So you haven't realized it yet, have you?

So you haven't realized it yet, have you?
Alex Jones was right once again
Reiko is trying to turn the frogs gay

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is a tranny actively brainwashing young boys into becoming gay trannies too
You don't get more fucked up than this
Papa Alex tried to warn us but we wouldn't listen
What,s the next thing he'll tell us?

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>refuses to call out jews
>sells out during pizzagate
>the whole bohemian grove ordeal
You "woke" redditors are a different breed of stupid.

you're just jealous of his third eye

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Dumb ass. He's literally a character pushed to make "conspiracy theorist" (people who question shit) seem like lying wackjobs. Redditors who think he's legit are dumb as fuck.

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if he's supposed to be a wackjob, how can he be so right so often with his predictions?

>young boys

You need to be 18+ to post here

His documentaries give a lot of information

if you're too dumb to realize he just plays the front of trying to make conspiracy theorists look like nuts so that the powers that be don't pay attention when he drops real nuggets of deep NWO knowledge, i feel sorry for your parents

>how can he be so right so often with his predictions
His "predictions" are common knowledge. People that investigate that kinda stuff, already talk about that, most of time before him. He won't even touch certain subjects out of "controversy".
They give snippets of info. There are literally better channels on youtube that go into way more detail than he does. And are willing to touch topics that'll put you on youtubes shitlist. Unlike him.
Do you realize how dumb you sound? If you make conspiracy theorist sound dumb nobody wants to listen. The whole point is to get people "awake". They won't bother listening when they hear "DURR FROGZ GAY", this is mind control 101. I bet you buy into right and left, divide and conquer bullshit.

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I want to be feminised by reiko i get so horny when i read about what he does to other people

lol i kekd

i think the spider king has something to do with this

look up some info into how the marsupial magister plays into this
tip: you will not find him on discord

How about you actually link these YouTube channels you gay frog fucker.

I see posts like yourself the time with nothing to back it up.

I have a theory that all the anal porn is turning people into homos.

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Sure thing I was waiting for you to ask.
Here's a few. Educate yourself. Second channel occasionally post documentaries.

i'm currently communing with the fruit spirits, they're telling me that i need to go to the ancient forest and speak with tree construct. it'll take time, but i'll get there and when i do we can finally get some answers.

He seems like a personality but so does trump. It doesn't make it less genuine

>believing political news

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Is this satire?

The first bloke reads off from the BBC for one of his videos. The BBC are in the pockets of the conservative party in the UK, who are a shit show no matter how you look at it.

>Reiko is trying to turn the frogs gay
I'm sorry so many people missed this god tier joke.

>The first bloke reads off from the BBC for one of his videos
He's just reading off the source. He doesn't use it as "proof". You most likely didn't even watch the whole video.
Trump is literally one them. He does the signs. He's even apart of Hollywood, with his own star. You're pretty fucking dense if you don't see the connections.