who here having a lil' drinky-poo to pass the time?
what're ya
Im having a glass of Jim Beam before bed, helps me clear my head and sleep better with the stresses of uni.
This is actually the first night I'm trying to spend sober in a few months. It's hard.
>before bed
why not just smoke weed dude lmao
Haven't had a drink at all this year. What's your recommendation OP?
whisky sour
easy to make gets you drunk as fuck and tastes amazing
>tfw too poor to even be an alcoholic
>drank every night for a few months
Wew lad, you might be such an alcoholic that quiting will give you the shakes.
>Civ 6 and Aphex Twin
yeah it's pretty bad, I don't feel good right now
Princess trainer
katawa shoujo
Joy Division, Animal Collective, Death Grips cause i'm a faggot.
Down to my last $100 until the 19th. I have a 24 oz PBR and 3 16oz ones in the fridge. Gonna drink those while playing CSS, then go to a liquor store and by a small bottle of shit whiskey and go to a bar and hang out and shoot dice while only drinking a couple beers and sneaking pulls of whiskey
Lmao I have drank every night for over a year and wake up with really bad tremors. Right now I am still shaking and have been awake for hours. About to start though and I am real excited to feel good again
bro thats pretty bad can u go to a detox center at this point? do u even wanna?
I dont need it lol. If I wanted to quit I can just wean myself. But who cares, I need a drink
3 24oz Hurricanes for 3.99
listening to 80s synth shit and cleaning my room, trying to forget that I've spent the last few months as a 24 year old living with my dad and his wife because of some legal and financial issues I ran into last year forced me out of a place...
Trying to forget the berating I get every other day by my dads wife for not working the past 2 weeks and playing vidya all day, despite me doing a shit ton around the house and going to school and forgoing my tax return this year so they could claim me and save like 1600 dollars with an adult dependent credit AND the fact that I buy all my own food and literally take every precaution to make sure I am out of the way as possible and even pay a rent-ish kind of thing.... AND the fact that I will LITERALLY be starting a New city job with the DWP in less than a month making almost 80 grand starting... but nooo lets just talk shit to someone cause I feel like being a menopausal asshole, like who the fuck cares if I dont do shit outside and wake up at noon everyday when Im not working... I literally am out of the way in a separate house on your property, cant you like leave me alone? Then she lies and tells me its my dad who is venting to her all this shit but cant tell me cause he doesnt want to make me mad... but I know my dad... I've known him a decade longer than she has.. fucking christ, that nigga is an A-type personality who doesnt bite his tongue for nothing, AND I hang out with him almost everyday and since being out of work I've been having breakfast or lunch a few times a week with him...
you sound like me
I got venmo'd some money randomly by some girl in a facebook group I made for robotesque alcoholics to shitpost with other retards and spent it on two bud ice 32ozes a day for the past few days and bought a shitty 5 dollar bottle of kamchatka vodka and go to the bar every night wasting time and getting away from the people in my house until my new city job starts in a month
>blew out my power supply on gaming rig
>Look in fridge
>Enough beer to do the job
Reaching comfy thresholds right about now. Gonna sleep well, I'll deal with that shit tomorrow.
I am borderline homeless, right now I am subletting with some people until May but I lived in hostels for a long time. Dont know what to do when this sublet is over. I would save so much money if I didnt go to bars every night and have like 15 drinks. Whats wrong with me? I hate drinking at home, at least sometimes the bars are interesting. April 30th I have planned to be my last night on earth. Gonna have a good time that night, saving up for a bunch of coke
I lived my life like that all last year after my Ex FIancee left and took my Daughter... I was going from house to house, working odd jobs to just go blow on some food and a night at the bar and get laid...
dont kill yourself though user, just work on getting to another echelon so you cant go homeless again
There is no place for me in this world. I live in Seattle. Big mistake. My alcohol tolerance has gone up so high in the year ive been here. I routinely drink enough to kill 5+ college freshmen and I never get hungover, just the shakes real bad. Im so tired of having no reason to live. Youd think with the amount of time I spend in bars I could at least get laid every now and then. Fuck I hate everything
drinking some shitty ipa, playing homm3, and listening to some rezz
why dont you clean your act and look for a wife and make some kids... literally nothing else will give you such a sense of purpose
Sierra Nevada Hop Bullet. It's 8% abv.
Nothing. Video games do nothing for me anymore.
See above
See above.
Fuck you faggot I will never have kids, do you think im really that stupid? As for a wife I could care less, I would rather be alone and free than tied to someone. I would take a gf I guess but I cant have one, I have brain problems
I wish my parents were okay with alcohol. I always forget to get alcohol during the day. Can't buy it at night because of sale laws.
>ill just have tea and zzzquil i guess
>fuck you faggot I will never have kids
why such a hostile response?
what makes you stupid for wanting to procreate?
If I had a retard wojak saved on this phone i would post it right now. Procreation is stupid because you are signing yourself up for infinitely more suffering than you ever thought possible as well as bringing another individual into this hellscape to suffer and cause the suffering of others. The amount of work and money and stress it would take from you is absurd. Even if I were rich a child would give me nothing. I dont care about my legacy or the white race or my family name or any such trash. I dont even care if I am remembered at all.
Why don't you like Seattle? I was kind of thinking of moving there from NYC.
Fake people and I cant get a house or a better job
Jack danies. Getting fuckd up tonoghtw.
Rught now its dogs, by link floys
Oh, that sucks. There's fake people everywhere.
what a sad nihilistic view of the world... I'm sorry you feel that way dude but I hope it gets better for you... I'm also going to assume you're under 25 though, so I'm not holding what you just said to you anyway
The cricket outside my window
I'm fucking done with this place. It's poisoned my mind so much, I can't stand to even think about it. It's about to ruin a really happy relationship I have going and I can't bear that.
I want this to work so badly and this fucking poisonous place is influencing how I think and feel about my partner.
I'm blocking it on all browsers.
Goodbye, arcanine
good on you mate, love to hear that. Much love and best of luck on everything you pursue in the future
before I go, I'm drinking a barrel aged red wine
I really didn't want to get tipsy tonight, but I found out the wine was 17% after i already drank half the bottle
Eh, dude, I'm 28 and I feel the same way.
nice, sounds like the shit
why though?
Drinking a bottle of Pinot Noir, watching some crappy college rendition of Aristophanes, and listening to Modern Baseball and other revival bands.
Wine is the shit. I'm out of Merlot, but I have a bottle of Port I might break into if I finish the bottle I'm drinking now.
Isn't it true?
It might be nice to have kids: I could raise them better than I was raised. But why do it? There are enough people, and they'd probably have mental illness like I have. Or worse, a physical illness.
I don't care about my legacy. What is my legacy? Being a 28-year-old failure on a fucking Mongolian carpet transmission?
youd only be a failure if you quit (kinda like it seems what youre doing now) or if you died never having learned what your mistakes were and trying to fix them and move beyond.
and yeah youd likely raise them better than you were raised, as I am trying to do with my children (although thats not a high bar to pass) so why not keep it a consideration, rather than rule it out completely
and who cares about a legacy
I mean idk dude do what you want, I just hate to see a decent dude anywhere be this down about shit
Drinking soco both the 80 proof and 100. Watching Archer on the tv. There is a distiller series in Jack Daniel's you guys need to try, the 006 batch that is fantastic with grenadine, it and your favorite soda. Gonna miss working as a liquor store clerk, moving in three weeks to start my new my life.
nice brother, glad to hear it
also sounds delicious
drinking 3 24oz cans of hurricanes cause currently a brokefag and listening to eminence front on repeat
Eh, there's enough people. No reason to throw more into the mix. Adopting a child is like $30k - and that's from a poor country.
Good for you, user. I hope your new life is fulfilling.
for sure bro, regardless I wish you well and hope you get over whatever slump youre in currently and live a long and fufiling life
Thanks user. Best to you, too.
what kind of 80s synth are you listening to?
This is the bottle of jack I mentioned.
just the stereotypical vice city soundtrack shit, like ABC, Pet Shop Boys, Blancmage, etc. with some gunship synthwave type stuff thrown in there mixed with some 70s and 80s contemporary, right now I have eminence front by the who on repeat ever since it came on my radio just because that bassgroove makes me feel like I should be wearing a hawaiian shirt under a red members only jacket with my hair slicked back, wayfarers, cuffed Levi's 501s and old school adidas with a mack 11 on my side walking down the street where one by one different members of whatever gang Im in would be joining me
I drank some tap water and iFunny is down so I'm here
soyboy grade IPA
watching the anime Monster for the first time
i need better drunk anime
Thanks my dude. Look at for reference.
Thanks my guy, my new life will replace the drink with chronic that I get for free at my new location. I can finally be free of people who ask me for monetary help! (Hopefully.)
What anime have you seen, lad?
Can you buy alcohol without a current ID? My old one expired on my birthday and its going to be a while until i can get to the DMV for a new one.
Drinking, but playing, watching to nothing. Just want to die
Yeah figure i should quit but it's damn hard getting that sweet release combined with smoking a pack of cigs or more. If there was ever a downward spiral i'm sure i'd be near it or in it.
depends if your regular shop knows you and doesn't ID you then it won't matter but if you go to a different store chances are they won't sell to you on an expired ID.
I'm actually stimmed as fuck rn but I do have a handle of wild turkey.
I have shit to do tonight so I'll just drink later.
but fuck is wild turkey smooth as fuck.
Shit. Nobody knows me here.
worth a shot though because better safe then sober.
Not the same user that asked you the 1st thing, but, how old do you look? Sometimes (for me, I haven't been carded in a while) they won't ask for an ID if you look old enough. I work at a liquor store so I should know.
Don't make me an inb4 story liquor store clerks. This user can handle it!
What sake do you guys recommend?
I'm a whiskey expert, not a sake expert, user. I have only had one sake and it was bad. Try wine, like Apothic, or Yellow tail, they are my only recommendations for sake as we don't sell where I work, unfortunately. The fucking bitch I work for won't sell exotic stuff like it.
Everyone in this thread, (who isn't me, the blue bottle of jack lad) has been some great lads. I just hope everything works out for all of us.
Do you have a recommendation for rose wine?
Roscatto, maybe? I'm not a wine guy. Maybe some Verdi? I'm sure it will come to me... It always does... I'm a little bit inebriated, so asking me is a little fruitless.
i have seen quite a lot of anime
cheapfag here, so I always go for the giant bottles of carlo rossi
I usually get the moscato-sangria, its super easy to drink and one huge bottle is goood for getting schlitzo'd for two or three nights
im degenerate. i drank a pint of crown royal.. speaking the kings obviously. also i took 8 xanax. 've never taken this many pills. everything iis heavy blurry.
What about a sitcom or movie series to drink and lose yourself to? I recommend Those Who Can't, those guys put on a great show.
We sell out of that one where I work lol. Try yellow tail moscato with some lemon-lime soda then? It isn't as cheap but might work for what your need it to.
I realize I am not the best at recommendations as far as non-whiskey or the seldom rum goes, but this is my best since I haven't tried the things being asked of me.
I've had gabapentin withdrawals before, and that shit is significantly weaker than liquor. I've had a new found respect/fear of hooch addiction ever since. godspeed anons, I can't imagine the hell you guys are going through. Literally the only thing I can think that is worse than hooch withdrawal is xanax/benzo withdrawal.
Or nicotine withdrawal. Been suffering from that for quite some time. Ever smoked tobacco products, user? Ever had others try and push you into going back? It's worse than heroin for a stupid reason.
Finished off a pinot noir and working my way through the Mineral discography.
"I just want to be something more than mud in your eyes"
Maybe try Apothic Red Blend.