It's a fun way to get to learn about you guys
Let's get one of these threads going
this seems awfully tedious user
Seen these types of threads a few times but never posted in one. I'll give it a go
Haven't updated mine in a while but this is more or less the gist of it.
Not Included:
Political persuasion: strong fiscal conservative but left of center on most social issues.
Style: Metrosexual meets mendicant.
Who keeps adding shit? These are so overly complex now. Fuck off with this dumb shit
Just use this, fuck the useless shit in the OP
inb4 you didnt fill in stuff and use pictures, im a brainlet who doesnt know any albums or books, a low energy post for a low energy board
use this, op is a retard
>best book, just above the "Favorite Books" section
>best albums, just above the "Favorite Music Section"
>Style, right next to the figure to draw your style on
top right is just irrelevant filler. I guess politics works
here you go, one 23-y/o neet with mspaint
user you make me feel sad
why are you sad friendo
because i have even less energy so i dont want to fill anything in
just fuck my shit up
You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original.
ah, yes, I see, 8/10 intelligence. Truly, you're the unknown genius of our time. Brilliant.
0: Retarded
1: Crippled Mentally
2: Extremely Dumb
3: Very Dumb
4: Dumb
5: Average
6: Smart
6: Very Smart
7: Extremely Smart
8: Incredibly Smart
9: Impossibly Smart
10: Genius
>Textless posts are not allowed.
>You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.
>You forgot to solve the Captcha
I'm degenerate
hey check me out i'm underage.
>hey check me out i'm underage.
Annnnnd you're outta here.
not sure if bait or ban
hell yeah absolutely
no u
i know this is off topic but my posts were exactly 100 posts apart from eachother. pretty neato.
You're too young to be browsing r9k dude, you sitll have a chance of a normal life. Still, at least you're aren't a /b/ fag, or are you?
i take people's failures as a reason to try to not be like that, i also used to be a /b/ dude but i made the conversion.
also my mom offers to pay me to hit the fucking treadmill and i still haven't done it, what is "normal life"?
A normalfag life means not coming here. You should know if you lurked for a while. Having a gf, having a decent job, having friends, etc.
most of what i said above with my second post was a joke, i know what makes people normies. i'm fucking surrounded by them. i have no possible chance of getting a piece of ass in high school. i just like it here. it's fucking disturbing sometimes, but then there's wholesome shit. i was doomed to the lazy life when i figured out how to operate a computer.
Browsed r9k a lot as a junior and senior in HS. Got into that whole BS about self-emasculation and being a stupid piece of shit fag. Never ended out "coming out" or any stupid fucking shit like that thank god, but started browsing Jow Forums, Jow Forums, and /ck/. Eventually got out of that mindset and now I've got a beautiful wife and 3 kids with another on the way. I made it robots, you can too, all you gotta do is try. Never slacken, never tire, never surrender.
hey a fucking kill me