ISTP thread, others are welcome I guess
come on in and have a real discussion or maybe just join the self pity circlejerk
istp here, what should we discuss
thinking about enlisting, lads. don't know if 24 is too old though.
IXTJ with depression here
nah 24's a great age. What kind of job you want in the military? Which branch?
Awful idea, the meme about being a warrior isn't about being ordered around by ZOG, it's about ancient warriors. istp hates being ordered around by people.
any of you goys like listening to music a bunch and "studying" it? right now I have over 20 gigs worth of a variety of genres
Eh, I'll be 22, almost 23 by the time I go to OCS.
anyone else just want to kill people, but not anyone in particular (just ironically haha am i right fbi)
also does anyone else fantasize about blowing their head off everyday
>20 gigs
2008 called, fag
It's time to forgo self-pity and embrace self-worship.
yeah I'm going to say "gigabytes" like some old senile cunt
GB, gB, gb, Gb
any will work, it's literally two characters
Literally half of these things don't exist and the other mean two different things
I want to be a lazy county cop but I'm not even a citizen.
that's literally the name of the unit of measurement you autist
Gigabytes, gibibytes, gibibits, gigabits
You dumb nigger
not all of those are gigabytes now are they, you spastic tard
>half of these things don't exist
im not the same poster you spastic tard
The ISTP in action arguing about things that don't matter
Have any of you successfully dated? I have been dating an ISTP for a while, and hes basically a sociopath that only fakes emotions to manipulate others, with 0 empathy. I imagine no one is really forgiving to those traits.
babe I didn't know you browsed Jow Forums
Well now you know. Come bring me some toilet paper
do you really expect me to know what a GIBI is nerd lmaooo
No,my only prospects of dating are sex robots and perhaps some autistic istp girl but they don't exist .
You don't want to date an istp.
They don't care about your emotions and are hard to manipulate.
It's kind of frustrating that I can't feel empathy or any strong emotions for characters when something emotionally impacting happens to them. Recently I played Nier:Automata and when it got to the points where it was suppose to get me extremely sad via empathy or make me tear up/cry I was mostly apathetic except for a rare few moments at the end and middle.
I feel frustrated at my lack of ability to enjoy stories as the normalfags who comment and reviewed the game said that they had an extreme emotional roller coaster. I'm just frustrated that I didn't also get to ride it as well.
Thats a you problem. Not an istp problem, I still tear up during sad movies.
Sociopathy is a common trait of istp
I'm an ISTP, i can still feel but i'll never show anyone
Didnt say im not capable of terrible things. But I feel emotions during movies and stuff. Cried at the end of Fences. Tortured lizards as a kid, go figure.
I will but only if they have the same outlook on life as me.
how do you guys satisfy the bloodlust?
Hello younger bro.
Vidya, jacking off and lifting.
>thread dies before 40 replies because ISTPs don't like talking
Theres probably more ISTPs lurking in this thread than posting.
I'm just watching the thread and waiting to see what other people have to say
I regularly daydream and plot how I would cull the world's population if I ever became POTUS.
>tfw literally everything bores me except spending money, which I don't have
is istp the eternal lurker type? i feel like even irl i just kind of lurk in social situations and only contribute with an occasional joke or if someone asks me a direct question. idk i just like to take things in
>taking meme horoscopes seriously
Basically, whenever i'm in a social situation i feel like i'm not there i listen and take in everything but never contribute, when I get asked direct questions I often don't know how to respond instantly because i'm not used to it.
>all those L's
are we fucked boys?
I'm exactly the same. That's Ti + Se. Always observing, rarely participating.
Personality types are not meme horoscopes you actually have to respond to questions and everyone in a certain personality type obviously has a lot in common based on their answers.
I'm not able to keep conversations going. I can argue or talk about things only as much as I know about them and only if the topic is brought up first. As soon as it comes to an end I never know what to bring up next.
If I overhear a conversation about something I know something about, I get an overwhelming urge to butt in but can never bring myself to unless it's my friends.
ENTP god here :^)
ISTP, i don't know what to do. Parents want me to go to uni, i want to do basic training and maybe enlist.
Should i look into trades instead? I don't fucking know what i want out of life anymore
i do electrical and it okay. i always kind of wanted to join the army, but i dont think i could never take orders like that and basically be someones bitch
>thinking ISTP care about what inferior being have to say about them
ISTP is the next step in human evolution.
no we were the previous step who are now obsolete in the modern world
If you're deployed there's a chance to do legal murder, I think the only positive of the Military. Otherwise just going into trades is probably best. Currently working towards becoming a Power Engineer.
I know right, what kind of poorfag doesn't currently have at least 20 terabytes of muaic in their computer right now?
i passed my background check today. i've never been happier. im debating on buying a high quality AK-74 or a FAL. i know i won't get to legally murder someone but if i get to test my new gun out on some dindu's that'd be cool
I am a non-practicing peadosexual, still a virgin. I have come to the acceptance that I will not enjoy a sexual partner under the present laws. Any other ISTP peado here?
no but i fantasize about torturing and killing pedos
no but i wish you can find an alternative. maybe a really short asian or a sex doll
While you fantasize about torture/murder, I learn how to defend myself from people like you.
Thanks, but I do not know of any Asians where I live, except a married woman in her late 30's and her 8 yo daughter, and I don't know if the authorities will take possession of a realistic child doll in the airport.
INTP here, do i fit in?
My face hurts today. It hurt yesterday. I don't know how long it's gonna keep doing it but it's like all my blood is trying to erupt out of my face.
I wish people who actually said things existed. Everyone just makes noise, repeats things they've heard before, or says a mix of words that make sentences but don't speak any real purpose/thought.
My heart hurts
Do you think you are different?
how many of you ISTPs actually take up any kind of mechanical activities?
I do enjoy them, but don't take them up much
"Kill me, Pete"
I think that I am different enough in the sense that I have some sort of actual point behind things I say when I say them. At least I think I do, I feel I do. I'm not the kind of person to just type "lol", make passing off remarks, or mash keys to say gibberish.
I'm a chemist, I really enjoy lab work
I work on my car
I shoot and clean my guns
I play EVE Online
"Kill me, Pete"
Being istp sucks
Wish I was ENTJ
Do ISTPs always have a fascination with violence? Why do you like it?
I like to fantasize about having power or control over some one else for once in my life.
You are partly corrent, most people are like that, but there are exceptions. You need to find people with high intelligence, they are hard to get to.
I feel the same sometime, and that's what caused me to steer away from society. I turn to artificial stimulation for the most part. Good movies that need thinking usually help.
Another thing you should do is think through if these are temporary thougts or it's a part of your personality. Most people say it's the latter automatically, because it feels that way anyway, but think deeper.
I've dwelled on this for a long while and have come to being convinced that it is my personality. I don't necessarily want to distance myself from people, or hate them for making me feel as if I'm speaking to brick walls. I simply want some one to express themselves properly, have a conscious thought, or hold coherent point in the things they say. I can't find anything else except mentally lax dregs, pretentious long winded posters who regurgitate the same arguments/phrases they've seen shared around, and people who react to incidents of interest only to actively forget about the severity of these things a few hours later.
I don't really know why I'm rambling about my personal gripes about socializing now. I feel like a broken record since it all boils down to the same problem anyway. Thanks for reading and replying though, user.
>tfw i'll never take part in a crusade
this is terrible, why must i suffer like this
For me I'm not really fascinated by violence, I just have an understanding of my capacity for it and I'm willing to admit there's a time and place for it.
Same. A friend of mine tried to say that it's incredibly difficult to kill some one if it came to it, and he only acts out violently in psyhotic episodes. I sat there thinking for a minute and realized that I wouldn't really care too much about killing some one else or even him at that point if it came to it. I'd only care about my personal safety and comfort from the consequences afterwards.
Well it's not like you would be able to discuss these kind of things with anyone in a usual conbersation. Society is limiting the spreading of actual information, and the only places that bypasses that limit are the ones that hate society as a whole, because in the dumb crowd's point of view you shouldn't socialise if you don't like society.
So it's good to have thought exchanges like this, but it's kinda sad that we probably won't ever get to know each other.
i have 2 assignments due to next week, ive had 2 weeks to do them and im stressing out being anxious and procrastinating instead. is this a typical istp thing? i just feel like i cant be bothered with school anymore and i want to drop out even though i know that i shouldnt
thanks for reminding us how great our lives could have been
Bypass* sorry
Why does r9k have so many ISTPfags in it?
because we're outcasts and can't fit in with normies, and we're not to bothered by the stuff that gets posted here. I find traps more offensive than gore.
I guess you're right.
I still don't enjoy r9k shitters to be similar to me since I view you all to be the epitome of garbage
Anime poster kys
We don't fit into society and hate life that's pretty much it.
What is it that we DO like?
In the end I'm happy to know you through this brief exchange. While I don't agree with you believing I detest society, I appreciate that you can at least speak honestly about it. Who knows, maybe I may actually be deluding myself and simply haven't come to hating people just yet.
I used to have the same issues when I was in classes. The way I solved it was just realizing that an assignment is sort of an ordeal that's only difficult until you start it. Then it's just another thing you're doing within your day.
I'm an automotive technician, but honestly starting to lose my passion for cars. i Might switch to being an electrician soon though seems interesting.
any other robots here with trades
Drug abuse and suicidal thoughts.
Welp better than nothing I guess
how do i know if im schizoid or just an istp? it both fits pretty good
Hi. I'm an ENFP. I'm lonely. Please shower me with affection. Please no bully :(
Are you trying to mock ENFPs for their annoying as fuck personalities or are you serious.
Actually, I have never met another ENFP so I don't even know how to mock them...
I am genuinely this annoying. I am sorry user. I just am lonely and hate being hated everywhere.
>had a dream last night that had a shit ton of gore for some reason
>never had one like it before
Am I just finally losing it? I'm not really into gore.
Why not just mooch up to an individual and not be an annoying cunt?