Have to spend the last quarter of high school at my house because I'm a "safety concern"

>Have to spend the last quarter of high school at my house because I'm a "safety concern"
>if I visit the school I won't get my diploma

What do I do lads

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shoot up school and live stream it

Nigger what did you do? That's a pretty harsh punishment

>'safety concern'

what could you possibly do that they would prefer you stay as far away from the school property as possible?

greentext time user


Please green text what u did op

> (OP) (You)
>Nigger what did you do? That's a pretty harsh punishment

Last year me and my friends went to go shoot my parents handgun without asking

After a lot of bullshit of them becoming normies they sent in pictures of that and said that I had planned to shoot up the school

I have information that could lead to there arrest or at least hefty trouble (then doing drugs mostly)

That's really it though. It was stupid of me but they made up a number of false accusations to try to get me expelled. Kindve worked. Idk what to do know but all my classes are online and I take my finals in may


videos of people doing drugs wont get anyone arrested dont make yourself looks stupid. send the vids to their parents maybe

I have information that ties them to a large drug dealer is that good?????????

Just do your work and graduate. Also stop posting here, you could still do something with your life.

Something similar happened to me. Couldn't go to school for half the year and when I finally went back, I was like a celebrity or something. All these insane rumors had spread that I had to clear up.

Lol the police have bigger fish to fry buddy you are up shit creek

Whats your reason user?

I don't care a whole lot since it wont be relevant once the school year is over


Did kind of the same thing. I took a taser to my school and tased myself and a few other people. Got thrown into a delinquent school near me for the rest of the year and now I have a felony under my belt.

That'll get your legs broken

I don't have any charges or anything since it was during the summer and everyone wanted to do it.
How so? I'm leaving my town in a couple months

>"I knew he was gonna do it"
dont be an hero
dont fall for their tricks.
stick to the rules
in just a few years you dont have to worry yourself in the normies, just stay strong.

thanks user. its the isolation and the dissapointment in my parents eyes thats killing me

It was retarded. So was I because I was young but also got stabbed in the back by a sociopath snake that I really considered to be a friend.

>friend wants to borrow a pellet gun for some really stupid reason not worth getting into
>bring it to school for them
>on bus ride over, show it to friend in private. Never pulled it out or anything. just opened bag told him how cool it was
>homeroom passes and go to first period
>class starts and cops interrupt
>get arrested in class and brought to principal's office
>""""friend"""" wrote up a statement that I got to read that was 100% B U L L S H I T. This dude lied through his teeth about things that were never said
>expulsion and courts follow
>have to be home tutored by school teachers and will be allowed to return to school pending community service (blind, random coincidence that I happen to have to clean tombstones in a national cemetery where the grandfather I never met just happened to be buried)
>allowed to return to school for the final quarter that year
>come to find out that "friend" was the biggest asshole on the planet, bragged about how he got me kicked out of school in a bid to make eagle scout in the boy scouts for his heroism, which he fucking accomplished
>seeing him face-to-face, he just does nothing but tell me to stay away from him because his father's a cop who will arrest me
>every time I would see him in the halls, he would either turn and go another route or try to pretend he didn't see me while tensing up when we passed each other
>literally had people I never met offering to kick his ass for me

And also kept having to deal with all those weird rumors about what I had in my bag and what I planned to do with it. The person I was bringing the stupid thing in for also had a rather dramatic episode when I got the boot, but that's something else entirely.

I'm sorry to hear that user
here is my story
>Summer of last year
>On the 4th one of my friends puts forth the idea of going to light some fireworks off and shoot some guns
>he asks if I can bring some guns
>say sure
>we mess around with them since we were edgelords or whatever
>one picture of me holding it with a friend looking concerned
>asks me to take it ON HIS PHONE
>go shooting innawods and so some fireworks off no problem
>fastforward to fall
>after a lot of escalation i cut contact with them for a week
>find out that they have a groupchat just to make fun of me
>see the most degrading, insulting things directed towards me
>think about an heroing
>try to brush it off after i realize i would rather be bullied then isolated
>invite them over
>they pressure me to take out the gun
>begrudgingly do so
>a couple weeks later my mom is told
>then the job I was applying towards
>now the school
>after a couple months of accusations and self harm the school decides this

Early life lesson, man. Use it. You really don't know who you can trust, even if they seem to be close friends.

still though, i can get back at them.

>What do I do lads
Get off my board you fucking young faggot

>I have information that could lead to there arrest or at least hefty trouble (then doing drugs mostly)
Nigga you better send that to the cops

fuck u telling him not to trust ppl you're only feeding his paranoia which will grow exponentially and criple him further in his adult life OP DON'T LISTEN TO THIS JACKASS

>two very similar stories of betrayal back to back with similar results
>consequences could have been avoided if they weren't so trusting
You're the problem.

That can get them arrested so even better
Speaking from experience