First day on the job

> First day on the job
> Another guy starts the same day as me. We're both named Daniel.
> Cute girl who's in charge of showing me the ropes approaches me midway through the shift.
> "Hey user so we've kinda already gotten used to calling the other Daniel by his name. Is there anything else we can call you so it doesn't get confusing?"
> " Well my childhood nickname was Danny.... haha."
> She grimaces and says " uhh you know what just your actual name will be fine." Walks away
> Left standing alone red faced

What the fuck did I even do wrong? I want to die.

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Should've just said "Just call me Danny". Jesus Christ, you guys are fucking spergs.

you: "oh ok"

there, problem solved, go back to work

big man dan

You are over thinking this nothing went wrong if anything she messed up by refusing to initially call you by your name stop feeling so nervous like you fucked up lmao

Tell her to call you Big-D

>"Hey, can we call you something else?"
>"oh ok"
you're a fool

>I'm Dirty Dan

That was literally all you had to say

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Just be the cooler Daniel

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>Call me Dan the Man
>Because I'm the man for you

Give her finger guns too

Rape the other Daniel in front of her to show your dominance

Piss on the girls. Then they're your property

call me dan the DICK MASTER

and grab your crotch

If there are two Daniels you call one of them Dan. I thought everyone knew this by now.

>When I was in prison they called me dangerous dan because I raped so many people haha

All you had to say

Shoulda called yourself Dan "The Man with the Master Plan" Schneider

>be grade 4
>first day of class
>another kid with my name in class
>teacher asks me if I have any nicknames I go by
>in what I imagine is a dark scary voice I say "call me....Sephiroth" with my eyes lowered menacingly
>teacher asks me to repeat myself because she doesn't think she heard me right
>go bright red in the face and stay absolute dead silent while she continually goes "hello? user? Can you say that again?"
>dead silent until it's so awkward she finally moves on
>rarely say another word and don't talk to a single other person until I finish elementary and leave the school

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Oooh can Kal neee blan ahhhh haha

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Dan dan the water man

dumb frog

>Not calling yourself Dan the Automator

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big dick dan

an original (You) 4 (You)

Gay cuck

Next time this happens just tell them to call you "the other Daniel". My name is Jacob and my department got a new Chad employee with the same name. Even though I've been working here for two years and he just srtarted he's already so popular that everyone knows his name, but to avoid confusion on the rare instances when I'm brought up, people just refer to me as "the other Jacob". it kinda hurts desu but I've gotten used to it

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