Is there even a future for people who don't go to college? Is living the retail life until you die such a bad thing?
Is there even a future for people who don't go to college? Is living the retail life until you die such a bad thing?
Save money for 2 yrs and then invest
I unironically wouldn't mind if the job wasn't that bad.
I'm so glad I went to college. My income is triple what it was when I did retail, and my job is so much fucking easier.
I can show up a half hour late, nobody gives a fuck. Take a 2 hour lunch, nobody gives a fuck. As long as my work gets done I can work from home, work evenings, work drunk, it doesn't matter.
When I got paid $8 an hour I'd get yelled at for being five minutes late. What the fuck?
Whats your job now user?
Work and save money and don't have children.
Also you could probably go to trade school and make over five times as much money. Some trades pay six figures.
Software Developer who does QA. It's pretty comfy. Other people do hard work, I double-check it, tell them they're wrong, and they thank me for it.
trade school, military, starting a business
those are your options if you don't want to go to college
there's certainly nothing inherently wrong with them, but they're not for everyone
the best option for a robot would be to learn a trade
you would have a lot of options, and there's also solid potential for you to make decent money once you actually get a career
The jobs are that bad, that's the problem. Retail is designed to exchange your life force for profits and they want as much profit as possible.
man i feel so guilty that i dropped out especially since i'm asian and being college educated is a huge deal for my parents. they don't even care that i can't find a job. they lie to their friends that i already graduated.
Well the job of a qa is literally to always tell someone theyve messed up
If there is nothing to improve then its a perfect product, and they dont exist
I found a few warehouse positions that actually paid pretty well and have benefits, no college obviously
t. college dropout
How does one acquire trade school? Is money involved? Paying to go somewhere I will probably fail out of is what keeps me away from college.
Look up which trades interest you. Apply for an apprenticeship program with your local union via the internet.
T. Carpenter
if you can't do anything because you have underlying mental health issues like depression or severe social anxiety, then it might be better to live with your parents and work a retail job or something while you address those issues before you decide to go to college or trade school
you don't have to go to college straight out of high school, there's nothing wrong with taking some time off after high school to sort out other things in your life, as long as you actually do go to trade school or college at some point
>Is living the retail life until you die such a bad thing?
yes. You dont want to be that weird old guy still working at the movie theater or the mall with a bunch of teenagers
t. was that weird old guy.
I need to create an android app by the 16th and I've not even started yet. If I don't do it I get kicked out.
Am I fucked?
People in the military join it for college though
>posting on Jow Forums instead of working on the app
Yeah, pretty much.
Unless you go for high profile studies like CS, Medicine, Law, maybe finances, going for decent trade like electrician, welder, plumber will earn you much more money than being a lowly retails seller or working in a place no one really needs to function.
>if you can't do anything because you have underlying mental health issues like depression or severe social anxiety,
Never had any mental health issues get in the way of school. I tried one semester of college already and failed horribly, earned 1 credit hour. I'm just deadass bad at school. How is trade school versus college/high school?
>it might be better to live with your parents and work a retail job or something
mfw I have done this for 5 years already and I hate myself more and more for it.
You don't have to go into retail whether you graduate or not. That's just the easiest thing to fall into. There are always other options than retail, most people are just lazy and don't try to seek them out. Ironically, retail jobs are often more work, for less pay.
Yes, you will die poor and screwed, most ordinary jobs are suck, and the payment is a joke.
now you're a young software developer?
There can be a future if you don't go to college, yes. But you'd need commitment and dedication. A lot. Also, not going to college not necessarily means that you have to stop learning, as life is basically learning as much as you can before dying and using that knowledge. Talking about knowledge, you realize that today the gigantic amount of it is currently available from the palm of your hands.(keyboard,or smartphone) It would be a waste not to use this chance that you have compared to third worlders.
You might want to start a business on the internet, or saving your work money and build assets (real estate for example), but most importantly stop consuming mindlessly or buying things that would tire you down financially. Do you really need that house or that car that will significantly increase your expenses?
This world's a fucking joke.
You can either be a slave, or another sadistic psychic vampire cocksucker.
This world needs more death.
I mean, there is but it's going to suck unless you're okay with being poor. Maybe think about trade school.
No, the world needs more robots so we don't have to toil in order to subsist any longer. Collectively-owned robots, specifically, not ones concentrated in the hands of greedy corporations.
How do you go about learning a trade?
Dropped out of college due to lack of funds but I'm not doing terrible. $17 an hour working in an office after moving up from taking calls. I was kind, did my job, sociable when I needed to be and each boss continued to recommend me to higher and higher positions. If you don't have the paper, make it up by being charasmatic.
>Collectively-owned robots, specifically, not ones concentrated in the hands of greedy corporations.
Corporations are collectively owned. Anyone can just go buy shares. Wealth is only so concentrated because poorfags never do that with their disposable income.
tradeschool, college is a meme. So many of my friends from hs graduated with an enormous debt and now can't get a job, they didn't do worthless degrees either the job market is just so competetive.
Why do you faggots think retail is the only job opportunity if you don't go to college? Sure, most everything is manual labor but if I'm gonna wageslave I'd rather work in peace then have to deal with normalfaggots on a day by day basis.
>Sure, most everything is manual labor
Yeah that's exactly what I was afraid of.
Get a trade, join the military.
College seems all fun because you think you'll earn more money, then you realise the demands for college level jobs are at an all time low and that the competition forces wages down, so that dream six figure salary you have your sights aimed at might not become reality until your 40s, by then what does hoarding a bunch of money do for you?
it's less about making lots of money than about avoiding the manual labor.
If you think the average retail worker deserves more money you deserve to work there on Earth and be in hell. It's so fucking easy. I cashiered at home Depot for a year. Zero effort, talent, or value contributed. Fastest of 30 cashiers, offered promotion, ez best customer satisfaction. Retail workers are lazy and right where they belong.
I rather stay a NEET who gets government money.
i didnt fall for the college meme and work with a bunch of retarded niggers in factory work. retail is for fags.
im doing okay financially, it aint that hard.