>tfw too intelligent to be a normalfag
Who else carries the burden that this feel entices?
Tfw too intelligent to be a normalfag
you'll learn to be around normies and fit in enough to experience what it's like to be a normie.
You obviously won't quite be a normie, but it's nice.
How satirical is this post?
This, being around normies you learn how to fit in with them, but I secretly hate all of them
>tfw too tarded to be a normalfag
>tfw people think I'm smart anyway
>the burden this feel entices
I'm thinking pretty satirical
>tfw unironically went to a child psych because i was acting like an ADD retard who couldn't fit in at all
>saw the papers recently
>"user is an extremely intelligent child and his behavior is likely due to intellectual under-stimulation within the classroom and among his peers"
>also noted possibility of "borderline asperger's"
you guys can joke all you want but it's not a meme. that being said, i think years of drinking have effectively rendered me normie-level at this point. i highly doubt i'm still as "intelligent" as i was so it was all for nothing
Average intelligence narcissists.
>larping as intellegent
> can't figure out how to blend in
Idiot, just make alot of shitty jokes about how retarded you are.
Also unironically talk about Jow Forums irl and have strange hobbies.
i'm curious of notes during my childhood in school. I remember just breezing by basically fucking around, I spoke with a friend on school and he said he remembers many challenging moments.
At the same time I was a hyper annoying kid and been told i've "chilled out" around grade 7 and became bearable to hang out with
I didn't say I can't blend in, I just said I'm not a normalfag.
blending in is for the sake of it, being a normal fag with the added benefit the majority of everyone else here hates you
that also describes me. i never studied a single time in high school, even for things that everyone else had to study. didn't study for the ACT either and still did better than most. i prefer not to talk about these things though because most people will just assume i'm being narcissistic, but everything i've said so far is objectively true. plus, intelligence doesn't matter when the only point in living is to be happy.
I know this feel
>normans: "come have a drink with us user!"
>me: "but why though? I'm paying money for a drink that doesn't taste good and will damage my brain. Also, there is a higher chance of injury when drunk, and I wont be able to read my books before I go to sleep if my mental faculties aren't functioning"
>normalscum: "Haha, okay user, suit yourself"
I've been having this problem my whole life
>Be me in social class
>often use quotes from smart people in history such as MLK,, Neil Degrass Tyson and Frank Zappa
>because I was in grade 9 at the time other students didn't know these people and would rather ask me questions about the person I'm qouting then the subject matter
That makes you a literal social butterfly and chad apprentice, holy shit user why did you fuck it up so much? You could have had 20 bitches by age 9 1/4
>quoting neil the grass tyrese unironically
you deserve it all and i hope you burn in hell
>quoting a brainwashed commie, black science man and some guy
really scrapping the bottom of the bucket if this is "intelligent".
Tfw to brainlet to be normalfag
They never liked me and were too unitellingent for me to want to be their friends
I hate niggers too but some of them are exceptions
>some guy
he had an IQ of 260
>he had an IQ beyond the measurable IQ range
ok kid
>I can only use poopy insults instead of real arguments that span paragraphs long
Really smart people figure out how to seem like they arent. I even cringe writing this out cause I know what a dumbass idea it is. People dont want to hang out with someone that constantly implys that theyre better than them through speech and mannerism. Be a funny idiot(humour requires intelligence very frequently the funniest people are the smartest). Then when you really genuinely need to be bright, pull out your vocabulary and give everybody whiplash with the difference. The instant change in speech patterns will get them to take you seriously. But jesus only use it when you NEED it. I save it for job interviews and emergencys. There is something to be said for intelligently handing out directions with completely different body language when someone is say... having a seizure. Good luck, and stop being a dumbass about this(also for the love of fuck never bring up your iq).
>tfw too intelligent to be intelligent
Let me sum it up. Just do the dumb shit anyway. Just get the fucking drink and let a let a few braincels die along with your sadness.
Thats your problem. You question why you dont fit with them while looking down on them. You change your speech to match your intelligence and cringe at how they talk. Its time to pick up their words and recognize that everyone has different talents. You also have to learn to tolerate the stupid and find humour in the dumb shit they say. But as long as you look down and distance yourself from them you will never assimilate.