Why do men feel so entitled to women's attention?

Why do men feel so entitled to women's attention?

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you got it in reverse my dear. women go out of their way to get men's attention. things such as:
>tight clothing
>dyed hair
>obnoxious glasses
>make up
the list goes on

Dear... Fucking... GOD!! I'm out of my God damn MIND! My fucking MIND is just FUCKED right now holy shit tutti fruition I'm in a fucking high ass condition! Man you gotta get high and jack off! You are a faggot like Bob Saget! Get fucking stoned OUT OF YOUR MIND ON... WEED! Smoke weed every day you ninny! You fucking ninny muggins!

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i dont
i want to be able to creep check out women at the gym, but they always look at me like they were self conscious that i looked at them.

Why do we assume we do that for you?

If you are going to larp at least pick an interesting topic.

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I absolutely love it when women say this.
>"we don't dress up sexy for men it's to feel good about ourselves!"
It's absolutely hilarious that you still make this "argument" lmao

...Then who do you do it for? Other women?
Does this mean that women are to blame for "unrealistic societal beauty standards" for women?

>.Then who do you do it for?
hot men obviously

>mini will never let you use her boobs as pillows
worst feel?

That's what the original post said though, you do that stuff to get men's attention. You're just agreeing.

why do women feel so entitled to men's attention?

Do you play video games and watch anime to attract women? Didn't think so.

Staggering argumentative prowess.

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Video games and watching anime are hobbies/past times. Wearing makeup, buying clothes, dying your hair etc aren't hobbies/past times because the only purpose they serve is to make you more attractive. Men play video games and watch anime because they are fun.
Do you find it fun to be a shallow and boring woman?

>Women have fun with something that has nothing to do with men
>T-that's not real hobby! You're just doing that to attract Chad! Why are wimen so boring??

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Do you see why you sound stupid?
This is my problem with feminists. It is completely fine to want to better yourself and move yourself forward in the world. Hell, you have all of the freedom to do whatever the fuck you want to do and I couldn't care less.
But don't tell me that I should act a different way so that you can progress yourself for your own selfish desires. And ESPECIALLY don't project the insecurity and self hatred you feel as a result of your decisions onto me because you can't accept responsibility for your actions.

That's literally what men do

>women have fun doing something that has nothing to do with men
>nothing to do with men
>literally making themselves more marketable for "hot guys" (we actually didn't say this, these are your words )
>Of course its a hobby user unlike your stupid video games and anime HAHAHAHHAA virgin incel faggot fuck, no wonder you can't get a girlfriend XD

Lmao are you serious. Playing a game is not the same as looking attractive. By definition a person and a look is attractive because it ATTRACTS the other sex. Women who wear nice dresses and high heel shoes and sway their butts as they walk are doing those things because men find them attractive, and that's where the confidence boost comes from in the first place EVEN IF they are not specifically looking for a man at that particular time.
Your analogy is trash.

The fuck? Literally everything women do is to get the attention of men

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No, its not. Men telling you to not act like a pig is not the same as a woman telling a man not to judge her for acting like a pig, calling the man an incel faggot, and getting the man fired from his job because he doesn't agree with you.
Men don't give a fuck about what you do/did with your life. Thats why you see so many girls who were absolute sluts in college married in their 30s with kids. The point that I am trying to make is that it is completely fine for both men and women to find that common ground in their 30s. But don't project the self hate, insecurity, and longing for the slutitude that you had in college onto innocent people (especially robots, who are the easiest target for all of you. Its tantamount to me picking up a piece of shit in public and make fun of it for being a piece of shit) because you do not know how to take responsibility and grow up.

No we don't. This is that famous projection that feminists are so famous for.


God, why can't there be a female only colony already?

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...This is obvious bait, but I am going to respond anyways.
Women don't actually know what they want. They say one thing and do another. Any attempt by a man to "explain how you feel" is their interpretation of how women act based on previous interaction with them.
You know, evidence based claims? The thing that is the foundation for civilization? Or do you not give a fuck about that because it doesn't cater do you?

I'm in graduate school, again projection.
It's literally true, the only reason you feel good is because you look ATTRACTIVE i.e. Men and lesbians will be turned on by looking at you. Otherwise you wouldn't look good and wouldn't feel good dressed like that. If you truly dressed for yourself, you'd just wear pajamas (which plenty of women do!).

bullshit men are not complaining about not having female friends.

Yep, when women don't care about what they look like to others, they look like a total slobs (aka they won't wear makeup and wear pajamas in public)
The only reason any man has a female friend is because he wants to have sex/a relationship with her

Haha me too man

Exhibit A:
lolcow farm/g/res/78523.html
W*men only want men that want to fuck them right away. They think men are only attracted by their appearance, not who they are, because that's how women operate. Conversely, they hate men who invite them on dates, so they shittalk about them, thus they are unable to have male friends since they have 0 personality and there's 0 reason to ever talk to them.
Funnily enough, they even realize that acting like men make them able to gain male friends. At the same time, they think it's because men no longer want to fuck them. They're so fucked in the head they don't realize it's because they're finally acting like decent human beings instead of disgusting soulless marionettes.