>Jow Forums just singlehandely saved Jow Forums
im so happy.... thank you, Jow Forums. no more trap posting. i was about to give up on this board. Thank you, really.
>Jow Forums just singlehandely saved Jow Forums
im so happy.... thank you, Jow Forums. no more trap posting. i was about to give up on this board. Thank you, really.
Fuck off nazi scum. Know your place in the shadows cunt
Don't let your mom's panties ride up too high commie cuck.
Yes, let's celebrate with a teensy weensy bit of that weedle-dee-deed before you go! Thanks for your help! Bye!
you sound like a broken man. well no problem, fellow brother. we always look out for each other.
fuck off raito
Enough metaposting. Don't contribute to their end-game board derailing.
>being so salty after getting BTFO so hard.
What has happened? I haven't lurked in two days.
i just wanted to thank them. it really pissed me off that 3/4 of threads were trap posting. idk how one autistic retard can be this annoying.
really produces a think
I like to bully capitalists. Whenever I see a capitalist sissy, I pull his pants down in front of everyone and they all laugh at his girly panties. He gets humiliated, but of course that makes him hard, and even just laughs even harder at his tiny little bulge.
Then my comrades and I take turns stretching his asshole open and seizing his means of production.
TL;DR is Jow Forums BTFOs a discord retard who organized raids on Jow Forums spamming trap threads for months. now we are free
pol is weaponized autism, if you know how to use them, they can be very useful, unlike lgbt and leftist scum that is just a waste of space and only really care for themselves and their hedonistic desires
trap posting psyop got BTFO by Jow Forums and robots
>1 response, and its calling it gay
what did he mean by this?
You guys got any screen caps of what went down?
>1-2 threads, compared to 3/4 of the whole board was trap posting
we are liberated.
I'm (almost) not seeing any trap faggoty gay shit threads. God bless. I'm proud of this board.
Bloody fucking hell user. Thought we were done
there are somewhere, ask on Jow Forums. i dont know what happened in the end. idk if they successfully doxxed that retard, but mods started to delete trap threads.
So it was a newfag thing.
reiko is the discord retard
Not years? argon
post more like this pIs
Jow Forums doxxed the blackmailer and posted his address and SSN on some fucked up Russian website.
Does Jow Forums really think that facists WOULD'NT consider them "degenerates," and gas them along with the Jewish people and black people that Jow Forums seems to hate?
Wake up, guys. Anarchism is the TRUE robot ideology.
Anyone else /nogodsnomasters/ here?
It wasn't just Jow Forums. Jow Forums, /x/, and Jow Forums joined in.
>Jow Forums
>saving anyone
Odds are this is all a psyop on their part to try and make Jow Forums even more paranoid than it already was.
Jow Forums didnt do shit though
it was the native arkanine anti-trapfags that did all the lifting and then Jow Forums came in claiming they saved the board
I fucking hate new/pol/'s tendency of glory theft
Wasnt it a Jow Forumsack that doxxed one of them or something?
You are welcome, now start going to Jow Forums Jow Forums and /fa/, improve yourself and help us fight the eternal jew.
>trumps president
>pence is vice
>gays are crying
>and the traps are finally dying
dont worry user the police will treat you like the animal you are at your next failed pro fag anti trump protest
I know this is probably a stupid question, but can we get the police involved? Are we able to get any proof to get this fucker arrested?
Its about fucking time the goym agenda on Jow Forums gets exposed.
they dress like fags desu
>Jow Forums saved Jow Forums
wow, good job, you all gave this colossal shitheel the attention he was begging for this whole time, and when you didnt like how you played into his game you all sat in the middle of the room and made Jow Forums an unbearable cesspool of "holy shit guys big ebin updaet"
we're all so, so proud of you fucking basement dwellers for building it up so you feel proud for taking the weakest fucking bait imaginable.
you say this, meanwhile Jow Forums has no trap threads.
fuck off degenerate faggot.
>it's been a day
have you never heard the phrase 'Damage control'?
the fuck happened, i was out being a wagecuck
Who gives a fuck about trap threads? I'm not trans or whatever, but if people here are, so what? Doesn't affect anyone but them.
Proud Nazi reporting in.
Are you for real? Not memeing? I'll genuinely start visiting /fa/ Jow Forums and Jow Forums
fucking this
oregano, of course
>attempting to change r9k, the dwellings of shadow scum
fuck you, death to traps, r9k forever
Please don't use my other elf wife to shitpost.
it seems we can finally start moving eh user?
1488 all the way baby
When they make up more than half the threads and detail the rest you have a problem.
It was spam/raiding organized in discord shitting up the whole board. Fuck outta' here, I don't mind people making a couple or even several, but shit was getting out of hand.
i dont get it. is there a rule against trapposting now. or are the mods just deleting it
true, but who fixed it? was it really pol?
i need details user, DETAILS!
As happy as i am for Jow Forums you know that this gay shit will come back in a week or so, The same people or someone new will pick up from where it started. Unless you can make a shitstorm big enough mods do something about it you'll be stuck with it.
OK, but HOW could we make it big user? i'm up for it
These fucking fags gave ruined Jow Forums. Even the stalest fucking wagecuck threads are infinitely better than the constant fag shilling degenerates that spam Jow Forums 24/7 with trannyshit. I hope that fag Reiko necks himself. Degenerate fucks should be gassed. YES THIS SHIT MAKES ME MAD.
It was a combined effort. Anons who've been lurking the discord blew the whistle at the right time.
it was the Jow Forums black ops squad that's been at it for weeks
other boards came in to shitpost
Jow Forums came in and took credit
T. Reiko shilling b/c scared of being rightfully murdered
Do what you do best, Sperg out. It'll get the attention of the mods and they'll have to discuss what to do about it. Remove them completely or worst case have a limit on how many threads allowed.
Let gookmoot know that it isn't what robots want, It's an attack on the user base coordinated and malicious.
She wants to fuck a darkie though
>Jow Forums came in and took credit
We are the Americans in WW2
robots went to Jow Forums complaining yesterday and pulled a lot of Jow Forums posters here, can't deny it blew up because of that
>body mutilation
>obstruction of justice
Discord has already been made and aware and hopefully japmoot will actually get off his data-mined throne and fucking do something.
They simply spammed so hard that the mods decided to be extra strict for a day. Even if you believe all the hype, the gays who aren't this Reiko person will still go back to posting, and no, another day of ruining the entire board won't get them banned for being weird on Jow Forums.
>Jow Forums comes in for like a day gets rid of trap posting
>Jow Forums still complained about Jow Forums ruining the board the entire time Jow Forums was here.
>Jow Forums and fag posting gone a day later
Don't bite the hand that feeds you
Discord knows but haven't done anything or won't. Do think some anons said the contacted the three letter agency about it.
Reiko was just pol psyops to convert retards into Nazis. Fuck off back to your shithole.
>damage control
We don't want them on Jow Forums. We are aware that the discord group has been flooding other boards as well, and we are concerned about the rate in which they spam. Bringing them to heel before they can spread further is in all of our interest.
Anyone discussing politics outside of Jow Forums for recruitment purposes is a shill and will be ignored.
I wonder (((who))) could possibly be behind this post... Oregano
All three board are kind faggy in their own ways, pol is an ideological bloodbath made even more fun by trolls and shills, fit is generally good and has some top quality memes if you know their culture, but they get a little gay over body building, and fa is just straight up gay outside of their generals
been out for couple of days, what happened?
quick glance tells that some Reiko shitposter has been "busted" Jow Forums whiteknighted the whole situation, and mods deleted some threads?
who uses Discord in 2018 by the way?
>>Jow Forums just singlehandely fuck up Jow Forums
i fox that for you
And Nazi Scum handed you your ass faggot.
Jow Forums is retarded if they think this is over there's more and more information about other groups connected to reiko popping up all over Jow Forums this could easily become bigger than pizzagate
Why hello there True Capitalist Shill. do you still suck the dick of an old washed up internet radio host?
Not a problem OP. We take blood and soil very seriously on Jow Forums. we'll keep watch for anymore trannyposting and look into the rabbit hole as we always do.
I do hope my fellow Jow Forumsacks step back and keep to trap threads to counter shill so we can let you get back to your usual posting.
we'll be here in the shadows digging and back in the light if you need us.
What happened, friends?
Were trapfags banned?
ex/pol/fag here.
the more you can convince the "manlets" here not to become trannies and take it up the bum from predators and paedobears, the better for all of us.
>Jow Forums still complained about Jow Forums ruining the board the entire time Jow Forums was here.
It was literally only butthurt liberals, tumblr transplants, and the trap posters/trap endorsers themselves. Majority of Jow Forums was in support of Jow Forums. You would have to be pretty much a newfag to think Jow Forums and Jow Forums hate each other, we are both ostracized by society and we both hate people spamming our board with psyops.
Though I have to admit it was fun watching the tumblrite lefties and trap posters do mental loops over how posting traps "scares the normies away" despite trap faggotry being encouraged by mainstream society to the point they have a fucking primetime TV show about them and "bro just hide the trap threads if you dont like them lmao" but coincidentally they won't say the same for Jow Forums threads or right wing ideas
Now that i know what's been going on here i'll be watching for this shit informing anons what's going on and dropping red pills.
I may not like how they live their lives here but they don't deserve this.
just stay in the dark and lurk. don't push Jow Forums content on them to hard they deserve their own board dammit. lets make sure they have it.
Yesterday is what happens when you take "board culture" way too seriously. You just end up with autists with hero complexes spamming incoherent shit all day long. It just makes everyone look fucking retarded.
and yet Jow Forums isn't spammed full of trap shit. fuck off.
first it was cuck threads, then traps, something else will be next. there's already a drug thread up.
I only plan on doing it when any gay trap threads pop up. I respect board culture and don't talk about politics unless it's brought up elsewhere.
>I'm mad that robots are speaking out against the spam
>Why can't we go back to having spam threads
see this >first it was cuck threads, then traps, something else will be next
the trap thread degenerates won't stop, they will lay low for a bit and start something else up.
they're already spamming threads like these with disinfo. it's not over by a long shot.
be vigilant, they will not stop this behavior.
There's always been drug threads dude. I don't know what you think Jow Forums is but it's just /b/ without exact reposts.
All the cucked, blacked were shitposts of the month everyone had to deal with it. These sick freaks will try promoting the same crap some other way. Looking at the catolog my guess they might try hiding in /r9gay/ thread. It's the closest thing to what they were trying to push.
>"r9k is saved"
>check catalog
>r9gay threads are still a thing
I'm glad that faggot got doxxed, but the damage is already done