Say it to her like I mean it
>She let's out a sigh of utmost disgust and walks off without a word
I felt so horrible up until I started a fight with some douche at the last day of school. Punching him in the mouth was probably the most cathartic thing to happen to me that year.