I have recently noticed that women have a distinctly different syntax than men. Pretty interesting

I have recently noticed that women have a distinctly different syntax than men. Pretty interesting.

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Care to elaborate? Origioma

I haven't been able to figure out what sets them apart yet, but I've started to be able to tell the gender of posters if they write more than a sentence. I'm not sure what trips it but just the way they structure their writing allows me easily deduce their gender.

Women are more prone to referance themselves unnecessarily and use "maybe" and "probably" or "I think" and "I guess" to soften declarative statements. I haven't noticed anything else. There's articles out there that say that women have better control over language in general and that could mean more complex sentences.

>There's articles out there that say that women have better control over language in general and that could mean more complex sentences.

Quick example of the last thing tripped this in my mind
>your creepy fetish doesn't deserve rights or respect, porn addict.
One of the first indicators is the lack of capitalization. Most women who's messages I've read don't capitalise or punctuate their sentences correctly. Also, the attacks seem much more... Directed(?) than male insults

Hmm, this is interesting. What if I were to build an addon that takes all current posts on r9k, run the post through an algorithm that guesses gender, and adds to each post an estimated gender based on post text? Would r9k want something like this?

Attached: 1511989364073.png (112x112, 7K)

There's already a website that does that, but I forgot the name. There was even a thread on it a month ago. Anybody remember it?

Uh fuck yeah dude

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Found it. hackerfactor.com/GenderGuesser.php

2/3 of the posts on this board forego capitalization and punctuation, and at least 1/3 have unnecessary ad hominem attacks. You're trying way too hard to convince yourself of something that's wrong.

That one damn website always says I type like a girl. I'm a boy damnit.
Pretty sure I do this stuff though

Meh, that shit is probably biological. It's not sexist to point out that women live longer than men on average and have better immune systems and that men are faster and stronger.

I do this but I'm a man.

>I'm a boy

No you're not.

My penis says I am

That was in the terf thread I saw that lol.
You're right though, the way they insult is different and they are much crueller. When they demean you in a feminine way it's the most aggravating thing ever, how they talk down to you like your a little thing or something I don't fully know how to explain it but it's uniquely feminine and it immediately pisses me off.

On the topic of syntax nobody's writing style is more irritating to me than Trump's.

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You type like a feminine phone poster.

I'm on my computer. I suppose I'm pretty feminine, but I'm still a straight guy.

Really annoying snarky sarcastic trite.
>oh yeah user I'm sure that...
>yeah well maybe they don't appreciate...
>well have you maybe thought about...
Will always address you as user when arguing with you, even though it's usually reserved for heartfelt personal statements and sympathies and not arguments.
Also obsessed with virginity, penis size and incels as a "gotcha".

i fucking despise when women put a space before punctuation like this . or when they try to type cutesy by doing this !!! why do they do this ?????

On topic and something I can contribute.
have a gift from Jow Forums robots.

Attached: Typing_Style.png (1887x2545, 789K)

user, it would be really funny if we tried to talk like women ITT

Me too. I also give a few different answers when questioned, to increase the chances of the answer being satisfactory.

Oh wait I know what you mean.
>ad hominem
>referencing the poster after the sentence though that's more of a leddit thing from what I've noticed
>specific words females use
>no punctuation because they don't care

Though I think it all comes down to the fact that men, especially here, are much more used to the internet way of speaking (writing?) and girls are kind of... old fashioned. They treat posts like SMS texts. It probably also has to do with the sites they visit.

I find it absolutely hilarious. The "Too bad!" shit at the end of his posts is pure comedy.

>Women have better control of language

Hahaha yes that's why the greatest writers of all time were women

Yeah I can't believe so many people get as butthurt as they do over Trump's tweets when a lot of them are genuinely really funny whether you agree with what he says or not. I was looking at them last night and this one struck me hard:
"When a car is sent to China from the United States, there is a Tariff to be paid of 25%. Does that sound like free or fair trade. No, it sounds like STUPID TRADE - going on for years!"

This guy is a definition of "I don't give a fuck and you can't do shit about it lmao". I love that about him

I do that too and people hate me severely for such behavior

>Pretty interesting.

Um, except its not??

toastied spotted

I think that this probably bullshit. Maybe it means that my dick is an illusion - I don't know

>sites they visit
True, for example on Tumblr you'd be hard pressed to find proper punctuation and capitalization.

Something I notice about myself (as a grill) is that I'm more likely to type as a direct transcription of how I would speak -- for example, if something grammatically has a comma but I wouldn't say it with a pause, I'm less likely to use a comma.

What makes you think you, as a girl, are special in this regard? Men do this too, since that's the way writing is supposed to be done.

Oh I just notice it makes my syntax a bit off. Another thing is I'll say like or um like I would if I was talking. Also question marks on non-question sentences to express uncertainty.

They just operate in single sentence memes, shit like the "when you x". I wouldn't expect much from them.

Then again, normies in general do that

>types like a woman
OP i think you're onto something

Nah even a lot of long, several paragraph posts are written in all lowercase with no apostrophes.

so you say you are a girl huh?

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I'd say you've already lost the guessing game.

People have forever assumed I'm male throughout the majority of my time on 4-chan. It'll be okay. In the end, we're all anonymous. That's the beauty of it. Our nether regions do not matter.

I was specifically trying to type in my "Jow Forums way". But sure, plug everything into your autismanalyzer.

I feel like it has to do with people who just don't give a shit about the whole thing. Like when they have so many other distractions, and posts to make that they don't even bother to use capitalisation or punctuation.

And the only people to do that, especially here, are girls.

Men and women are different in a huge amount of ways, from syntax to diction to physicality, it's obvious. what's more interesting is why, not the fact by itself. Is this a product of socialisation and for what purpose, or is this differentiation in social expression innate?

it's both, women are weak, thus they are more social and avoid conflict, they are masters of eliciting sympathy, attracting others and making others feel comfortable, and also subconsciously manipulative as well.

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t. absolutely WEAK!

I do all of this and I'm male, i-is there something wrong with me?

>women are weak, thus they are more social and avoid conflict, they are masters of eliciting sympathy, attracting others and making others feel comfortable, and also subconsciously manipulative as well.
Oh boy. This is the perfect summary of a typical woman. It's just so perfect. This one girl I know ticks literally all the boxes here.

Which is good because she's very feminine.

Syntax does have telling features in it. I still remember the paid people who came to Jow Forums during the election. You could see that they did not type like the rest of us. Even though our typing styles vary somewhat, a normie who majored in social media is going to suck at trying to play camo on Jow Forums to subvert dissidents.

Semantics play another role in how to detect people outside your group. Choice of words play a big part in how you want others to see your post and arguments.

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What website is that? I've been on it before but I've lost the url.

It's a deep rabbithole but a very useful skill on here

Another thing I notice is that the women, instead of just calling you "faggot" or "nigger/carribeaner/[appropriate racial slur]", they'll call you a loser or virgin or gay or that you have a small penis, and not only that, they'll instead of talking agressively will do this passive agressive thing where they sarcastically talk nice to you, like literal sweetieposting
lots of "sweety" and "honey" and that stuff too