Let's get one of these threads going

It's a fun way to get to learn about you guys

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this seems awfully tedious user

Seen these types of threads a few times but never posted in one. I'll give it a go

Haven't updated mine in a while but this is more or less the gist of it.

Not Included:
Political persuasion: strong fiscal conservative but left of center on most social issues.
Style: Metrosexual meets mendicant.

Attached: Profile.png (1200x799, 850K)

Who keeps adding shit? These are so overly complex now. Fuck off with this dumb shit

Just use this, fuck the useless shit in the OP

Attached: template.png (1220x812, 18K)

inb4 you didnt fill in stuff and use pictures, im a brainlet who doesnt know any albums or books, a low energy post for a low energy board

Attached: asdasd.png (1972x1183, 110K)

use this, op is a retard

>best book, just above the "Favorite Books" section
>best albums, just above the "Favorite Music Section"
>Style, right next to the figure to draw your style on
top right is just irrelevant filler. I guess politics works

here you go, one 23-y/o neet with mspaint

Attached: a fucking leaf.png (1220x812, 197K)

user you make me feel sad

why are you sad friendo

because i have even less energy so i dont want to fill anything in

just fuck my shit up

You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original.

Attached: aaa.png (1221x806, 83K)

ah, yes, I see, 8/10 intelligence. Truly, you're the unknown genius of our time. Brilliant.

0: Retarded
1: Crippled Mentally
2: Extremely Dumb
3: Very Dumb
4: Dumb
5: Average
6: Smart
6: Very Smart
7: Extremely Smart
8: Incredibly Smart
9: Impossibly Smart
10: Genius

Attached: 1471735078096.jpg (500x538, 84K)

>Textless posts are not allowed.
>You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.
>You forgot to solve the Captcha

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I'm degenerate

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hey check me out i'm underage.

Attached: chart about me.png (1972x1183, 389K)

>hey check me out i'm underage.
Annnnnd you're outta here.

not sure if bait or ban

hell yeah absolutely


no u

i know this is off topic but my posts were exactly 100 posts apart from eachother. pretty neato.

You're too young to be browsing r9k dude, you sitll have a chance of a normal life. Still, at least you're aren't a /b/ fag, or are you?

i take people's failures as a reason to try to not be like that, i also used to be a /b/ dude but i made the conversion.

also my mom offers to pay me to hit the fucking treadmill and i still haven't done it, what is "normal life"?

A normalfag life means not coming here. You should know if you lurked for a while. Having a gf, having a decent job, having friends, etc.

most of what i said above with my second post was a joke, i know what makes people normies. i'm fucking surrounded by them. i have no possible chance of getting a piece of ass in high school. i just like it here. it's fucking disturbing sometimes, but then there's wholesome shit. i was doomed to the lazy life when i figured out how to operate a computer.

Browsed r9k a lot as a junior and senior in HS. Got into that whole BS about self-emasculation and being a stupid piece of shit fag. Never ended out "coming out" or any stupid fucking shit like that thank god, but started browsing Jow Forums, Jow Forums, and /ck/. Eventually got out of that mindset and now I've got a beautiful wife and 3 kids with another on the way. I made it robots, you can too, all you gotta do is try. Never slacken, never tire, never surrender.

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hey a fucking kill me

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