Do you guys have debilitating physical deformities or something...

Do you guys have debilitating physical deformities or something? Why are you in your 20s and still haven't swiped your v-cards? Don't you know how easy it is?

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im a low effort person, i dont even know what the proper protocol is to get with a girl

i gave up for good when a girl told me i was gay because i was a neat freak

is gyno a deformity? thats a big one for me

My right arm is completely covered in burn scars, looks like freddy kruger skin and my face has multiple knife scars. That is probably why

I'm a 22 yo virgin and i just gave up. looking foward at being a 30 yo virgin.

getting those wiz powers, i agree

22 yo KHHV here too, don't worry I believe in you, we're both gonna make it and get gfs within a year, these digits decide it.

significant gyno is pretty much suicide tier even if everything else about you is perfect.

I can't even imagine one realistic scenario of how i could meet a potential GF in real life

well then, you have my answer as to why im a khhv. losing it is easy if youre normal

I bet there's tons of guys out there with bigger tits than you who get pussy all the time because they're not little bitches who let it control their lives.

My wide fucking nose. I hope to get alar base reduction surgery which essentially reduces the width and size of my nostrils/cartilages.

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I have massive pores on my cheeks but lost my virginity in my teens, looks don't matter that much for men.

>looks don't matter that much for men.
hahahahahahaha 80% of the job is look.

theyre probably fat so it looks normal. not twink body with perky tits

25 khv here. I'll get to 30 and beyond for sure. I hate stress. Expectation are stressful. Fear of failing is stressful. My job is 100% stress, but this one I can manage cause I know what to do. No girl want an ex-fat, ugly no experience guy.

Yeah man. I tried being myself and everything, and I am still a 31 year old virgin

Tell us how to have sex with a willing participant.

Bonus points for not using a hooker. Anyone with like $200 can do that, so it's cheating

two months from thirty here.
to me women seem to be slimy smelly poop machines with snotty tuna vaginas. why would i put pussy on a pedastal when it hovers inches over putrid turds every day absorbing their scent into its meat flaps? i don't want to accidentally touch a girl's sticky deodorant gel armpit. i don't want to waste my precious bodily fluids in some girl's vagina and cuddle afterwards. sex is fucking gay.

is being extremely overweight and having a small dick considered a deformity

No it considered hot.

I'm both, so I know that feel

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24 virgin here had a gf for 2 months but only kissed her once when I was drunk. I was to scared to any other time. Really pathetic desu.

No friends.
No confidence.
No trust.
No forseeable safe future.
Don't want to fuck a girl I don't know, because I am a god worshiping paladin and no tempting succubus will grab her claws on me.
Purity is quite an object of value in my eyes, even if may they glaze over.
I can only fuck one I love, if I feel it would be right.

My brother of 24 of at the time, now 25, fucked his "gf" and got her preggers.
I Barely knew the chick, apparently she was a "gamer", alittle on the heavy side. Very into hair styling. Antisocial as fuck, and would never eat at a god damned kitchen table, always "out" or in my brother's room, making it a fucking pig's sty.
Both Female.
He barely has a job to sustain all 4 of them, now he lives with THEIR family, barely keeps contact with me.

>but safe sex tho
Not fucking a slut I barely know just to have some feeling that probably won't matter anyways.
Its also called not letting your damn temptations control your damn life.
Whether sex is a big deal or not, My brother was a dumbass for letting it send his life in a direction he wasn't prepared for.
I can't be un-scarred.

Are you still a virgin after being fucked in the butt by another dude (and sucking his dick?) Honest question

If so, then the answer is yes

no, but i do have a lot less collagen than is average, so i'm mad flexible and can easily dislocate my limbs. just a fun fact.

oh and i'm prone to passing out.

Yes. I have scar tissue on my dick.