So how'd you survive High school robots?
>be me
>go into high school with best friend ever since 5th grade
>he was gifted with blonde hair and blue eyes so girls go after him
>I look like an emo spic no matter what I do
>do sports and drama to try and fit in with best friends chad friends to no avail
>friend eventually just blows me off for girls in sophmore year
>doesn't talk to me because I've had only one gf and I'm still a virgin
>give up on friendship and trying to fit in
>still get teased for not having a girlfriend
>listen to ASMR girlfriends to get the experience and I've already accepted I'm pathetic
>I can live with this
>no drama
>no breakups
>end of high school with good grades and good friends who aren't chads and play DnD
>friend who blew me off now has a possibly pregnant gf, horrible grades, abandoned by chads, and is addicted to weed
>kek as the fucker tries to reconcile relationship with me and is using old childhood memories to try and be friends again
>kek even harder when I realize I had a gf experience without having to deal with a bitch who wanted me to get her pregnant
Thank you Teacupaudio
High School Survival Stories
Headphones a tablet and portable wifi router
Fuck they have portable wifi routers now?
>get tampons covered in ketchup thrown at me
>someone broke my guitar by snipping the strings
>calling me dyke
>pushing me down stairs
>spitting on me
>pushing me into lockers
>ruining my presentation
>teachers did nothing
And I survived by writing scholarship essays for Chad and then he gave me Stacey's nudes.
I just used to put my headphones in throughout the day without talking to anyone. I got called creep and weirdo and shit but I don't blame them. I got good grades. No friends or gf though. I don't regret anything, those were some fuckin tunes.
Sorry user. At least u got nudes but still fuck that chad
Yea for the past few years. They're bretty cheap if you just browse this shithole
>fuck that Chad
That Chad was my friend and that's why I helped him get a cheap ride through college.
Fuck I'm retarded. Sorry user
Hope your god-tier music had these magnificent bastards
Ha you Faggots fell for the high school meme i dropped out in grade 8 and am currently living the neet dream thanks to based 13 yo me i have no embarrassing high school experiences
>proud of dropping out and forced to becoming a neet
real big achievement there you must have a lot of good boy points by the looks of it
It actually did. Good taste, user.
>elementary school
>move from city to country
>don't understand country ways, so hit lots of people for talking shit
>nobody fights back and I actually get into trouble
>make 3 or 4 friends and join school band playing sax
>things get better, but bullied by the "smart kids" for being poor and dirty
>middle school
>best friend hangs out with goth kids, so I do too
>get picked on relentlessly by the normal kids
>columbine happens
>suddenly our "leader" is public enemy number 1
>high school
>bullshit hasn't stopped for me, even though I'm mostly normal again
>shit sucks at home, so I can barely sleep and don't do homework
>high 90s on tests, but homework and attendance mean more towards grades
>fail a bunch, despite fucking up the curve on standardized tests
>administration hates this and had it in for me because I proved they sucked at grading policy
>held back
>smoke weed
>become less unpopular
>sell weed
>even less unpopular
>held back again, despite test scores
>drop out
I had friends dragging me back as I had the dropout paperwork on hand. I honestly should've done it 9th grade, got my ged and went to community college right then, but my parents were unsupportive and shitty, so the financial aid requiring their information would've fucked me anyway, like it did years later when I was legally an adult.
>he was gifted with blonde hair and blue eyes so girls go after him
where is this place and how do i get there this may be my last shot
Oh my is that a little bit of salt im sensing Wagie? Anyways you should be going to bed soon wouldn't want to be late for work in the morning
Christian school in Cali
so what does a typical day look like for you?
Spent more time at home than on school
Barely passed
Why the fuck did Columbine have to fuck everyone over? When that shit happened goths and guns got blamed so it fucked over my older brothers
>not ugly, in fact, good looking
>blonde hair and blue eyes, your nemesis
>district champion for my sport
>lots of friends including the bullies and unpopular kids
>seen as the patron saint of my school due to my all inclusive policy of friendship and defending my favourite nerds from bullies
>teachers love me and i never get in trouble
oohohhohohohohohohohoh hahahahahahaha
i grew up in detroit. my blonde hair, blue eyes, and overbearing whiteness made me stick out like a sore thumb. my choices of girls were ghetto white girls that the tyrones wanted and ghetto black chicks the tyrones didnt want
Were there at least educated Tyrone Chicks who prayed for a man who would take her out of the hell she was born in, and give her the life and love she truly deserves? Or is my tard ass brain just wishing for a happy story like that again?
Damn blonde hair blue eyes niggers
Instigatated on the level of Littlefinger from Game of Thrones, I was always in the middle of some drama but never got my ass whooped or had anyone angry at me besides a gay kid I outed who claimed he would throw hands on sight but then never did anything.
my hair is more light brown nowadays for some reason
Wake up at 9 pm drink some coffee then do anything i want play vidya watch Netflix/YouTube go on comfy night walks listen to music ocationly get high
Do you make money off your bitcoin?
you'll never escape from us
there were, but that wanted/expected that man to be tyrone and not me. the fucking place was a zoo, tyronesses would fuck tyrones for a dime bag of reggies. you could get your ass kicked for making eye contact with someone. everyday you gotta walk thru a metal detector to get into school. people would OD or be murdered monthly and everyone acted like it was a common occurrence.
the only reason i didnt get killed was because my neighbor was an alpha tyrone and i helped him pass his classes and let him play my xbox. also by minding my own business, looking down when i walked.
>tfw robocop is still relevant because Detroit is going to hell still
Mp3 player, books, and sitting in my car during lunch doing homework. I tried to make friends at first but after a while I gave up because I literally didn't make a single friend in the first two years
At least you had a car
Was your sport wrestling ?
And here's cool,cat loves wrastling
>Tried to stay quiet
>Tried to stay out of the way
>Never talked to girls
>Never hung out with any of my "friends"
They were just dudes I recognized and were absolute cunts of the highest order.
>If it was a slow moment in class I'd read my personal book or just do my homework
I fucking hated everyone in my year and was an arrogant bastard so I would fuck that plan up from time to time.
no, 200 and 400m