Know thine enemy

Know thine enemy.
Do not victimize yourself.
Ignore tranny threads.
Ignore women hate threads.
Deny the world the pleasure of your domination.
Never be a victim.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Please use this thread to discuss the more venomous elements on this site.
Remember that there are those that take the posts here seriously.

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This thread also works as a PSA.

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How to quit Jow Forums?

Shoot your modem in the butt.

bro just walk away from the screen hahhaha like nigga just close your eyes haha

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No but seriously. This place is an echo chamber that amplifies my bad qualities and then causes me to take them into the real world. I want to quit so badly but I don't know. I am sick of memes and catch phrases and Jews and fit and pol and b and v and all the other dumb shit it's all pointless. I ask questions and get told dumb nonsense by people like you and I just wish I could go back to pseudo normie status.

Replace it with an even more toxic community, such as twitch chat or voat.

>Ignore women hate threads.
fuck that i hate woman dont tell me what the fuck to hate

Watch Jordan Peterson videos instead.
I am dead serious, friend.
It will amplify your positive qualities, and cause you to take them into the world.
I promise.

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"Women seem wicked, when you're unwanted"
Become desirable, that hate will dissipate quickly.

Wanting women makes you as shallow as them.

Being the slave of your wants makes you shallow.
Being the master of your wants makes you a master of yourself.

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can somebody stop by and murder this faggot reiko

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>quoting the doors

Unironically this. Instead of browsing look up Peterson videos.

Pic related

Orrigatoni fettachini alfredo with Lamb sauce

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What exactly is "skullcapped"?

Go ask the ISTP thread.
They talk about killing people alot.

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>Ignore women hate threads.
fuck you roastie i am going to kill you i love killing women

He shot himself in the head.

>Chrome to the Dome
>Bullet in your mullet

Original post5837578390758

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A rap to your cap

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haha le epic hat meme! you sure showed him sis!

>whitebois can't stop themselves from dressing up as girls

Truly the master race

Meanwhile me and my girl

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which is which?? i just see 2 faggots

*uh oh

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wowww you sure BTFO that virgin sis ;) you do you bae

What's the matter, are my mimis to DANK for u?

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Time to go back to le fucking ddit

Here's another one for you, sweetie pie

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Really though, I'm done for the night.
Good luck in life shitposting pal.
Good night
No homo

A) just use cold turkey blocker
B) sneedpost a bunch on /tv/ to get a 1 month ban and kill the habit in the meantime

It's actually easy if you have something else to do like playing videogames. Haven't visited Jow Forums in the past month and only started coming on here since yesterday, feels like i missed so much shit and now i try to accommodate again while getting nostalgia of the threads i read or posted in last year.

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If it was easy you wouldn't be back here now would you? You would have stayed gone and enjoyed it, but something brought you back.
You're here forever, whether you like it or not

I mean I agree with most what you said, but >ignore women hate threads
where do you think you are? those are a staple r9k thread, it's what made this fucking board, go back to your edgy /b/ bullshit you fucking normie!

I'd vote for you, Pedro.

a morbid aspect to the transsexual community is their fixation with death, as evidenced by the high mortaIity rate of those who have had surgery and hormonal treatments, even though these medical procedures were acquired with the aim of helping them feel more whole and content

this phenomena is so notable as to be cited as the reason for promoting acceptance and celebration of the trans-identifying community, so as to save them from committing suicide

yet some argue that when one is in such denial of reality as to reject their biologically assigned gender, they are at war with themselves and foster a hatred for their very being, the natural conclusion of such thought being self-destruction

any time spent studying transsexual orientated communities will allow one to see that much of the conversation within these groups centers on death, even the expression of emotion and the very lexicon employed as short-hand understandings between the group members will come colored with bleak hopelessness and cries of 'kill me now'

so it should not surprise us when such denizens emerge from their cliques and foist upon the ignorant and uninitiated a culture of death that has been so normalized in those circles; inculcating in unwary souls that same poison and dragging them to hell with them

How do you actually get depressed because of Jow Forums? It teaches you so much useful shit your problem is you clearly lack the ability to get to it so it probably makes you feel even more SHIT.


Remember robots, don't let others persuade you into doing something. Ruin your life on your terms, not anybody elses. And always be ready to clap a trap if they force you do anything

ive been banned like 5 times for sneedposting and its always for 3 days. MODS==FAGS

I gotta quit this place, but even if I manage to escape, all the red and black pills I took will forever be a part of my psyche.

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We can have roastie hate without you losers being faggots.

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This. Jow Forums has taught me so much that without it, I wouldn't be the person I am today. I visit nearly every board and always try to see both sides of everything, even those I don't like. I've made friendships through this site that has lasted 3+ years, and get along with people I don't even agree with.

Can someone redpill me on the R9gay threads? What do they do/did? I've lurked there for a bit to have some reason to actually complain to the mods, but they seem kind of chill.
I even asked to them a fake question about my "indecisive" sexuality, and isntead of shoving gay propaganda down my throat they actually told me to stop madtubating and clear my mind, wihich conflicts with the accusations that you guys make (they want to pray on incure bots and make them gay). Honestly I'm not gay nor bi, but I never really minded for them to have a place to discuss their problems on privately.

>Inb4 t. Reiko shill burn in hell

Nah they wash out quicker than you'd expect, its quite healthy to fuck off here for at least half a year at a time.

You'll always have more of a bullshit filter but interacting with people face to face you realize even the most ideologue of a person still is a human you can find common ground with and are largely trying to cover up their insecurities like everyone else.

R9gay is apparently a different set of fags who largely stick to their own thread and don't seem to advocate for people to join outside platforms.

Trap cult look for anyone lost sexually or otherwise and spam threads convincing them they'd be better starting HRT and joining their discord which all evidence points to requiring Raniere tier self-blackmail to get in.

>t. volunteer hotpockets for the last couple of days trying to help Hiro from getting Jow Forums backpaged

/r9gay/ is a different beast entirely but it is also perpetrated by discord groups.

Oh ok, that's what I thought, glad I got confirmation before I started shitting up their thread. Anyhow, at least here in Italy pushing someone to suicide is a punishable offense (called instigation to suicide) has anyone even tried to contact shaubi's (or whatever) family in order to explain them what the situation is?

Discord said they're looking into it. Whether its PR fluff or they're getting v& we'll see.

Yeah I'm not sold on them being entirely benign but they're at least inclined to keep to themselves and not treat the board as their own autistic "harem" farm.
Similarly if a robot goes gay he doesn't permanently destroy his body by popping titty skittles.

Actually the more successful I became with women the more I grew to hate them.

>Discord said they're looking into it

Goddamn, if that's true this Reiko guy really done goofed. Hope I'll see him in the news soon.
Fucking hell imagine the scene of his parents having to bring him to court because he was obsessed by traps. Fucking hilarious.

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more like lolifox and h8 (spam filter)chan
discord is a botnet so if the guy did admit to doxxing/being a pedo on discord hes fucked

Yeah, for everyone proclaiming he's some 1337 Roblox haxxor because he can DDoS a server and maybe played with a rootkit once, he's one stupid fuck for potentially committing blackmail among other potential charges on a platform that logs all activity server side.

Peterson is a retarded rich normie faggots that has no idea what you are going through, don't listen to those moron. watch this instead

Agreed oreganoo

It's incredible how little knowledge people have about the repercussions of their actions on the internet. Retards like him think they are hackgods because they can doxx a couple of people, but Don't know that that is a punishable offense, just like blackmailing and bringing a kid to blow his brains out in desperation.

MFW I think about ReikoCunt getting jailed or fined because he is obsessed with the idea of fucking a tranny

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got no idea what that is, i never browse r9k, only came here cause reiko bullshit
doxxing is legal in certain countries including the US (although i think one of the bills trump passed/might pass will change that)

Yeah I mean its pretty stupid to be posting here with how glow in the dark it is but with no ill intent its a far better platform than any other social media even with Hiroshima ramping up the data mining.

That being said these motherfuckers are so dumb they think they can log onto a client side installed app that tracks identity even with IP change and admits in its TOS it hardlogs everything you do and then treat it like some invisible underground secret club because its not "public".

I'd wager most of these kiddos are under 25 nu internet where they think everything doesn't exist even though they're crippley reliant on 3rd party apps.

You seem to be kind of normal, I'm gay, and also heavily depressed, socially inept and basically a spastic that can't talk to girls nor to guys. If they take away our thread, where do you want us to go? LGBT would be like telling you robots to go on r/suicidewatch since even though I'm apparently the scum of Earth for being gay, I actually conform to the profile of the (nowdays) average robot.

>faggot kill yourself you spread aids and rape children.

Fuck you almost got quints.

Got quads and none told me to hang myself? Holy shit this is going much better than I expected.

You faggots are raiding this board on purpose.

After being exposed as shills you try to get sympathy from us.

why did you (You) me? I don't care about you or your life story.
you don't have to conform to shit on Jow Forums, things will be no different for you on /lgbt/, in fact it would probably be better.

Its fine, remember its mainly about hating normal fags. You can still hate most women.