The blackmailing shit is real

Hello, I have proof of blackmail. My friend yozam was caught up in Reiko drama. They tried forcing him to take HRT and post pics or they would dox him. He was smart enough not to and tried to retaliate. Here's the logs

Please do not let reiko do this to you

Attached: unknown-21.png (641x569, 70K)

>its real
Abort abort abort

Finally some proof
Now was that so hard? Jesus Christ

Holy shit, they actually tried doxing the kid

Attached: GUPX8Ve.jpg (1080x1350, 93K)

bye reiko

Nice, have him forward it to the feds or do it yourself

>its real

holy shit actual proof. lmfao reiko is doomed

How likely was shauiby caught up in this?

Attached: BstqM2IIgAASXpt.jpg (600x900, 51K)

Thinking about it. If it was a huge nothingburger the trap posting would have continued regardless. I think you guys really messed them up today

they were posting pics of that guy in the public discord too lmao

How stupid do you have to be

No they're still posting
Mods are deleting the threads and this one is probably next on the chopping block

how the fuck do you even get to that situation in the first place`? are people on this board legit mentally retarded?

So what do we do this? Send it to Mekatur?

arc main admins are based11!

Anybody what to tell me what's in it

Attached: 1496295470225.jpg (250x250, 14K)

Just a picture of some kid they tried to doxx

Literally zero

Jews are doing what they do best and spreading false info to advmace their agenda

Reiko telling some person to dox yozam

Attached: Screenshot_20180410-193936.png (1080x1920, 295K)

just an old chatlog

I'd watch that video

They chop anything with the dox. This thread is safe. They're posting capability is severely slashed. Board quality has dramatically improved over the last 24 hours.

We just try to ignore it. For all this time I always thought people were legitimately obsessed with traps. Now I know it's just a group of dedicated faggots.

Attached: 1523391795163.jpg (1280x720, 454K)

Wait this is gold. They just said reikos name is Seth Auxier

kids are easily impressionable

Which means its even more real. You tranny fags are seething at this

Attached: 5XUeFLh.png (615x582, 279K)

Can someone dump the logs here? Not opening that shit.

are you legit new?

Here's reiko bragging about this

Attached: reiko.png (1212x149, 15K)

>Now I know it's just a group of dedicated faggots.
imagine posting for months trap threads without an end or pause. imagine being this mentally ill

>are people on this board legit mentally retarded?
what? this board is the epitome of autism

Dude's got quite a load to call others autistic.

Not just that my fellow robots. Looks like his steam state seems legit.

Attached: State.jpg (880x779, 59K)

>30 yo neet overdosing on memes thinks blackmail is just le internet ruse
Honestly Hiro needs to step his moderation game up before he loses his data mining operation

with the power of the Jow Forums and Jow Forums this board will never be filled with traps and gay shit forever

FUCKING KEK! This fag tried changing his state to throw everyone off the trail. Too late now fuckster.

this matches up with screen caps and pics of the kid they were posting here as well

fucking shit. there is no hell hot enough for degenerates like this

look at that fucking demented animal.

Attached: 1491167564716.jpg (400x267, 17K)

yall might have pleb users on ifunny helping out but nothing solid

so whens the metokur video to explain all this shit to a brainlet like me

What if he only said this to try to trick us?

>autist thinks he is epic trolling other autists
the cycle never ends robots
it never does

look at the date, he changed it so he wouldnt get doxed at the time.

Anyone wanna tell me what the links in it are?

maybe, but these logs are before april 9th, before he completely blew up and people found his Yt, reddit, and steam. Also, the civcraft stuff seems legit

that's not even the fucking discord font you autist

>this obvious samefagging shilling a virus link

I feel bad for whoever was stupid enough to open this and especially for all you people who care about this dumb fake generated-by-trolls drama


its a chat exporter

you can scan and analyze it yourself, its an html file idiot

hello reiko how are you doing bud im coming for you

This looks a fuck like the chat exporter's work, so I'm thankful some poor robot got into their shilling den to get some shit on them

Did not get a virus from this tho so this is some fake news

Attached: Think.png (345x556, 195K)

>HTML files can't have viruses
Literally educate yourself

you are an epic fail reiko

i didnt say they cant, i said to analyze it dipshit



Attached: WTF.png (395x438, 22K)

>make an entire board of autists assmad
If only le reddit could

how are they blackmailing people if you can't doxx someone through discord

Attached: reallymakesyouthink.png (225x225, 4K)

Ey boyos looks like the steam state is in fact confirm

Attached: STATE IS CONFIRMED.jpg (1055x859, 69K)

so, I actually am steam friends with this guy, we played together as the /a/ team on the last minecraft, i met him by joining the 4craft discord and asking to join /a/ and he contacted me. his steam profile is private even to friends now. the fuck? he was just a random shitposter weeb, i dont buy this

Hes probably baiting us

of course it was an 8gag fag

wouldnt have been at the time, this was weeks before

>Mar 22nd
seepsn2 said my steam account went public and my state was shown TOO(or also).

If you really are can you post his steam account?

his steam account has been posted all over Jow Forums, use steam archive

it's private. it's just his icon and "This profile is private."
i'm pretty sure he's innocent of whatever you retards are accusing him of so i dont want to facilitate this witch hunt

Discord to discuss this

How much HRT are you on?


im not on any. i barely know him, but i spent maybe 3-4 days with him playing minecraft on the last 4craft server as /a/ and he was completely normal, just a bit of a shitposter.

Ive only seen older pics of it and I have the link, I thought you could see how it looked now if you were friends with him

im not the friend fag, im another poster. It doesn't really matter we have his account even if its on private

Naive or lying. Probably both.

this is all the "proof" youre getting

Attached: 4JTDsYr.png (199x47, 4K)

Place is on fire right now, tons of the big accounts are getting banned

Anyone know Sorion's discord tag?

Alright, I know it doesnt mean anything I just wanna know

ye rip in pieces

What do you mean by this
Over geiko?


Damn who knew I funny was so based

What's Redpill.exe

pretty redpilled still have that furfags and weebs to deal with still

Jesus fuck they're really pedos

>i hate anime!
>on the anime website!

Attached: 1519847062486.gif (500x455, 496K)

That's what you get for liking traps you faggot

>taking drugs that fuck with your head, give you boobs etc over having a few embarrassing pics revealed

These guys aren't victims, they're TRANNIES. No sympathy

Jow Forums is Jow Forums now.

Jow Forums hates anime.

This is our website.

>We are legion
>We are anonymouse
mondo kek, Jow Forums will be evicted like all hostile invaders before you.

Yeah, good luck on trying to take over, kiddo.

>reddit spacing
>our website
please fuck off back to plebbit
r the donald is that way


You have to go back faggot.

stop false flagging, all Jow Forums intellectuals have 80s anime avatars

Time to go back, faggot. take your degenerate Jew cuck President as well.

only reddit hates anime.

> Jow Forums will be evicted like all hostile invaders before you.
>Fembot, Tranny, Normie threads on the daily

Attached: 1475636443229.jpg (600x833, 50K)

>all hivemindedly tell me to go back to the donald
>saying IM from reddit

Attached: 44991391.gif (262x264, 1.93M)

im not a reddit fag but I dislike anime