What age is considered too old to still be living with your parents?

what age is considered too old to still be living with your parents?

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It's a spectrum, but 22 is getting up there, and 25 is manchild tier.

Depends on the situation. I worked with a guy who was 39 and lived with his parents. He was a good, honest, churchgoing man without a hateful bone in his body. He was upbeat and enjoyed his life of tinkering with electronics and building models.

On the other hand, there are people who turn into depressed, isolated, shells of young men when they stay home too long.

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This. 22 is "Oh, he just got out of college and he can't find a job." 25 and people start to look at you weird.


Original commentario-dario-mario-shmerio

I'm a depressed isolated shell of a "young" man, and I haven't lived with my parents since age 19.

I think it's changing.
As a 20 year old, I see a lot of people my age dropping out of college or only just now getting into it. Because people are pressured into attending school that they don't care for, or can't afford it in the first place, a lot of the current young adult generation is fucking up that first step and moving backwards a bit, so I'd take whatever it is recently and add 2-4 years.

26 and back home till I find a better job.

In the West, I'd say 24 y/o. Thankfully I live in Southern Europe so no one really gives a fuck. :^)

>tfw 23 living at home
23 is definitely pushing it but 24 is when you don't have a fucking excuse. The fateful day of me working a fast food job is approaching

When you first get out of school its understandable you probably still working your shit tier job from high school fr a year maybe two tops to enjoy your first year or two of freedom.
After that you should be looking at college or getting a real job that actually pays a decent amount of money.
Nothing wrong with staying home for a few years while you are working said job to save money.
Hell i did that. I stayed at home till i was 24 and paid my car off , saved up money for a down payment on a house.

60 year old bundle of joy here

What if you're a girl and your 30???

43. Definitely 43, It's a prime number, thus a prime time to find somewhere else to crash at.

The line is graduating college

>t. 42 year old who still lives with his parents

26 yr old here
I lived by myself for 5 years whilst at Uni then after I graduated me and my girlfriend moved back in with my Parents cause rent is cheaper and so we can save and have some security.

It's not ideal, but it's pretty good ngl.

What if your dad is blind, your moms health is failing, and all your siblings went and got their own lives?

18. I left when I was 17 and have been self sufficient since. Thank god too, cause now my mom is dependant on my sibling.

My parents were shit parents. Not the worst but far from the best

Then you're your parents carer. Nothing wrong with that. Someone has to do it.

>What if your dad is blind, your moms health is failing, and all your siblings went and got their own lives?
then your life fucking sucks DICK

Housing market here is ass. I call houses for rent all the time with two responses "oh, we sold that for-fucking-ever ago but we're too lazy to take down the ad" or "I will make you wait by the phone for me to call you back even though I don't intend to."

just sucks when everyone treats you like shit

None of you fags will agree but 18.

The best years of my life were when I was so broke I HAD to hustle, take risks, interact with people and flirt with girls to have a bed to sleep in for the night. I look back and smile at all my crappy jobs, silly adventures and living like a bum. It made me tougher, smarter and much more humble. You're supposed to be stupid and make mistakes as a young adult. Not sit around in your underwear playing video games in your parents basement.

Go out and do something. ANYTHING

>mfw 22 and no opportunities to be self sufficient in sight
>mfw can't even hold a wagecuck job because bipolar gets your ass fired
>mfw my mom's health is getting worse and I think I may need to stay and take care of her anyway
I don't know if we're gonna make it boys

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It depends girls can live with there parents a lot long until prince charning comes along.

>just be homeless bro
Yeah that's how you get cut up by some niggers

for the average roboto, being "stupid" and making "mistakes" only results in massive amounts of intense self-hatred and potential substance abuse

There's allsorts really. Out here it's not too uncommon to see people who've lived with their parents til they died and then just kept living in their houses. Straight off the bat I can think of 8 people in their 70-80's nearby who lived just like that.
I'm 36 and have never lived on my own, I've had a few remarks about moving out from my sister, uncles and friends of my parents at times though, I'd lie if I said it didn't bother me.

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23ish I'd say

I know this is bullshit because "flirting" with girls doesn't get you anything. Dating is one way.

I honestly hate myself for how safe I'm playing it now days, I really should move out. It doesn't help I can't get a job or neetbux tho

Never. Live with your parents until they die imo

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what are one night stands?

It depends on location. Some areas are more suited for family units then others. More rural areas are better for family units while more urban areas are better to expand.
I live in a more rural area, am 25, have a better half and live with my parents. I tend to the land and take care of my family while saving up money to live with my significant other comfortably.
If I was in a urban setting, I know my family would have better access to utilities, wouldn't have to deal with land issues and would feel better leaving them on their own.

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Based and correct

It was normal, until after WWII, for young adult sons to live with their parents. Boomers were able to move out young because of the post war economic boom. Now, after the recession, it seems like the extended family will once again become the norm.

>tfw turning 23 in a few months
>didn't go to college
>last time I had a job was in 2014

What's weird is that as a child, I had a feeling I'd be working at a fast food joint as an adult until I got too old.

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20 still living with my parents but I am I child inside so that's ok right

23, but my dad kindly threw my off when i was 20 and i did not mind, i was eager to leave that house.

Not as much dick as you

>You're supposed to be stupid and make mistakes as a young adult. Not sit around in your underwear playing video games in your parents basement.
Literally every person I know who is poor is also stupid
And given that their parents are as well I am probably safe to assume it's permanent

5ft 6-7

Not even fat really, just very built naturally

I'd move out if I could make enough to live in my own apartment, but at $11 an hour I'd need roommates and it'd just be worse than living with my parents

t. Holden

I'm 25 and still live with folks. However it took me five years to do college and am graduating in May with a BS in finance. I started at 20. Is that pushing it or bad ?

16, get yor ged and get out.

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>not staying home to save up your money and paying less taxes
>muh independance



Im 21 and live with my mom. Im the last of her kids and we live alone. I want to leave, but at the same time feel awful doing so. She has no friends, and is always at home besides when she's at work. She's 55 currently, so she's getting up there in age as well. What should I do?

Anxiety to the point you can barely leave the house never mind get a job is a good excuse. Guess i will have to become a full time alcoholic soon if I want to function normally

>mfw 24

i was at uni from 18-22, but that is like living at home 1/3 that time. then i lived on another continetnt from 22-28. 29-30 ive been at home can't move out because im probably moving away to another country in a few months.a job that only starts in summer

same user
last job i had was in 2014 and i am 23 years old
i remember watching welcome to the nhk when i was young and thinking "that will be me one day"

fuck off normie scum

get off my board

i'm 20, haven't worked since august 2016. i don't even know what to do in society anymore. i don't even know what i am or where im going or how to even take a step. thinking about this gets me pretty suicidal desu

lads dont make me fuckin laugh because you fell for the jew propaganda

do you honestly believe everyone in the fuckin world gets kicked out at the age of 20 and gets a shit job and lives in a rented room with drug dealers as neighbours? you watch to many fuckin movies

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I'm 22 and have a job, still live at home because its cheaper and the money I bring in helps improve quality of life for my ma. It would be nice to move out but the markets a hassle and finding a potential roommate to go splits on rent isn't as easy as expected. Most people tell me its better to stay there and save up

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I am 20 and I'm starting to feel awful about living with my parents.

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Because of numerical reasons i'll mention in my opinion your plan will fail after 5-10 years depending on what lingering mental health issues you have. Because i am responding to you, here, I would bet closer to 5. I snapped around 27 but started early.
It's an issue of not being able to cope with those few crushing events per year. The alcohol allows them to be stored out of the way, eventually the bucket fills.