Is your life on nightmare mode?

Is your life on nightmare mode?

>be me
>live alone in small hick town.
>have no care
>wage slave job
>no gf
>no family for support
>have fucked up childhood trauma issues
>have rare skin disease
>the tap water turns brown sometimes
>house centipedes
>be neighbors with a single mom who judges you for being single and alone
>have broken toes

Attached: can'twakeup.jpg (600x409, 19K)

>live alone in small hick town
That sounds like paradise my dude.

Your single mother neighbor is probably wondering why you arent going over there and fucking her.

It's not, there is nothing to do.

How do you know the single mom judges you?
I think
is right, she wants your cock (and childsupport)

by the way when I said rare skin disease this is what I meant

Attached: The-epidermoid-cysts-multiplex-of-the-scrotum.png (850x637, 393K)

These are nice because at least you don't have to deal with shitskins.

Eeeeek, ok. I understand now.

That's where you're wrong, I live in Canada and here diversity is a strength so I see every race and culture on a daily basis at work

Sounds very harsh OP. I would want to rant a lot if I were you, but maybe you've never had the opportunity to do so. You have a right to complain, and I promise to listen to what you have to say, if it makes your chest feel lighter.

t. pajeet street shitter

I thought rural Canada was safe from them

Attached: 1430328615319s.jpg (192x182, 6K)

>house centipedes
go on OP

Attached: 1464887284316.jpg (716x768, 120K)

Thank you user, that means a lot to me. It's true I just want to vent and I know other people have it worse than me so I don't speak in public about my problems because I know I'll only get a lecture.

You're never safe they have spread out into the countryside because the cities are too congested with Syrian refugees and Nigerians

I'm actually Irish but that's just as bad as an Indian I suppose

They live inside the walls. Sometimes really big ones fall out of the cracks.

I really feel that's flawed logic; only the person legit the worst off in the world would then have a right to complain, and both of us know that's BS. Keeping all that agony pent up inside is just a stupid way of beating yourself up for something that isn't your fault; don't let others decide how you should feel.

Only you can really know what it's like to be in your shoes, and I'm not going to be a hypocrite here by pretending I can truly empathize, but I will try. Brings me to another point OP - trying is the best we can do. It's also the only thing we can do beside silently suffering. It probably seems that the universe is out to get you so this advice is probably going to seem like the cheesiest dumb shit you've heard a trillion times, but there's a certain merit in "doing your best and forgetting the rest". There will always be factors beyond your control, and worrying about them just degrades the quality of your life experience further. Please make the best of what you have. Finding something in nothing seems like a lunatic's delusion, but hey, human history is littered with highs on this delusional optimism. And guess what, if things don't become better, at least you wouldn't have wasted your time being sad.

It's okay to be human.

You're right, I constantly beat up on myself and then feel sorry for myself afterward. It makes me feel an intense sadness when I think about how much of my life I've wasted just doing that to myself. I'm a mental basket case but I'm certain that has something to do with being raised by a single mother and getting raped as a child. I want to be human, but I feel crippled by social anxiety. The only way I cope with being so alone is by working out and playing games.

You could go outside.

As someone who also lives in a small hick town I can definitively say nature gets boring AF after a while.

Tbh idk about how to deal with social anxiety dude, that's a toughie. The only suggestion I could have is imagining the worst that could happen and making a completely objective analysis of its consequences. Whenever I do that, I realize just how little it really matters in the grand scheme of things. Like would you really regret (or remember) stuttering and appearing stupid while talking to that one coworker on Tuesday when you're on your deathbed? Nah, I think the shit mood that would hang like a dark cloud over you for not talking with someone else and shutting yourself out would leave a much more sour taste that you would instead recall.

Or maybe try the reflexive argument - it is not unreasonable to suppose that the opposite party has anxieties over certain things that could go wrong in a social interaction as well and, believe it or not, might actually worry about what you may think about them in these worst case scenario. People greatly overestimate the memory and concern of others over matters regarding themselves. Just tune out the false survival instinct alarms.

The closest thing I can think of is taking diving lessons as a kid. I was fucking petrified and beat myself everyday for being such a sissy and not going for it like everyone else around. But one day I just stopped comparing myself to others, stopped forcing what I should ideally do onto myself, and just accepted my fear. But then the truth was unmasked: my fear was just an illusion, a glorified and malignant mass of denial that whored too many of my fucks. So I dropped my guards. It's funny how courage came out effortlessly when I surrendered but wouldn't show a trace when I tried squeezing it out of myself.

If all else fails, just think of the "we live in a computer program" hypothesis and convince yourself it's real; it really helps in making everything seem much less serious. Try to disassociate what you experience and what you control and sit back to witness life's drama.

Hike. Bike. Hunt. Fish. Camp. Live like an actual human.

At least you have some semblance of privacy, and get a break from all the ceaseless noise humans make. In a bigger town/city you don't get that AND there's still nothing to do.

Hot. Tfw I'll never run those

That's actually really helpful advice. I'm going to try these methods while I'm at work tomorrow. Thank you for listening to be rant about my inadequacies based user.


Wow you can do those things.
Golly gee I've been living in the woods for 11 years and I never thought to do those.
No but seriously I've done all of those plenty and they've gotten boring af. It's mostly because those are almost the only thing to do. Most of the rednecks around like riding atvs and shit but I just don't get the appeal. There's occasionally a fair or festival, but they're always the fucking same.

Kaczynski and Proenneke did it for decades, and trust me you don't want to live in the concrete jungle.

Not really but my work is a rollercoaster of stress. Sometimes i can just sit back and browse shit endlessly untill a call comes in the last 30 minutes to fix something important in the code bc they have to show it to a client and it needs to change.

I'm definitely moving back to a bigger city eventually. I had a shit childhood and I still remember having more fun in the city than in the backwoods where I am now. Rural areas are good if you're happy where you are in life, but if you're not everything just becomes dull.