>he doesn't even know about the mid-thirties power flip.
This is why you don't commit suicide you dumb wizard faggots
>he doesn't even know about the mid-thirties power flip.
This is why you don't commit suicide you dumb wizard faggots
Someone will eventually say this so I'll just say it now:
>Wait for what? Some used-up reformed Stacy in her late 30s?
"Just wait it out guys, once they hop off the carousel they will all come running to you"
Honestly the only hope I have left.
No you stupid idiot. Younger women want older men. That's the whole point. It's a complete inversion when you make it past 35. The reason you're a pathetic beta cuck now is because younger women aren't interested in younger guys, they're chasing older men. Don't get me wrong, women are dumb idiots, but you're even fucking dumber if you can't understand the dynamic here.
>But muh high school oneitis!
Lmao FORGET HER man, she's too busy trying to get "a real man", as a teenage / early college kid you don't even register as a human being on her radar.
The best part is, once she hits that 35+ wall it's ALL OVER and she'll commit suicide a hag faced cat lady. Whereas, as a real man, you clean house with teenage pussy who are literally lusting after "older guys" holy fuck you have it so screwed up /r9gay. This is why you're a virgin betaorbiting cuck soyboy numale NIGGER
Oh yaaaay we get Chads sloppy seconds. Either that or we get women when our sex drive has already began to decline.
There's nothing like getting a woman in the prime in both her prime and yours.
Too bad women age like milk and 90% of them look like grannies in their mid-30s. My co-worker showed me pictures of the 34 year old he proposed to and she reminds me of my mother. I don't get how guys can fall in love with a woman once they lose their youthful appearance. Like I understand if you're already invested after she gave you her best years so you can look back on her fondly as she ages. Without that what's the appeal? All you're getting is a lifetime of baggage without the spark. I guess I'm not alone in my thinking hence all the dateless middle aged women. I think if you're a single guy at that age then hookers are a better option.
No you fucking moron, those women who end up alone, end up expressing their resentment in politics and attempting to spread ideas like feminism and open immigration.
Their consequences ARE OUR consequences as well, these people dont just disappear but try to drag society down with them.
This is true but why would you care? This has literally zero impact on you slaying teenage pussy.
Duhhhh i don't know, maybe because your "slaying" may suddenly turn into sexual assault.
But hey, keep up the hedonism, im sure Tyrone will care all about your sexual adventures when your stuck in the shower with him.
Pic related it's literally you buttmad faggot stay asshurt and rustled gayniger
Why the fuck would you want women in their mid thirties?
You are the dumbest nigger on the planet if you can't understand that the inversion does not equal 35+ dating 35+. I've already explained this once so I'm not doing it again. Continue being a retarded dipshit cuck faggot.
So you miss out on prime teen pussy?
enjoy getting buttfucked by nigs
>waaaah that doesn't count I want my pure virgin
Christ, some of you are pathetic. You deserve to die virgins.
I'm 30 and there is absolutely no way I can get girls in the late teens/early 20s, they all think I'm a creep just because of my age. But they do hit me up sometimes to send nudes, for whatever reason. I don't even know why. I think they just find the idea hot.
>robots will become chads when they get older
Some will. It's purely a choice.
he doesnt know that robots will still be robots after the mid thirties power flip
>a virgin asking for another virgin is too much to ask for
It's all true, I automatically turned from George Costanza into George Clooney at 35, it's fucking amazing!!!
I don't know if some magical chad surge is coming for most of the guys here but I can confirm that the early 30s stacy wall is very real and very satisfying to see in person.
when does a man give up dating 20yos?
(exceptions are made for 9/10s of course)
>Younger women want older men.
of course men can improve, but you needed to have the potential to be chad in your 20s if you are going to chad in your 30s.
and how many of us have wasted potential
>become a wizard at 40, women will still date you in their 20's if you dont look bad, or they got dad issues. can probably marry a 28-35 year old. or less and get kids
women get rekt
Why are you lying? Most men become Chads only in their 30s.
you know when im like 50 and diorced
an ugly loser through and through does not turn into chad
only a guy who had potential to be a chad.
what was stopping him from being chad in his 20s? at the time unreached potential.
getting a house, car, job status, obviously help tons, but there are guys who get that and are still at best beta bux.
The majority of guys have the potential to be Chad. Many never act on it, including some robots.
Reminder not to listen to these people, they're almost always underage b& LARPing as midlife crisis Chads.
>just wait until you're 40 so you can lose your skin contact virginity to a women who doesn't want you in her life beyond the fact that she can't do better
If you start working on yourself now, by 40 you'll be a genuine catch for these women. But we all know you aren't going to do that.
But working on yourself is so hard!
>just change who you are bro
>just do things you don't enjoy for the rest of your life bro
Solid life advice
If someone tried to sting me for a sexual assault I didn't commit I'd happily go to jail for murder.
You don't get to whine about tfwnogf if you chose to be a shut-in who has not done anything but vidya and animu in years.
>my receding hairline and neetdom will become sought after once I hit 30
You are talking shit
If you are a neet at 30 you need to do some serious self-reflection.
I'm a 2/10 guy who's given up on women.
This money is all mine
normiescum detected
If you're a NEET at 30 why are you even still alive? And get hair transplants moron.
Interesting. Even if you don't like dating websites the point remains - there are more women available everywhere (work, social settings, bars).
I got married at 26 and now I'm divorced at 32 so maybe next year I might get lucky.
Volcel in denial detected.
>being chad is a choice
nice bait user, but no one is that big of a brainlet
Brainleta like you always get angry when told truth. But keep on being bluepilled.
Can a 3/10 with a decent build become Chad?
I'm serious.
Yes, just get surgeries.
Im in my mid thirties and I do not see a power flip.Actually It is getting worse each day. When I was younger I had a couple of girls intersted in me. Now it is far from that
What if I have really bad skin?
If you are Chad you will always be a Chad. If you are ugly loser you will always be one regardless of age.
Why not? You can easily become at least a 6/10 by working on yourself a bit. Then you just need to learn the Chad mindset.
Are you a loser NEET? That might explain it.
Horseshit. You can easily fall from Chad to robot. You can also un-loser yourself.
What do you mean, are you black?
Nah just a really fucked combination of pasty skin, dark circles, and freckles.
I honestly look awful lad. If I posted a selfie it would be a new incel meme. Any advice is very much appreciated.
This is why dermatologists exist.
This is a lie for some loser trying to sell his dating website. If you're not lucky up till your 30's, it's not going to flip. You're a piece of shit to them. Suddenly all the women that considered you trash being interested just means you're stuck with the left overs they didn't want you in the first place, and were rejected by anyone else so you're scraping the bottom of the barrel. I'm 32 and even I know the game has been up for many, many years.
Why do bitter incels like you keep lying? There are guys (and girls) who lose their virginity in their 30s and have a healthy sex life ever after. I should know as I am one.
>incels hate him
>learn how to have sex using this one trick
Oh fuck off. I use to be really popular up till my 20's and most girls are fucking easy. So fucking easy if you have any idea about it , there is no pretending you're not considered a huge piece of shit if you get rejected or go without a relationship for years.
Why do you think you're not getting girls, when you are at the age where it is literally the easiest?
btw you think they just gave up and stopped seeing anyone? Wrong. You missed out on your 20's all that shit you're doing now? They were doing that with someone else for years. You're the fucking backup plan. Most guys call it beta bucks. You're just a fucking income source to her.
Yeah just remember while you spent a decade alone she was getting pumped and dumped by lots of guys. You can sit around pretending you're grateful to get thrown a few scraps but that's the same person that told you that you don't even deserve scraps in the first place. Have fun getting exploited by someone that couldn't give less of a fuck about you aside from what you give them.
You need help. You have obviously major mental issues. You sound just like Elliot.
>he thinks that in your 30s you can't fuck girls in their 20s
I'm not like elliot at all. I'm a better shot than he was.
>dibs fbi
Cute, have fun going back to your failed normie schaubie drama then. Tool.
"slaying teen pussy" yeah like anyone cares about plastic thots, the girls that are really demanded wont go for their uncles, its a rare find, but well live your dream user
The "power flip", unless you've accumulated wealth, fame, or have become good looking along the way only applies to you having access to single mothers and women desperately trying to avoid spinsterhood. Most of them have rode the cock carousel all through their 20s, failed to lock down a Chad or Brad, and now they're willing to settle for you. But know that they very much consider it settling, that she won't admire you (female equivalent of romantic love is admiration), and that she will leave your ass in a second if you aren't a good little doormat/money faucet for her.
you're half right. the real reason why there are more women on dating sites when they're older is because older men resign to their fate and stop trying, especially in public like that. they know their place after decades.
when you're 33+ you have a way better chance of hooking up with women in their 20s than teens. you're delusional if you think otherwise.
lol fuckin and people tell me i sound like elliot rodger
i think they're just bitter that they already know what you just said here
>you missed out on teenage love
>you missed out on prime teenage pussy
>when everyone was enjoying their youth you wasted away in front of a monitor
>mfw all you can get now is a jaded, wrinkly, bored of sex roastie who had tens of dicks inside her and just got out of a toxic relationship
>mfw you literally get damaged goods
>mfw this is the big POWER FLIP
You're more pathetic than the retards who kill themselves
>he thinks a girl in her 30s would settle for a neckbeard autistic neet instead of being alone
>he thinks a guy in his 30s doesn't bang fresh 20 year old poon left and right
>the women who didn't want you in your 20's because you are a pathetic loser will suddenly gain an interest when you're in your 30's
Imagine being this retarded
10/10 nobody is going to refute that post
Samefagging your own retarded post when nobody gives it (You)s. Sad.
This desu, there is no hope to find a girl that hasnt eaten more than 3 diferent dicks after 25.
The only chance people get to find a decent partner is before 25 or so. After that its too late and you are better alone, any woman past 25 that is single or never had a bf is a toxic waste.
The data doesn't back up your assertion. The age gap only increases a few years from your twenties to thirties. So enjoy dating a used up 33yo as a "powerful" 37yo man.
How is a girl who is 25 and had 3 dicks in her indecent?
>used up
Incels keep using this word. What does it mean?
I'd rather not be an old fuck when my kids are born (to a mother who is too old at that)
Why not just date mid-30's women when you're young?
>he thinks that most guys here aren't just failed normies rather than fullscale NEET-autists.
>he somehow surmised from what I wrote that Chad doesn't continue Chadding.
Can you imagine being this delusional? Think about the girls you actually know. Most of them are grossed out by the idea of dating a 30 year old. They'd think you're a weirdo who's too old
>most guys here aren't just failed normies rather than fullscale NEET-autists
please don't try to normalize this
If you're a man, 40 is the oldest I'd have kids. Assuming you have a standard burger lifespan + accounting for medical advancement, lets say that someone who takes reasonable care of themselves can expect to make it to 80.
>That means that you'd be croaking around the time your kid is 40 (which is fine, thats enough time to see them reach adulthood and probably see grandkids).
>You'd be 45-55 around the ages where most childhood play (catch, wrestling about, etc) happens. Again, not a big deal if you take care of yourself. 55-65 through later high school and college years.
What the "women love older men" meme really means is that women still think older Chads are bangable. A Chad at 25 is usually still a Chad at 35. A beta neckbeard at 25 is just going to be even less appealing to women at 35.
> just wait it out and you can nail women past their prime heading towards menopause.
I guess pussy is still pussy though.
They only want old men with MONEY
This is what a lot of these larpers don't get. Sure a lot of older guys are having sex with teens... the same guys who were having sex with teens when they were 15, 20, 25 and 30. Not the guy who was still a virgin in his 20s (or was forced to visit a prostitute to get rid of it)
If you're too ugly to get a gf when you're 20, you will still be ugly at ages 25, 30 and 35, barring extreme cases such as obese people losing weight and finding out they were hiding a square jaw under layers of fat all along.
People also forget that whatever is stopping you from getting a gf (looks, mental illness or w/e) is going to cause problems in ALL areas of your life, not just your sex life.
For example how do you think employers will react when they find out you're chronically single and friendless at age 30? Older lonely men are a massive red flag and are universally seen as dangerous. Companies hire professionals to root out our kind.
There are a lot more Chads at 35 than 25. That's why men in their 30s have an easier time banging younger girls.
i said 3, because it is the lowest number i've seen a girl get at 25.
I normally dont have much of a problem with women who had sex with a past boyfriend, specially at age 25.
What really turns me off is that the single women at 25 are the kind of girls that go to parties and "spread their legs" at strangers, that really isnt a sign of decent person and lack the things to which i relate.
The worse are women that cant get over past relationships and even while with another partner, they still obsess over a previous one and will be willing to cheat just to get back to the previous partner.
>if you are a loser at 20 it will be impossible for you to ever improve and you will live the rest of your life as a loser
Robots actually believe this.
Some women are sluts, some only have sex in relationships. What a surprise.
That's just because by then, everyone becomes desperate to settle down and standards are lowered.
Men just have it easier then because they're usually the ones with a job to support themselves.
You must have quoted the wrong post, because that's not what I'm saying. Sure a extremely ugly guy could get a job at McDonald's and that would be considered "improvement" but he's not going to be having sex consensually, much less with teens.
A significant percentage of the population are still virgins at 20.
>Most of them are grossed out by the idea of dating a 30 year old.
Pretty much every woman up to 29 on a dating site has "no one 30+" in her profile. Since I'm in my late 30s, I can only get mid 30s at best, since 35 is pretty much the cutoff for being "old" for a guy, women still imagine they're young until 40 really, and don't want to live an adult lifestyle.