Why not just settle for a 4/10 girl?

Why not just settle for a 4/10 girl?

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Pic originanilly not related?

indeed, she's a 3/10 at best

I already did
>pic related, my gf

Attached: qt 15.jpg (1280x1360, 420K)

Wow ur rite what the damn was I smoking?

Nah those teeth bump her up a bit

god if you think thats a 4 your life is fucked. unless thats someone i dont know and this is one big meme, or a trap, either way thar girl presents her self like shes a solid 7, and she/he wont go for any guy she doesnt think is a damn 8/10. wake up boys

Eazy 5/10 maybe even 6
Don't sell ur gf short my guy

Damn she will look like Emperor Palpatine in a few years with those eye bags

Pretty sure these threads are just a meme, all the girls are at least 6s

thats a solid 7 maybye .5 bro, im now assuming this is all bait

I knew robots had low standards but that's ridiculous, user.

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Did middle school let out early this year? Summer in April?

Every girl who post online has had at least 5 dicks in her. Why else would she be so desperate for attention

Enough with these fucking threads. We don't get to "settle" for anyone, the girl gets to chose who her boyfriend because there are probably many other guys who want her as well. Why would she want to date losers like us when she can just date an emo chad?

who is this?
there is somthing very unsettling about her

your gunna go far kid.

She's an asexual virgin.
That's a photo of my wife.

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>That's a photo of my wife.
wow me too user! what a coincidence!
nice larp fgt

You must be mistaken. It's actually a picture of MY wife, not yours.

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Can i have some Cryspi post please.
I want to feel love again

gieb girl please

Attached: awdawaw.png (804x461, 48K)

do you also have a 12" penis by chance?

because of pic related. origanal

Attached: whats-stopping-you-from-getting-a-1-10-gf-they-want-31452247-1.png (500x640, 157K)

useless robot with a mutt face holds women's look to the highest of standards. nice try retard

That's some nice bait

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>my wife
>asexual virgin
you got married as girls STILL won't fuck you

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haha yeah this it isnt my fault its thiers

Why, when I can land a 5/10 girl?

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But would a 5/10 girl settle for a 4/10 girl?

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>tfw gf is only 3/10

Attached: qt.jpg (1725x1220, 169K)

Be grateful, she beats my 2/10 gf

Attached: qt 13.jpg (1024x1024, 159K)

Guize, my 3/10. Im embarrassed to be seen in public with her.

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This whole thread is just bait

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posting ACTUAL 5/10s

Attached: Sibel-Kekilli.jpg (2048x1536, 438K)

It's a meme laddd

That's a solid 9 you basement dweller

>implying 4/10 girls are interested in me

I hope your mom's shrieking is on the stream when you off yourself. We want a show after all

>9/10 features mixed with 1/10 features
Actually averages out to 5/10.

muffy is 10/10 in my opinion

She has some thick arms.

Because hypergamy dictates that 4/10 girls think they deserve 8/10 guys.

Stop posting Muffy, don't turn her into another Jow Forums disaster, she's already getting too much of attention. Let her be and just look at pretty pictures like I do.

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muffy is too pure to let this place taint her

>tfw no 5/10 to be my gf

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ITT: women that wouldn't touch people posting in this thread with a 10 ft pole

Ok buddy

This. She is perfection.

does she have an instagram?

Yeah. Her instagram is cadaverqt.

If I want both of these 4/10 and 5/10 at the same time, does that mean I want a 9/10?

actually looks 4/10 this time

no, they average out to an overall 4.5/10