This thread is for INFP-T only. How are you doing today?

This thread is for INFP-T only. How are you doing today?

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eat shit faggot

thge orignal

No you. Leave my thread Chad.

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intp masterrace fag

i'm doing pretty good! thanks for asking OP

that's me.
I'm doing terrible. Today is my 21st birthday and hopefully my last. I just want this hell to end, there's nothing for me in this cold world.

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oh fuck dude, what's going on?

>be me
>week or so ago
>see someone talking about INFP-T
>"haha, what is this hippie looking bitch?"
>take test
>oh, it's me.

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What's with all the MBTIposting today?

people are obsessed with themselves

I'm just a delusional coward I guess. My life is actually pretty ok aside from the whole socialization thing, I just don't feel like facing any more problems that are sure to come with time (family accidents, diseases, social frustrations, etc).
I understand not everyone hates living, the good things in life just aren't enough for me anymore (completely my fault I have high standards I guess).
People shouldn't be forced to live, this is pain.

iktf user
i would tell you things will get better, but you know that's not necessarily true.

i love you, i hope things look up for you in the future.

Awful. I have no qt fellow infp gf

I got a D+ on my CS exam. I kind of expected that but it still kind of sucks. Probably gonna end up majoring in english with a creative writing focus.
Who cares about unemployment, anyways. I doubt I'll last long enough to need a steady career. Might as well do what I like while I'm still around.

also this

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I'm sorry user, sometimes we just get unlucky with the people we end up around. being social is nowhere near as straight forward as most people tell us, but you probably already knew that. Life is so fucking chaotic, you will never be prepared for the shit that can come your way, and there's no way to get around the fact that shit is at some point will just get real real bad. It seems like that shit might be happening for you currently and I'm sorry. regardless, happy birthday user

>i would tell you things will get better, but you know that's not necessarily true
problem is I don't really care anymore, even if it did. for me life is pleasure or pain, and I'm not looking for pleasure.

>start my own thread (see )
>get a happy tought because its getting replies
>then a bunck of faggots start their own mbti threads
>probably because they want to feel the same as i do
I cant blame them, shit feels good man

Been up since Saturday morning and I still wanna shoot myself but life is sort of looking up.

This was me 6 months ago. Was the most depressed I've ever been for 3 months, then decided it'd be dumb to kill myself before going balls to the wall to improve myself first. Started lifting and attempting to make social connections. Hang out with people sometimes now, girls look at me and sometimes start conversations (too redpilled to care though, I'm going the sexbot route), a guy wants to be roommates with me. About to go buy a gun because holy shit life is pain, but things can improve I guess is all I can tell you.

Almost started crying uncontrollably today when my argument was challenged. I'm such a fucking faggot I should just kill myself

>Entp checking in.
I had a good day, thanks.
I have half of those numbers. Am I welcome to this thread?

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Get out of my thread normalfaggot istp.

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>be INFP
>see butterfly
>cry uncontrollably for hours on end

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don't do it user, please give yourself a chance.

decent OP

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INFP male here
Tried my best to become chad and succeded kinda but i felt completely disgusted with myself and i just feel like i cant be chad

what should i be?

was having an ok day but i watched you were never really here and it was beautiful.

Feeling sad all the tiem.

I don't know if this is something all INFP-T's have in common but my first reaction to a lot of shit is to cry (it's fucking embarrassing) I'm pretty fucking sure that if I was in your situation I would have cried too

Why did you feel disgusted with yourself on your way to chad-dom?

I have kinda done that too before, if it doesn't feel right to you it won't last. at least that's what I've experienced. You can only keep up with the charade for so long before it completely exhausts you.

Who here INTP chad masterrace?

>t. laughing at all you babby tier cucks

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this is a INFP-T only play date, NO INTP'S ALLOWED!

I just got really red faced and bit my lip and had watery eyes and the other person asked if I was alright and I had to excuse myself to collect my emotions. I wish I could be more aggressive but the moment I'm ever challenged on anything I feel stupid and ashamed

Intp is the traditional Virgil personality though

I hate that shit so so so much. there is no way out of the situation without causing more attention to be brought to it. it sucks so so bad

Chad-dom requires a certain level of confidence and kinda putting your own perspectives and desires on top of another person's desires

i felt like a very egotistical and "douchey" type of guy after a while and i really dont like that

Oh god I didn't know it was going to be this bad. This thread was a mistake.

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gonna drink so I wake up early and can finish my trig quizzes in the morning

it's cringey but it's r e a l

This is why I can't deal with discussion-based lectures. I have visible reactions to people disagreeing with me, even on minor things.
Tomorrow I have a class where a piece of my writing is the main subject being discussed and I'm nervous as hell as to how I'll react to their criticism.
Why must we be this way?

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I kind of understand the emotional instability. It's just painful to see others being like this.

reminder that infp-T is the trans personality type and you're all in denial

for me it's mostly when people are rude, like if there response to me makes me feel stupid.
also I have trained myself to not let tears enter my eyes BUT MY NOSE RUNS LIKE HELL and there is no hiding it

There's nothing wrong with pushing your idea ahead of others. What if your idea is CORRECT? Would you let them be satisfied in their ignorance, or fight for the truth?

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>Constantly changing between INTP-T and INFP-T
l don't even know anymore

I may be an emotional faggot but that doesn't mean I'm a delusional faggot

Well yeah. It's not like I feel the need to be right about everything, it's just that I often take shit too personally.

I want everyone to take something valuable away from a discussion, but sometimes people aren't willing to let that happen

Truth. I did a poll a while back and the VAST majority of transscum was INFPs.

Literally chopping their balls off because it makes them feel good. Disgusting animals.

I wouldn't go that far.

They will if you are precice enough in your speech, user. Lead them to the light gently. Remind them that you are on their side, and that you are not simply trying to "win an arguement".

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yes! the right way!

>tfw ISTJ with high Fi

Can I join?

hmmmmm.... possibly, as long as you follow the ways of the INFP-T

Intp is the best of the 16 personality fag

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You'd be surprised at how much people relax when you "Define the rules" of the interaction you're having with them.
If a discussion gets heated, slow down, remind them that you're both trying to find the truth together.
Listen to them very closely, look for the truth in what they're saying, instead of looking for their wrongness.
Respect them in their wrongness.

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Awful I can't handle that bad things happen to innocent nice people and evil selfish people who hurt others get all the rewards

>What is lifes greatest illusion?
I'd bet that if those innocent people you're referring to had the same positions of the 'evil selfish' people, they would be equally, if not more evil and selfish in their new found power.
Never confuse weakness for innocence.

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That's life son.

Now stop crying and get a job.

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We should all question why we are afraid to embrace another person's ideas and viewpoint, if I had never been truly open to the points others made, I would probably be a alt righter or a SJW. when we go about discussions with people as if their ideas are something to be beaten down and disregarded, the world would be even worse.

My INFP bf is so cute. I really like that he's a lot weaker than me, emotionally and physically. It makes me want to protect him!

Im doing bad today
I cant stop thinking about bad memories and cant stop being self destructive

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I have to put up a mental block when I go on Jow Forums. Everyone here has something horrible to say about themselves and their situations, and if I reacted to it genuinely I would never be able to handle it.

Estj here.
Just thought I would lurk around for my most optimal matching type.

I have struggles with bad memories too, I don't know if it will do the same for you but for me it helps to acknowledge the fact that you are not the same person you were at any point in the past. even the you that existed a second ago is a different person by deffinition, existing in a new point in time, skin cells dying, hair growing, and ideas changing.

One off of quads, sorry pal. (pic related)
People confuse their ideas with their identity to often. The alt right and sjw types think "I am a collection of ideas" which is why they freak the fuck out when you question their ideas. One should think "I am an individual searching for the truth".
You'd like Carl Jung.

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that's not ENTJ
fuck off

What clinical psychologists reccomend is to truly face your memories. Work through them until you know exactly how to never repeat your mistakes, or how never to put yourself in the same situation.
"The point of psychoanalysis is not to convince people that they're living in a nice and safe world, it's to make them realize that they're properly armed to live in the dangerous and dynamic world we're living in"
-Jordan Peterson (Badly paraphrased)

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Want to talk about these memories here?

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I think that I will look into Carl Jung, thank you

my birthday was friday, i turned 34 and flaked on all my friends and got drunk alone.

You're a reaIIy bad person, user.

Carl Jung (pic actually related this time) is the Psychologist who originally discovered and described the MBTI categories.

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whoa what? no he's totally fine

I'm fine. My shitty friend didn't try to drag me into playing video games with him today so I'm doing super.

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No way. Look at romantic relationships, there are people who would never dream of cheating on and hurting their love, but then you have people who don't care and that lack of caring gives them all the power. It's disgusting. And then in business, there are honest hard workers who come in a find pride in their good work, but instead of them it's the people who grease palms and lie and throw others under the bus that rise to the top.

No he's not. He's just avoidant because he's feeling unworthy of affection (Everyone is worthy of affection, including you user).

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I can attest to the fact that yes, it is very very important to face your memories. Trying to deny that they exist or influence you and you actions will lead to a world of hurt. but do make sure that you find a balance in this, because living in the past can hurt you just as badly.

I was forced to take a lot of really strong medicine for mental issues that I never actually had from the age of 7 to 12

>having feelings

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>Suppressing and denying your feelings
Don't be afraid, user, we've got your back

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>Everyone is worthy of affection, including you user

Don't you lie to me mister

Better feel emotional sometimes than feel nuffin user. Numbing yourself is not the way. It hurts in a special kind of way.

Yeah, what he said!

The MBTI categories have shed a massive light on a lot of things, I would love to learn more about it

>that sick depressing pleasure when you cuddle a pillow and sweet talk to yourself

Anyone else knows the feel?

I was feeling raw and on edge and like I was going to breakdown and I prefer to do that alone rather than around a bunch of people.


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Honestly that wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility for me and how goddamn much I talk to myself and act out imaginary situations

I just hid my emotions for a long time that Im depressed now, instead of the crybaby I was when i was younger
So im not sure if i fit in

just feel out your shit my man, let your mind run wiiiiillld

we will pour you a cup of tea and make sure you a comfortable

ENFP here. The angrier version of you cucks
>tfw no infp gf

Is there anything less valuable to the world than an INFP male? I think of it often how utterly worthless I am. Female INFPs seem to be rather desired as to be expected.

Let me rephrase it like this:
No one is worthy of any affection. So we are all equal is our unworthiness, but if we act that out in the world, then we'd be living in the coldest imaginable world. So it's our responsibility, to show each other a little warmth and affection when ever we possibly can, because otherwise we're living in a constant hell.
This is an idea that Christianity got right. "We're all sinners, but we are all loved by God"

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all I want in the world is an INFP male

Not all of us are gay though

THE fucking worst part is I'm pretty sure I'm an ENFJ not a ENFP. My perfect match is unironically an INFP.

I would assume not, I'm a girl

There's a thread full of them right here, I'm sure some must like taking it up the ass

I'm sure your right