Depression & Anxiety

It's that time of day again...

You know, when your stomach is tied up in a knot, and the existential dread slowly starts creeping in...

And you start feeling that unbearable anxiety take over that makes you want to put an end to it all...

Is there really any point to all of this?

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My life is fucking pathetic and miserable, suicide is the only way i can be free from be from this pain

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>time of day
you mean when I wake up and the whole time im awake until i sleep again?

i used to use the "it all returns to nothing" reminder to cope but now its losing its magic.

just go out and take a walk

Then what does he do? His consciousness is stuck in this flesh and bone prison. There's no escape bro.

i know. we're all scarred forever here, i was just memeing

Hey user, thanks for letting me know what to think, and that it should be self destructive depressive thoughts!

Sorry mate, didn't catch it, my bad.

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I'm a fucking worthless human piece of garbage. No redeeming qualities. I've never had friends. I wish I had the balls to kill myself and I wish it wouldn't affect my parents. I spend a lot of time thinking if me staying here would be more pain than my parents' grief.

walks only help if its with another person.

Can anyone explain to me exactly what you feel/think from anxiety and exactly what you feel/think from depression; what's the difference between the two?

Anxiety is having recurring thoughts about worry. Depression is having thoughts about feeling worthless, guilty and powerless. Luckily I have both

Anyone else get anxiety when they drive? Just started driving back on regular roads with real people since getting out the army, literally always terrified I'm going to run over somebodies child or collide into someone's vehicle. My nerves have made me a worse driver moreso than a more cautious one.

I actually developed a system that makes me immune to depression and suicidal thoughts, but unfortunately it doesn't work past that. I can't find a way to get rid of social anxiety whatsoever.

So my gf turns out she was just using me.

she never really loved me and when i broke up with her she just didnt care about it

Now i spent my days alone because all of my "friends" only really cared about me being with her.

im alone again user and im scared

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Very similar situation, user.

I broke up with her a few months ago after realizing she never truly cared or loved me in the slightest, and was only using me for her own selfish purposes.

Best thing to do is to go no contact immediately. Block and delete her on everything and whatever you do, do not initiate any contact. I've gone strong no contact for these past few months and have occupied myself with self improvement (going back to school in an attempt to go to uni next year).

Funnily enough, she added me back on this platform but never initiated any contact. I wonder if she misses me and think about her a lot, but I know I can't be pathetic and break this continuous streak of avoidance.

any of you guys get stress dream? It's not fun waking up to a panic attack and your heart beating like I just sprinted a half mile.
The cold sweats are so bad I thought I pissed the bed the first night until I saw a halo of a puddle where I was sleeping.

anxiety and depression have been memed to death by normalfags.

I wish I could just jump, Knowing me I would actually like the adrenaline, It would be like cliff diving except no water.

Wish I was in Fransisco I would totally jump the bridge, sucks they got the nets though.

i did something similar too i unfollowed her on everything and i enlisted in the military

im just trying to get rid of her from my mind and make new friends

>no women around
>feel great
>less anxiety
>suddenly catch feels for a girl
>anxious as hell about everything
>haven't even asked her out but still feel like i failed and get depressed

Weird how something like this has so much control over me.

user how long have you liked her

because it's belittled by stress/fear and sadness. it sucks that our condition is being belittled like this. My quality of life has gone down the drain with anxiety and depression. It's not even a joke or a meme, lives get fucked over by those illnesses.

Not too long and we've had very little interaction besides the typical introduction and some work related things. I always say hi to her if I see her. It's at work so there is slim to no opportunity to talk to her and it drives me crazy cause I really would like to ask her for her number at least but I just can't find a time to even have a little basic chat before asking that. I'd have to basically stalk her and find her on break to sit and talk to her which I think is strange.

But yeah it all makes me anxious and depressed.

>But yeah it all makes me anxious and depressed.
fuck off normalfag

I'm the farthest thing from a normalfag Idk why people keep saying this to me every time I make a post. I got over long term oneitis stuff cause it just leads to more misery.

Be careful user. I got super friendly with a great looking girl at work. She was easy to talk to and empathatic too. I knew from the beginning she had a boyfriend. Still, with my extreme loneliness my brain developed a huge crush. She was great and my brain was doing everything in its power to pursue her by giving me nonstop thoughts.
She's since transferred jobs.But I still think about her everyday. I fantasize about everything from having a quick conversation with her to pretty much everything. I think about her when I wake up in the morning, as I'm driving, downtime at work, and the downtime before bed.
Last time I spoke with her or saw her was nearly 6 months ago. She probably doesn't remember anything about me. Still, I can't get her off my mind. Fuck intrusive thoughts

Ehhh I mean if she told me she had a bf I could start "recovering" essentially and forget about her. I think the reason i'm so anxious and depressed is cause of my failure to make the move I want to make. I'm a bit older than some people here and i've kinda been through the wringer with dealing with stuff like you've mentioned that now getting denied does not hurt that much.

Yeah, being in limbo like that is a bad feeling. I'd rather have closure one way or the other.
In my case I realize my obsession with her is illogical. But I literally can't stop thinking about this girl. How do you get over stuff like this?

Whats the name of this shit?:
I'm fine when i'm inside my home, I'm the real ME, i'm in peace
But when i get out to school or even to buy cigarettes, i fucking feel this:
My hands are wet, i walk too fast, i'm like in a survival mode, i think everyone close to me and people driving cars are watching me, and i just dont talk to people, only YES, NO, SURE, HELLO, and BYE, no more than that (except with some really close friends) but when i get back to home, i'm cool
Is that anxiety?

Tfw last reason to live is an 80s thrash metal concert next January.

Social anxiety for sure.
It would be regular anxiety if, when you're home, you worry constantly about the next time you have to go outside

Idk user 6 months is a long time to still be so upset over something like that when you are no contact. There are girls I still think about but they don't really make me upset or depressed. In your case the only thing I could recommend is to try and occupy your time with something you enjoy or start looking for other women to fill the void.

Social anxiety. Try to go out more and it will get better even though it sucks. When I moved I had to go shopping for my own food and stuff. It was nerve wracking at first, but eventually I got better. The only way over social anxiety is exposure unless you can get some drugs that will probably just fuck you up and put you right back where you started if you go off them.

Probably because you keep posting about problems that every normalfag has and call it anxiety and depression.

I don't think normalfags have anxiety and depression over some girl they barely know lmao.

I wanna fucking kill myself i fucking hate my life i'm a pathetic piece of trash who will never be able to achieve his goals and dreams, here is a song i wrote recently:
I will fucking kill myself tonight
I want to be free from this pain
I hope death pick me up with her scythe
Because all my attempts are in vain

My life is endless suffering
My mind is totally broken
My body will be an offering
To my precious death
For she m soul will be taken

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this guy is right. going for a walk is the worst thing i can do because being alone in the open gives me panic attacks.

any of you guys have advice on how to prevent or deal with panic attacks when alone?

Can I recommend to you depressed/anxious robots to join a D&D Discord and start playing

>There is probably someone weirder than you
>Gets you used to non-Jow Forums interactions with people
>If your in game and make a fool out of yourself it's totally just your character
>If you REALLY fuck up you can just go ghost

D&D has unironically changed my life for the better

What always helped me
>Breathe in through my nose for two seconds
>Hold for two seconds
>Exhale for two seconds
>Hold for two seconds

I used to get some really awful panic attacks back in 2009 - 2011 and I found that what really seemed to help the most was going out for a run at like 4 AM for about an hour, then going back home to take a hot shower, fap, and go to sleep.

Driving around Southern California by myself at 4 AM also helped.

Nowadays I just take antipsychotics for that.

>It's that time of day again...
The moment I wake up?

>Been on Zoloft 150mg for two years
>It has done nothing but make me incredibly lazy and gain a ton of weight
>Decide to start weening off
>A month later I am at 50mg every other day
>Starting to feel better

>go to university psychologist
>she read all my posts I've made on my university's subreddit
>"user how about you stop posting your stories online and talk to me instead"