How do you faggots organize your reaction pictures? Pic related
Also dump em
How do you faggots organize your reaction pictures? Pic related
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original slavkid
struck down by Allah
>reaction pictures
pic one
that's a good way of organizing them,l gonna start doing that
I don't. i have everything in one mega folder and just memorise where everything is
I also quick access my reaction pics from previous years
>t. photographic memory
I could never do that. Good job, user
Especially since most filenames are complete shit
woops wrong one
original boi
>has a separate Todd folder
I organize them by boards, rather than the reaction it entails.
I pull random shit off of google for my reaction pictures.
Anyone wanna share folders? I can upload mine though it's not thoroughly organised.
I'm deadass interested in yours
I'm still working on mine, and I've got a shitton unorganized still but this is what I've got so far
You'll buy two
You'll buy two
You'll buy two!
>Started going on Jow Forums in early 2011
>Built up a folder of thousands of reaction images
>Got malware in summer 2012 and lost all my Jow Forums stuff
>Rebuilt my reaction image folder with new stuff
>Ended up wanting to quit Jow Forums in 2013, so I ended up deleting all my Jow Forums stuff again
>Never bothered building a new reaction image folder after that
One folder just for Pepes, one for everything else.
>Japanese schoolgirls lying in snow
Most of these folders have subfolders dividing content within the board
>not having a collection of qt jp schoolgirls lying dead in snow after the bombing of Tokyo (1945, colourized)
shit iktfb. I deleted all my stuff I saved between 13000000000 unix time.
I miss seeing pic related posted all the time.
I organize them very neatly
>279 files
> 61 GB
That's fake. At least not just meme pictures, has to be either movies or some shit
>61.4 GB
are you okay
See That's 6k pictures. It's 2 GB. That user just has 10 movies or some shit
i don't organize them. i shove them all into a folder and then randomly pick an image
I'll admit, I hide porn in my 'depressed cat' folder sometimes, but for the most part it's high-quality depressed cats.
original originazation
This. Fellow non-autists.
Could you share, pls? My hard drive died recently.
I have everything in one big folder. No worry, I name every file so I know where to find my files.
I have these folders and everything that does not fit any of these categories go in the root of Jow Forums folder.
I gave up saving images c. 2011
>13,822 Files, 750 Folders
It's just easier to google images you remember at this point.
Just like this
>your comment was unoriginal
>Anti-white hate
>Fake news
Fuck off Jow Forumsack.
I respect you for having a gore folder though
do any of you have the pepe where he takes off his glasses in disbelief? in return, a comfy pepe
The recent Reiko drama brought me to Jow Forums
Thanks for the comfy
What can you give me in return?
Do you have any rare Annie Mays?
Good folder you got there.
Dump my nigga folder
Most of them are anime girls with questioning looks on their faces anyway. No need to organize them.
pic uniqely related
I have an anime folder and a meme folder, and spend years looking for the right reaction image. I cant be arsed to organise it now.
Meme machine > memes > boards > sub category related to board > sub categories within categories related to board
(example: /a/ > Evangelion > Asuka)
(example: Jow Forums > niggers > webm of niggers being niggers)
The only thing I regret is that I deleted my old folder that I kept around since like ~2010 when I tried to get off Jow Forums.
>he doesn't
>evangelion >asuka
Fuck off asuka is a selfish self-absorbed stupid brat bitch whore who needs to be fucking tortured and gangraped by a million niggers. worst fucking girl in all of anime. if you unironically like asuka your a fucking waste of space and should be ashamed to exist FUCKING kill yourself
Alright I'm uploading, I'd appreciate if others would do the same.
I don't pick up too many. I save the ones I like most and put them in a "mee mee" folder, only 46 images at the moment. I mostly collect Todds, pic related.
here it is:
12 190MB .rar files.
Download them all > put them in a folder > make sure the filenames are the same (don't edit the file extension) > extract with winrar > done.
You cunts I didn't just waste my time uploading it for nothing. Tell me you downloaded it.
Been trying to organize my shit more lately, I really should have more folders than this
I don't, save them all to one folder that I wipe every few months, never get more than 40 these days, if you still have reaction pic folders you should kill yourself.
this except I don't ever wipe it, I have a single folder with literal thousands of pics collected over years and just scroll and scroll till I find what I want kek.
seriously considering downloading this anons() but I should really go to bed its 4am
I have more stuff that isn't organized.
i have been on Jow Forums for four years and not once used a reaction pic, am i missing out?
Downloading right now my dude, hope I dont fuck the extraction
Thanks a ton man
>when someone's filename starts with 15
opinion discarded instantly
It spewed out a bunch of errors but I think it worked. thanks user!
Is seriously nobody else downloading after everyone asked for it? Fucking cunts lol dling right now
this is how they are shittily organized
>How do you faggots organize your reaction pictures?
seriously that wasnt hard
Thanks for upload user. Downloading rn
Upload it faggoyete!
ill dump some of the better ones i have
don't really have a reaction folder but here are all of my folders.
im 100% not gay
chequed originnnalie
I'll download them in a few hours, gotta sleep. Thanks user luv u
organising reaction images got out of hand for me i've got folders buried in my drives that I can't find anymore and as a result I can't find my porn either
Upload that Uni folder pls
Ur a fuken legend m8
Hory fuck this is gold, thanks user!
is it pretty normal that I got 34 errors on extraction?
There should be no errors at all.
Try renaming the 12 rar files so they're the same name, like pic related. Then extract with winrar.
i also have a separate folder for misc. images
Thank you!! it totally worked just renaming them to the .partxx. files (I still extracted with 7zip) Sorry to make you spoonfeed I guess I'm a brainlet. Your folders are excellent my dude, you are awesome for this.
It's fucking terrible, I know. The 1,139 items was because I copied photos from my phone, and I'm too lazy to sort them out in folders.
You don't, you remember where you have your pics
I fucking died at the "alternative memes"
Mainly sort it by board name, make special folders for pepes, wojaks and the like
Anyone else going to upload their folder?
i use digikam tags and xmp sidecars.
i set xmp to hidden so that they don't bloat the view.
using sidecars instead of embedding it preserves original md5 of the file.
i configured
i don't like hydrus because it fucks up folder structure.
currently i don't know how i want to break images in folders, so atm it's
/safe/ - for everything safe
/questionable/ - for panties boobs etc
/explicit/a/ - for animu hentai
/explicit/r/ - for real people porn
/explicit/r34/ -- for cartoons, furries etc
/shock/ -- for gore etc
i sync the folder using syncthing to my laptop, i use digikam there too
>that amount of mlp folders
gas urself my man
I've created a bunch of folders but i can't be bothered to sort them so the generic meme folder is like 2 gb while the rest have 2 or 3 images in them.
One big folder, tags in the file name:
>1523426013444 (reaction, smug, anime).png
Every modern OS has quick file searching so I just type in the tag name and get a list of all the relevant pictures.
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>How do you faggots organize your reaction pictures?
i dont
Lol glad I'm not the only one who does this. Would take pic but at work.
I just dump them all into one folder.
That will change once I get too many.
>browses in tommororow mode
This is an excellent question and something to which I've actually given some thought. The tree I came up with is the following:
>reaction pics
(and so on)
(and so on)
That is, I sort them first by meme type, and then I further sort them by the emotion conveyed I'm the image. For example, pic related is:
>reaction pics/pepe/smart/filename.jpg
>the virgin picture hoarder
>the Chad stock image googler
this makes me sad... that's why I deleted my clusterfuck similar to this one and have only a couple of them now, like risitas etc
>doge 2000+18 mate
I got everything under "gay folder"
You're not my mother