>not a single trap thread in sight
w-what happened here guys? can it really be true?
Not a single trap thread in sight
Other urls found in this thread:
yes we did it bros. some pop up for a short time but get dealt with swiftly. guess some anons think they are funny by ban evading and ironic shitposting for the lulz. but thats Jow Forums, what can you do, full of retards.
yep the good times are back
probably ran off to /b/ to cry themselves to sleep
Don't get too comfy. They'll be back eventually. You robots need to be ready when they come back.
The Chans will always have your back though.
>captcha audio: your friends appear
Jow Forums happened.
Don't forget we are the guardians of Jow Forums. The occupation will end within 48 hours if it is confirmed the enemy has surrendered.
You are clean my friend.
No Ciara threads either. Pretty good 24 hours.
Little faggots stopped spamming their tranny bullshit, if these people get doxxed they'll get a boot to their faces, stupid fucking dorks.
Isn't it beautiful user? 0regino
Freedom boys original straight virgin here
I don't see "no traps allowed" in the rules, so it's not really fair to ban them.
don't post my waifu without permission pls
Say hi to the FBI for me retards
it's a special circumstance since we know these threads are being posted by paid shills for blackmail/life-ruining purposes now.
Might want to recheck the catalog there chief.
do your job and report this thread
newfags: there is a bold arrow like triangle next to every post including OP post, click it to report a post. if enough people report OP and his thread get banned.
>ur waifu
kill self
The day of the originaI rope
heh you think the fbi can catch me? think again
I haven't seen any regular Eliza threads since early last month.
she is just one of a harem.
Yes, it is
If people are interested, I'll post my screenshots of PMs with the leader (can I say his name?). He tried to get me to post pictures and I eventually blocked him because I was getting a weird feeling.
Anyone interested?
it's ok you are safe now
If you've got a VPN post the dox image. Will instantly remove thread. Sometimes the mods need a kick in the ass to do their job.
Alternatively go to to see what administration can do about this.
yes please
I don't believe you but yes
kinda sad tbdesu
now I have to go over to /b/ to jerk off
i hope you and everyone you love die the most painful cancer death there is
Reiko and his whoregang have been fought back against
Good, stay there and don't come back.
you're so hard im scared aaaaa help aaaaa hard man!!!!!! kill yourself fucking nigger
>you're so hard
>kill yourself fucking nigger
Bring them baaaaaaack!
lmao nobody here types like this
Who sent you
The question is, who sent you? Oh wait, it's the gay pedo reiko, go kill yourself.
Personally I am happy it is gone. Trap shit should be contained on b
and we will be waiting upon your return. Remember that.
Desperate robots called for me. I answered. Its only right that they would seek help in displacing you vermin.
i was 98% joking my dude
obviously I'm glad that autists won't be spamming the same shitty threads hour by hour. i might be a faggot, but I do genuinely want to see board quality improve.
you're not me.
I was sticking up for you you fucking piece of gay shit go fuck yourself now
fuck sake i double posted again
>haha anyone who doesnt like our gay shit doesnt belong
fuck off back to lgbt
fuck off to your kindergarden group pedro. this site is 18+
lmao is actually a useful component in getting laid
sounds like nonsense but it's very true
I'm afraid the battle is far from over...
Thank god they have finally been purged. Fucking disgusting, I just want to post about my piss bottles and no gf feels
as sad as this is, try reddit.com/r/Jow Forums and you'll see some stuff in the main thread.
I do NOT have the PMs. Tried to go to my old account that I ditched.
If anyone can find the 4craft.us discord link, use that and search for Reiko. His obsessive nature and messages were done in public chats there, too.
I repeat, 4craft.us discord link. Find it and search for Reiko (I'm banned).
This shit is wonderful, but I'm worried about the inevitable influx of underage moralfags this will bring? Is the pedo ring fucked up? Yes, but honestly I don't care all that much so long as it isn't shitting up this board/website. Watching transfreaks get btfo'd is always satisfying and certainly this will be the end of nearly 2 years of fag shit on Jow Forums but we're about to endure an Eternal Summer. It's worth it in the end, but still.
you fucks, that's a shemale. completely different, I would know.
You guy's need to chill out it ain't that serious
Its basically a raid, its a 3rd party
Hello, I have proof of blackmail. My friend yozam was caught up in Reiko drama. They tried forcing him to take HRT and post pics or they would dox him. He was smart enough not to and tried to retaliate. Here's the logs
Please do not let reiko do this to you. Reiko is an evil man. Spread the word.
just in case, we must stay vigilant my brothers
>never forget our losses
>never forget our fallen comrades to the trap menace
>death to traps, fags, and roasties
Wait isn't the OP anti-trap though? I legitimately couldn't tell
Do I have autism
its a thinly veiled trap thread, check the comments. apparently theyre on discord laughing their asses off, they made this thread believe it or not. report and ignore.
You have autism, user. Please read the posts again and take a time-out.
I assumed that the posters were pro-reiko (aka Reiko himself pretending to be a shill) because the jannies seem to be on Reiko's side
>people talking about crab dicks
I dunno man that seems pretty funny more than anything to me
We have won this war.
Jow Forums lives another day.
But were the mods on the reiko side? Didnt they deleted the trap posts?
They brought down the hammer on duplicate threads and threads with doxposts
But that is futa and futa is fine. Also it's 2D and it's not trying to get people to make rash and impulsive life decisions that can fuck them up.
porn is proof that the slippery slope argument is valid, since you're always chasing more and more degenerate shit after numbing your senses to more vanilla porn. doesnt matter if futa is 2d, it ultimately leads you to failure
its been a while since ive been here, but this fucking reiko nigger set off some alarms. r9k was my first board, and I hope you cowboys do well.
prevail above faggotry
Meh. It doesn't lead me to want to start hormone shit though. It's kind of hard to get worse when you start off with TG/Futa anyways.
Oh nevermind. Just checked thread, it devolved into trap/homo shit. Kill it.
Are the doxposts still up on the archives?
you're just bullshitting. porn is a cycle, if you were addicted enough you would know this. you get to the really degenerate shit, and when that doesn't do anything you just go back to vanilla shit for the novelty, and it's great.
Hi there. I see you are a fan of playing with your own poo and dressing up as a girl?
Idk, but I've got most caps saved including the multiple dox.
You losers are idiots.
You got sand in your vaginas and sperged out all because some traps have bigger dicks than you.
But this is your lifes big highlight for a while so enjoy It while you can.
And if you think traps are bad,well they are going to seem like CAKE after what happens next.
>well they are going to seem like CAKE after what happens next.
Nothing worse than traps desu. I hate full on homo shit less than trap posting.
there's a massive difference between futa porn (and even 3d trap porn) and spamming trying to convince retards to cut their dicks off
Not dedicating yourself to Nasim