Reiko is just the tip of the iceberg

It's hilarious how off the mark you guys are, the main perpetrators of this are not who you think they are. Reiko is a piece of a far larger puzzle, and yes, it's a political one. You can cut off the head but the hydra will keep coming unless you find the source. Trap posting, cuckposting, communist shilling, it's all coming from one source, to what end this is all being put I am not yet sure. Keep an eye out for mentions of a group known as "The Teaparty". That's all I can post for now, I have more evidence to gather.

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lol nice rp

Alright Jow Forums you did your job, you can go back now

I can confirm there's an inner group inside this teaparty server that goes by the name of "Je t'aime Erotic Industries", one of the leaders is extremely ill and fantasizes about getting sexually dominated by the former president George W. Bush. That's all I can say.

I told you guys that this victory against the traps would just be the beginning of the long war. We must not give up, we must never surrender. Whoever the true enemy is, they must be annihilated.

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>epic conspiracy xDD formed by (((them xDDD))) would be fronted on a site as normie and public as Jow Forums
3/10, got me to reply.

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not a lot I can add, but I've talked to members of the teaparty and eve passed through one of their group chats. i'm not really sure what they want if they want anything at all, but they have a weird way of typing that I see popping up all over the place. there's a lot of ways to tell if something is teaparty shilling, and after a while I'm sure it'll be obvious

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You've talked to them? I don't understand, who are they exactly Is this some sort of shareblue/JIDF type situation?

it's not so much a gubment or soros type deal, but more of an independent group doing it for their own goals. I'm sure what the extent is if it's just some epic large scale prank or if they have an actual plan people should be worried about

they will not leave, i told you guys it was a bad idea to call them, i prefer the trap poster i dont really cared if a few kids get raped

>JIDF would use Jow Forums and Discord as platforms to further their agenda
>because a bunch of NEETs who are already worthless are the biggest of their concerns when it comes to turning goyim into slaves
You guys are so fuckin stupid, I can't believe I share this board with you. Stop this LARPing shit. All traps and Jow Forumsacks off my board now. Real robots taking over.

i bet the jew that lives in your closet and makes your pee pee hard at night is behind this OP

learn to read further, I already said it has nothing to do with DA JOOS XD it's much more like a rogue group of twisted psychopaths with their own plans

On second thought Jow Forums can stay, you disgust me faggot.

>you disgust me
thats not new im a robot

Teaparty are likely tied to Reiko through minecraft. They had a habit of luring in vulnerable individuals and making them their "sissy miner sluts" and forcing them to perform menial grindy tasks for hours on end out of pure sadism. It fits the MO of Reiko quite closely.

Attached: linkuu_dom.png (713x350, 44K)

Actually fucking kill yourself you pathetic waste of space. You're probably the guy from the other Reiko thread saying people are attacking you. Kill yourself, I'm dead serious.

doesn't surprise me, the few people I knew from teaparty all had reiko added and only one of them was a trap. a pretty dubious connection if you ask me

Huh, minecraft.

guess the autism sissy copypasta had some truth to it huh

It'd make sense, really. Traps = autism = minecraft. It's just too convenient.

>You're probably the guy from the other Reiko thread saying people are attacking you
nope, just someone that finds all this drama pretty anoying,at least the traps were contained on a couple of threads, this shit is all over the palce, the board is fucking garbage now

I know I'll probably get shilled or disinfo'd to hell for this and this might compromise my position but all this posting about 'teaparty' isn't false in the slightest. I've managed to infiltrate the teaparty discord server and have been here for a while. Everything I've learned points towards the fact that there's another mastermind behind the scenes. Teaparty is worse than Reiko ever was and this needs to come to light now. I'm tired of hiding the truth...

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but what is their AGENDA?

>the board is fucking garbage now
>Implying it wasn't garbage before b/c of trap threads

found a shill post, boys.

Weakest poker face I've ever seen. And this is the fucking Internet, you're typing, you could have done this much better. Goes to show how impressionable everyone is to online interactions.

it's complex but I know it has something to do with sitting in vc for 24 hours straight and posting communist memes

Continued: I'm working on the inside in order to try and figure how deep this rabbit hole goes.

Teaparty is only ONE of the pedo rings Reiko is tied to, and is certainly the most powerful of them. That's all I can say. Teapartiers frequently describe some pretty heinous acts, even by Jow Forums standards.

look I know everyone wants to hop on the newest bandwagon but stop larping like you have anything to do with teaparty. we're trying to take this shit seriously after what happened with reiko so just stop for a bit or fuck off back to Jow Forums or ifunny

i have some info that you might find interesting. let me know how i can reach you. pic related.

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these teaparty people are fucked up

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>I prefer trapposting to people that actively question things and are much more intelligent and have a hopefuly future than most of Jow Forums
Sure Reiko

"The Teaparty"


This in itself sounds like disinformation, unless it's separate from the actual Tea Party in politics right now.

He's name dropping. Shut it down.

yeah nice try. I can tell you're one of them

You know who I am. Send me a dm now.

wtf is this

>I have info but can't share it without your phone number, email or disc
You Reiko faggots really suck at being subtle

still better quality than shareblue

is there any greater sign of mental derangement than being a fucking weeb?

>implying this isn't a shill
Sage it. Our objective is complete.
Am returning to Jow Forums but will check on Jow Forums every so often.
Remember to push back against multiple trap threads. They are allowed one(1) to be up at any time.

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being proud of being a weeb, fucking abhorrent

they might kick me im gonna try to stay off the radar

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sorion related?

Attached: sorion.jpg (720x1232, 115K)

This is reprehensible. Mentally ill pedo weebs should be gassed.

My friend really loves anime and he's sometimes annoying, but is almost always boring. We're only friends b/c we knew each other since 9 grade. Should I drop him? He recently bought an anime calendar to put up on his wall in the new place his parents moved into. He's 21 btw.

Kek roleplaying constipation

>t will check on Jow Forums every so often.
pleae dont, most of us dont want you here, you and your help are not welcome,just leave and never come back

This is why I never go on r9k

>I'd rather have people getting raped
The absolute state

sounds like gold to me
real question is how is discord allowing all this shit on their platform

>Discord isn't in on it

fuck I don't know what's going on

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keep leaking please...
maybe record a video using OBS Screen Recorder
or a GIF with Giphy
just to show that these aren't doctored Screenshots

Shit, I know Raskolnikov indirectly, through a friend of mine.
He's told me about some of the sick shit that guy has done.
Reiko and him used to be friends until they had a falling out. Surprised to see him involved with Reiko.

checked, but obviously fake. you'd post a whole screen scrot if it wasn't a garbage disinfo shill

nice job retards now the server is on lock-down to anyone who isn't inner circle. "book-club" et al are all hidden. and let me have nothing.

what did user mean by this?


>tfw no little sissy miner slut, collecting diamond and gold while I sit on my throne.

Attached: sadsteve.jpg (1240x740, 45K)

Reiko played a lot of 4craft and civcraft. We were in the same nation/faction/group when civcraft was still around.

Hej meant he wants attention

>He's told me about some of the sick shit that guy has done.

I mean its sure as fuck starting to seem that way
Any reasonable platform would've frozen their shit ASAP to vet it

can you tell me specifically what he has done. i am in a server with him

start grabbing hard # names/numbers

I second this.
Save and screenshot asny usernames and messages you can.

He claims to have killed people. Which I doubt is true, but it's an intimidation tactic to ensure his people stay in line.
My buddy told me he'll post pictures of his legs/arms/hands covered in blood from time to time. Weird shit, just to scare people. Whereas Reiko is all about persuading through blackmail, Raskolnikov is about intimidation.

ok im gonna grab all i can before i get kicked ill be posting their ids in just a moment

traps outta all of the things out there? not lizard man or jews?

Yes and also you can put OBS Recorder on and record everything AS you take screenshots so that you dont miss any details and also people will believe you more with video evidence

Sounds like what I'd expect really, edgy, self harming, deranged weeaboo homosexual. We need to do something about these sick fucks.

there was a guy called raskolnikov who used to post pictures of his hatchet on a server i was on claiming that he was planning a murder but a lot of edgelords use that name.

Don't worry anons. If they are in RI we'll all take a trip to the marshlands together. Have a picnic, a little party...

>including jeews as a joke

alright I'll record hold on

Communism will win you nigger

Attached: 1770666 - Dagashi_Kashi Hotaru_Shidare Tinnies.jpg (1280x1808, 297K)

Teaparty shill detected

Shut the fuck up and GTFO you filthy fucking nigger pedo.

If you post recordings make sure your name isn't visible anywhere. Sometimes Channels have a "WELCOME, (USERNAME)" thing so watch out for that. Thanks for sharing whatever you leak, pics or vids any of it is appreciated.

I'm white and not into little girls, Jow Forums

>Shit my faggotry and crimes have been discovered
>Quick wave, tell those faggots without lives that you pay to post on Jow Forums to wave their hands in front of Jow Forums and say it's all "super musterious trus me"
Reiko, you're going to fucking hang.

Attached: youarenextfaggot.png (476x488, 209K)

>Oh wow look at me, I have a razor and I'm not afraid to get blood on my hands
>Posts his own hands
The absolute fucking state

Where's this RI info coming from?

should i post his photograph everywhere here in RI with reward offered for name etc. via phone number? There's like 15 or more of us, and we could cover a town a day easily, since there's only a few big shopping areas and closeknit comunities, we can post them at chokepoints, and someone could easliy recognize him. I wish we could boil down the coords a little more but it could be doable. any idea if he lives more inland or near the coast? Could start with malls there aren't too many. is he poor or rich? can someone analyze the photos of him? Would help with starting area.
We could offer a reward? people are stingy as fuck here, but my group could offer like 500 bucks cash for information. should do?

I would really like more info, but whynot? I see missing animal posters everywhere. can someone post a good photograph or two of him?

this is /x/ levels of disinfo
please anons, don't fall for obvious bait

>this isn't a teaparty coverup post
nice try but no one is this fucking retarded, once we're done with reiko we're coming for you

This just sounds like dumb RP. Why would you do this on discord and not an iirc or deepweb forum? I guess it's because everyone has discord these days, so it's easier to recruit, but still...

Do as much as you can to damage him. He's so confident nothing will happen. Make him squirm.

stupid bait from an s4s troll, saged.

You probably shouldn't; it sounds illegal to do what you're describing. You don't want to fuck yourself over because of this guy. Besides I wouldn't be surprised if at this point he's actually already being investigated but IDK.

>Why would you do this on discord and not an iirc or deepweb forum?
one thing I've learned about these people is that they are pretty young and stupid

the mentally ill aren't particulary logical

it's called larping. welcome to Jow Forums

How do you know he's in RI?

leaked logs from before the shitstorm. the archives are your friend.

Don't associate communism with this shit. Most communists historically were quite supportive of traditional values.

Nonsense just get on a VPN or Tor & VPN and post it through a link

we're originally coming for you.

ur mum should've been supportive of traditional values by not being a slut and giving birth to you