The Jews are the reason you don't have a girlfriend.
The Jews are the reason you don't have a girlfriend
>talks about jews
>The Jews are the reason you don't have a girlfriend.
Where have I read this before? Hmm...
based trips
but why doesn't chad have a gf?
What's wrong with scene girls or kids watching Rugrats?
I cant tell if you're mocking the Jow Forums stereotypical virgin or being one unironically. Pottery.
My fear of talking to women is the main reason
And you have that fear due to a society created by Jewish influence.
The true redpill is
>Female nature is why I don't have a girlfriend
this is unironically true
I have never seen ONE (1) non-Hollywood chad that has let his political leanings be known
>The Jews are the reason you don't have a girlfriend.
Nope, women's suffrage is. Women are the reason I don't have a gf (and cuck men).
what i love about this is just the random picture of Alan Carr. I mean other than playing up his homosexuality for his "comedy" he's just a normal dude
And what (((caused))) women's suffrage?
They're not but they are the reason the last 70 years have been so insane
Go check the religion of/mother's religion of all the sufragettes.
First of all, no they're not. Secondly, why would I want a gf who's only with me due to societal obligation, and with whom I'd be obligated to have kids with? I don't want any of that bullshit, I'm perfectly happy in the current year even if I'm technically completely isolated. I still have access to all kinds of stuff online, vidya, anime and various creative outlets I wouldn't have had access to in those times. Life could be much worse.
True enough, but which political quadrant does that fit into? I mean, you could make either an authoritarian or libertarian takeaway from that statement, and it has little to do with being left or right on the economic spectrum.
Under libertarian left, it needs something better, since police just doesn't make sense in any context, except maybe if you're black, but this drawing isn't.
All of the leaders and initiators behind the women's suffrage movement were 100% Jewish, I mean for fuck sake user are you even trying?
Even if that were true, that doesn't mean anything on its own, unless you insert your grand conspiracy theory.
>jews continually overrepresented in the cases that cause the degeneration of western society
>"I-it's just a coincidence!"
Protip - it's never a coincidence.
Jews have nothing to do with it.
Women like having sex. With different partners. From different countries. The more, the better.
Are you several people from different places? Then you've got nothing to do, you will be one more in a list of cocks.
>Are you several people from different places?
Actually I am so please don't make assumptions, you don't know me at all
>someone believes this