How do we fight white supremacy and sexism ruining r9k

How do we fight white supremacy and sexism ruining r9k

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but those are the two pillars of r9k
if those fall the house collapses

fbpb always and forever

Sexism yes, white supremacy no.
The way of the robot is one of bitterness towards women, not fellow man, be he Chad or Tyrone

Why shouldn't I hate niggers?
They're taking white women off the dating pool and they leave shit ape sheboons in exchange.
They're also making more nigger hybrid failure children.
Non nigger men get absolutely nothing out these parasites.

this. bros need to stick together against evil women. having a black bf and an asian bf is perfectly fine.

>The way of the robot is one of bitterness towards women, not fellow man, be he Chad or Tyrone
>be he chad or tyrone
Fuck off idiot you must be fresh off the boat from reddit

friggin wh*toids think they can make this board white

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>This is actually how mutts think

Real white supremacists are very subtle in their racism. It gouges a particularly deep cut that can't be argued against. The ones you see here are chucklefucks clinging to the accomplishments of people they kinda look like because they have nothing else to cling to in life. The weird thing is, those aforementioned "real" white supremacists look down on these types the same way they look down on other races. I know they used to call them white trash but now everyone just seems to say plebs.

This is our board. Jow Forums is here to aid us in our hour of need

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you retard faggot bitch

if you only date white guys i understand. but r9gay is specifically angry at women, not races.

We just wanna be loved too user, I know my people are doing some questionable things, but some of us weren't raised to be thugs.

You can't chimp out over the internet tyrone

That sounds like something a black man would say
True shit, I do not consider racemixing much because I cant even mix with a woman. Fuggg

No u, my melanin enriched brother

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You're the newfag if you think Jow Forumsshit ever had anything to do with this board before the election.
Honestly between the trap and race spamming I think I've had enough of this place. They're both the fucking worst.

Some of you can be decent people. Sadly, many of you refuse to be this way. We have our own share of faggots though

sexism is one of the pillars but pissed off pajeets are the other, not racism

So why are blackbots getting so much hate?

Alright sounds good fuck off

Its not you they hate. Its tyrone they hate IE stereotypical black guy
>Saggy pants
>Screams and shouts loudly along with other black people
>Blares rap
>Talks in a strange manner
>White women are interested in him because he's "different" (IE they want to be treated like trash)
I had a black bot as a roomate. Was a good guy. The type of person I described above though is why you and others get hate

There's no such thing as blackbots
The first thing a nigger does after coming out of his mom vagina is fuck her mom

White supremacy isn't hating other races. You've got it mixed up.

Bullshit I never fucked my grandma or any woman. Why do you think blacks are born to get pussy? I don't get this meme blacks are not even desirable.

I guess you're alright then.
It must be hard being a non retarded black guy surrounded by blacks that are clinically retarded I guess.

true. got robbed once by a black guy when i was like 16 and never forgave any of them.

its hard when they all have something in common (Different color / culture), that other people im usually around lack

obviously i recognise it's illogical but it still do it

Hey we blackbots are in the same boat as you, but we also have go through the lack of love, and hate from other bots. I just want my fellow robots of all colors to stand together, and support each other.

>someone actually saved this pic

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We? You should fucking kill yourself of you wanna go against what is saving this board.

Can we still call each other niggesr?
If so I am down to that idea.

By killing all faggot OP's like yourself.

All I see on Jow Forums is butthurt little niggers, I thought niggers were supposed to be tough?

I hate chad and all his variants, unless they're actually good people instead of just the winners of the narcissism game.

Black bots are cool though.

>I thought niggers were supposed to be tough?

Its all a front. Catch em one on one and they bitch out. Its why they rarely fight one on one.

>t. butthurt nigger who's mad people mock his embarrassing race

I know, seems like mexicans and whites hold their own in a fight, nigs will run away if they're alone in a fight.


Mexicans NEVER EVER EVER fight one on one either. If you catch one alone and bust him up, guaranteed hell be back with all his cousins and family along with anyone else he knows.

I've dealt with mexicans and they do fight unlike blacks, most mexican vatos learn how to fight at an early age, but they will team up on someone if they're in a group.

>tfw you constantly rant about "muh niggers" on Jow Forums
>tfw you secretly want a qt3.14 big booty ebony gf

Ive dealt with Mexicans plenty too, they gang up always. But theyre smarter than niggers, and typically smaller so I can understand why they do as they do.

unbe-fucking-lievable you absolute neanderthal!

you actually believe the bullshit that comes out of your mouth! must be reassuring, since no one else fucking does.

do you really think we'd fall for the low hanging fruit just so you can fuck white women?

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Join us and fight degeneracy.

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You and all your kind should leave

will do, how can i help user?

>>and typically smaller

I try not to underestimate certain people because i'm 6'2 and i've been beat up by manlets and and beaten the shit out out people my height. You never know how angry a person can be so I never underestimate people.

I want to reenlist faggot

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Oh I agree, never ever underestimate anyone.

white supremacy will continue until you fags lrn2 stop fucking caring about it... nazi threads have come and gone in /b/ for years, whiney bitchy leftcucks and
>"hurr daz naht reaal americun cunserfatizm"
righties need to shut up and ignore the autism then itll go away, and if it doesnt... then oh well sign me up for the winning side

>half mexicunt who still rolled Peckerwoods in prison last year

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what? all 9 of them?

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let's see
1.blonde ubermenstch chad
2.broken home bad boy chad
3.super nigger sayian tyrone
4.rico suave chad
6.bruce lee kung fu master hunglo
7.hipster soy boy chad
8.richie rich chad
9.veteran I've seen some shit chad

I guess I'm almost a 2
I'm more the broken home bad boy recovering beta slowly turning chad

Im just getting older and more tired of bullshit is really all it is I guess and thusly not all anxious when making decisions so things come off more congruent to bitches... in reality Im just merely doing shit I want without even really thinking about the consequences, but I wouldn't say that necessarily makes me a chad

/thread gentleman. Lets get a move on and leave