Any robots go on MAOI's yet? Is it worth giving up alcohol, cheese, aged foods and meats, over?
I've been on over 15 different antidepressants and my psychiatrist is making this sound like it's my last resort.
I've done ECT and experimental ketamine treatments FYI.
Is this the miracle drug or should I plan on actually killing myself soon?
Antidepressant Thread
Maybe I'll just do heroin.
Sure it might ruin your life, but you'll get a couple great years out of it plus a purpose. And if you are planning on being dead in the next few years it's no harm no foul. Right?
>mfw my mother and doctor pumped me full of adult doses of Prozac when I was 11 years old
Life has never been the same since
Did it actually ruin your life or were you just fucked to begin with?
I hope antidepressants work or ill have to kms
I've seen it work for a lot of people. It's retarded to think they don't have the potential of doing the trick. It's not retarded, however, to start to lose hope once you've tried the majority of them.
Any depressed robots that hasn't tried a lot of them, though? Yeah, get fucked until you actually give it a shot.
I went from a relatively normal kid to full on shut-in that failed school and thought about death constantly until I went off the stuff. It fucked my thought process and left me feeling nothing with no motivation for anything in life.
hey, that did that to me too! Just fuck my shit up
Yeah i get it. Im scared they wont work for me because its not just depression, i have severe ocd with mood swings and sometimes i feel some real strange shit. Im scared of antidepressants or whatever drug im prescribed just fuck up my brain even more. I often feel like it would be easier to just end it all.
Isn't that the point of most antidepressants? To make you feel nothing so much you don't have any desire to actually kill yourself?
Sounds like heaven, regardless.
Give me anything that would numb me to retarded existentialism.
Can't blame your guardians for trying to give you a shot at life, even if it was for their own selfish reasons.
Suicide is not the dying's affair, anyways. It's the living who suffer.
Antipsychotics and antidepressants are meant to sedate you. Though if you feel like ending your existence anyways, what is the point of resistance? It's self-indulgent pride that is keeping you from it at that point.
Even taking psychedelics on your own accord. would subject you to the same thing.
I wish i could feel nothing. 99% of what i feel just hurts, and im starting to realize i just cant take it anymore. I cant live the rest of my life like this. But what is the point of living if you are just a numb zombie? I wish i would have never been born at all.
To wish you were never born is irrelevant because here you are. You weren't created because of any sort of injustice you literally just exist because you are.
You need to make the choice if your existence is worth the comfort of others. Or if you can transform your existence to any form of joy that would make it seem worth it to you.
nothing is going to undepress you, stop getting jewed out of money, the only thing that will make you less depressed is a change in your lifestyle and if you're on r9k and want to kill yourself don't think a chemical will make you randomly happy, especially an antidepressant
if you want short term happiness from a pill, then get addicted to fucking coke or mdma or something, if you want long term happiness a pill isnt gonna do shit for most truly depressed people
Just goes to show how artificial we make our purposes in life. Our main motivations are fear and disappointing others. Are those really worth living?
Yeah i guess. My illness prevents me from enjoying pretty much anything so i have a rather pitiful existance but nevertheless its nice to talk about this shit with somebody. Im gonna have to start taking medicine soon and pray it works or otherwise ill have to blow my head off. Just hope i got the balls to do it. Thanks, user.
It's worth a shot. In the end at least you can say to yourself you tried.
I first went on zoloft when I was 15 because of muh anxiety and it helped me a lot. It didn't up my mood it just made me stable. I wasn't sad or happy I was just there. It also took me forever to cum when so yea whenever I jacked it so yea that was cool. I stopped taking them when I was 18 but I'm 21 now and life has gotten relatively harder and my anxiety and depression have hit peak levels so I might go back on them pretty soon but it means I'll have to stop drinking which kinda sucks since I just turned 21 today. Oh well fuck it I guess it's either I give up booze or blow my fucking brains out.
Thanks for reading this if you did. Have some big anime titties as a form of gratitude.
do you have to stop drinking on zoloft?
Thanks for the tits.
Have you tried other meds for your anxiety and depression?
I think drinking on zoloft removes some of it's affects, with it getting a little more life-threatening if you do it in excess.
Not exactly like taking an MAOI, which will send you into a hypertension crisis if you even eat a slice of sharp-cheddar cheese or fermented beer (Which is all of them).
Taking an MAOI is like giving yourself a deadly food allergy.
i know a lot of people who drink on zoloft, i think it's just a recommendation because not much is known about it, don't think it affects the toxicity of alcohol at all
Did it take long for them to start working? Had any issues when you stopped?
Yeah to be honest, almost all antidepressants, antipsychotics, and antianxiety meds will all have warnings of alcohol attached to them.
Because being drunk will affect the intended affect of the medication.
MAOI's just have the potential to kill you on a much smaller amount.
And by smaller amount I mean literally one beer
It increases the side effects and makes the drug stronger than normal. It basically gives you a lower tolerance to alcohol and you're more likely to black out and do something stupid.
Yes, but not another antidepressant. I was also prescribed xanax but I hated it because it made me feel dizzy and just out of it. But I did feel amazing days after I took the xanax I had like a week of euphoria it was pretty cool but it eventually subsided.
I'm sorry I don't remember since it was so long ago, but I think it did take a while for them to start working I want to say like two or three weeks? I started on a low dose then worked my way up higher doses since I didn't have major side effects. I remember sleeping a lot though but it might have been because I was a teenager, like 13 hours of straight sleep man it was pretty cool. Oh yea I did gain some weight but nothing drastic.
I'm at the level of feeling nothing.
Don't fucking do it user. Figure out whatever the fuck it is that makes you hate life and just fucking do whatever you can to make it a non-issue. Feeling nothing fucking sucks. I'm just sitting here waiting to die. I might not want to kill myself but I feel like death would be better than the passive existence I feel now.
I'm on celexa, wellbutrin, and abilify all at once. The abilify was just recently added and it gives me hiccups all the time. Multiple times a day. Shit is obnoxious. These meme pills have never caused any improvement but if I stop taking them I get very bad brain zaps.
Op here.
Was on abilify and wellbutrin so I feel your pain.
Though nothing quite beats an effexor/venlafaxine withdrawal. Enjoy the literal brain zaps with those bad boys.
Did the effexor make you jittery as hell? It made me that way and also made every muscle in my body feel weird. Like every muscle had a weird tense feeling but they also felt really weak. I had to get off that shit and yeah, the withdrawal was awful. That was the second one they put me after prozac was ineffective.
Lexapro has helped me a decent amount. I still have bad days though where it feels like I've reverted back to my old self, but those only last two, sometimes three days out of the week.